Latin midterm two

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apud Rōmānōs sunt multī potentēs deī. fortasse rogāre vultis: “quī sunt potentēs deī Rōmānōrum? quid faciunt? quis rēgnat? sunt deī magnae benignitātis an crūdēlitātis? quī eōs colunt? cūr?” sī legētis, ō discipulī, omnia discētis!

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apud Rōmānōs sunt multī potentēs deī. fortasse rogāre vultis: “quī sunt potentēs deī Rōmānōrum? quid faciunt? quis rēgnat? sunt deī magnae benignitātis an crūdēlitātis? quī eōs colunt? cūr?” sī legētis, ō discipulī, omnia discētis!

Among the Romans, there are many powerful gods. Perhaps you want to ask: 'Who are the powerful gods of the Romans? What do they do? Who rules? Are the gods of great kindness or cruelty? Who worships them? Why?' If you will read, oh students, you will learn everything

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apud Rōmānōs

"among the Romans"

  • apud is a preposition meaning "among" or "at," and Rōmānōs is the accusative plural of Rōmānus (Roman).

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sunt multī potentēs deī

  • "there are many powerful gods"

    • sunt is the 3rd person plural of esse (to be), meaning "are."

    • multī is the nominative plural masculine adjective meaning "many."

    • potentēs is the nominative plural of the adjective potens (powerful), agreeing with deī.

    • deī is the nominative plural of deus (god).

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fortasse rogāre vultis

"perhaps you want to ask"

  • fortasse is an adverb meaning "perhaps."

  • rogāre is the present active infinitive of rogāre (to ask).

  • vultis is the 2nd person plural of velle (to want), meaning "you want."

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quī sunt potentēs deī Rōmānōrum?

Who are the powerful gods of the Romans?"

  • quī is the nominative plural interrogative pronoun meaning "who."

  • sunt (they are) is understood here.

  • potentēs deī – "powerful gods" (already explained above).

  • Rōmānōrum is the genitive plural of Rōmānus, meaning "of the Romans."

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quid faciunt?

"What do they do?"

  • quid is the nominative/accusative neuter interrogative pronoun meaning "what."

  • faciunt is the 3rd person plural present active of facere (to do).

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quis rēgnat?

"Who rules?"

  • quis is the singular nominative masculine/feminine interrogative pronoun meaning "who."

  • rēgnat is the 3rd person singular present active of rēgnāre (to reign or rule).

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sunt deī magnae benignitātis an crūdēlitātis?

"Are the gods of great kindness or cruelty?"

  • sunt – "are."

  • deī – "gods."

  • magnae benignitātis – "of great kindness."

    • magnae is the genitive singular feminine of magnus (great), agreeing with benignitātis.

    • benignitātis is the genitive singular of benignitās (kindness).

  • an – "or."

  • crūdēlitātis is the genitive singular of crūdēlitās (cruelty).

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quī eōs colunt?

"Who worships them?"

  • quī – "who" (nominative plural).

  • eōs – "them" (accusative plural masculine of is, a demonstrative pronoun).

  • colunt – "they worship" (3rd person plural present active of colere).

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sī legētis, ō discipulī, omnia discētis!

  1. "If you will read, oh students, you will learn everything!"

  • – "if."

  • legētis – 2nd person plural future active of legere (to read).

  • ō discipulī – "oh students" (vocative plural of discipulus).

  • omnia – "everything" (accusative plural neuter of omnis).

  • discētis – 2nd person plural future active of discere (to learn).

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immortālis Juppiter

Immortal Jupiter"

  • immortālis is the nominative singular of immortālis (immortal), describing Jupiter.

  • Juppiter (Jupiter) is a proper noun and the subject of the sentence.

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rēx paterque deōrum

  • "the king and father of the gods"

    • rēx is the nominative singular of rēx (king).

    • paterque combines pater (father) with the enclitic -que, which means "and."

    • deōrum is the genitive plural of deus (god), meaning "of the gods."

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est deus maximae potentiae

"is a god of the greatest power"

  • est is the 3rd person singular present of esse (to be).

  • deus is the nominative singular (subject).

  • maximae potentiae is in the genitive singular, meaning "of the greatest power."

    • maximae is the genitive singular feminine of maximus (greatest), agreeing with potentiae.

    • potentiae is the genitive singular of potentia (power).

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et in caelum terramque rēgnat

"and reigns over the sky and the earth"

  • et means "and."

  • in caelum means "over the sky" (caelum is accusative here, governed by the preposition in).

  • terramque is terram (accusative singular of terra, earth) + -que (and).

  • rēgnat is the 3rd person singular present of rēgnāre (to rule or reign).

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deus maximae auctōritātis et dignitātis est

"He is a god of the greatest authority and dignity."

  • deus – "god."

  • maximae auctōritātis – "of the greatest authority" (genitive).

    • auctōritātis is the genitive singular of auctōritās (authority).

  • et dignitātis – "and of dignity."

    • dignitātis is the genitive singular of dignitās (dignity).

  • est – "he is."

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fortasse rogātis

Perhaps you ask."

  • fortasse is an adverb meaning "perhaps."

  • rogātis is the 2nd person plural present of rogāre (to ask).

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est benignus an crūdēlis?

"Is he kind or cruel?"

  • est – "is."

  • benignus – "kind."

  • an – "or."

  • crūdēlis – "cruel."

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est saepe benignus et saepe crūdēlis

"He is often kind and often cruel."

  • est – "is."

  • saepe – "often" (an adverb).

  • benignus – "kind."

  • et – "and."

  • crūdēlis – "cruel."

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ergō omnēs mortālēs potentiam ejus timent

  • "Therefore all mortals fear his power."

    • ergō – "therefore."

    • omnēs mortālēs – "all mortals" (both nominative plural, as subjects).

    • potentiam – "power" (accusative singular of potentia).

    • ejus – "his" (genitive singular of is, a pronoun).

    • timent – 3rd person plural present of timēre (to fear).

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et semper timēbunt

"and they will always fear (it)."

  • et – "and."

  • semper – "always" (adverb).

  • timēbunt – 3rd person plural future active of timēre (they will fear).

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eum laudant et colunt

"they praise and worship him."

  • eum – "him" (accusative singular pronoun).

  • laudant – 3rd person plural present of laudāre (to praise).

  • et colunt – "and worship" (colunt is 3rd person plural present of colere).

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et dōna dant

  • "and they give gifts."

    • et – "and."

    • dōna – "gifts" (accusative plural of dōnum).

    • dant – 3rd person plural present of dare (to give).

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et eum semper colent et laudābunt et dōna dabunt

"and they will always worship and praise him and give gifts."

  • et – "and."

  • eum – "him" (accusative).

  • semper – "always."

  • colent – "they will worship" (future of colere).

  • laudābunt – "they will praise" (future of laudāre).

  • dōna dabunt – "they will give gifts" (future of dare).

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quia deus maximae potentiae est

"because he is a god of the greatest power."

  • quia – "because."

  • deus – "god."

  • maximae potentiae – "of the greatest power" (genitive).

  • est – "is."

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immortālis Juppiter, rēx paterque deōrum, est deus maximae potentiae et in caelum terramque rēgnat. deus maximae auctōritātis et dignitātis est. fortasse rogātis: “est benignus an crūdēlis?” est saepe benignus et saepe crūdēlis. ergō omnēs mortālēs potentiam ejus timent et semper timēbunt; eum laudant et colunt et dōna dant et eum semper colent et laudābunt et dōna dabunt quia deus maximae potentiae est.

"Immortal Jupiter, the king and father of the gods, is a god of the greatest power and reigns over the sky and the earth. He is a god of the greatest authority and dignity. Perhaps you ask: 'Is he kind or cruel?' He is often kind and often cruel. Therefore, all mortals fear his power and will always fear it; they praise and worship him, and they give gifts, and they will always worship and praise him, and they will give gifts because he is a god of the greatest power."

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pater Jovis est deus Sāturnus

"The father of Jupiter is the god Saturn."

  • pater – "father" (nominative singular).

  • Jovis – genitive singular of Juppiter (Jupiter), meaning "of Jupiter."

  • est – "is" (3rd person singular of esse).

  • deus – "god" (nominative singular).

  • Sāturnus – proper noun (nominative, subject)

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et māter est dea Ops

"and the mother is the goddess Ops."

  • māter – "mother" (nominative singular).

  • est – "is."

  • dea – "goddess" (nominative singular).

  • Ops – proper noun (nominative, subject).

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uxor Sāturnī

"the wife of Saturn."

  • uxor – "wife" (nominative singular).

  • Sāturnī – genitive singular of Sāturnus, meaning "of Saturn."

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fortasse rogātis

  • "Perhaps you ask."

    • fortasse – "perhaps."

    • rogātis – 2nd person plural present of rogāre (to ask).

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cūr Juppiter est rēx deōrum?

"Why is Jupiter the king of the gods?"

  • cūr – "why."

  • Juppiter – "Jupiter" (nominative singular, subject).

  • est – "is."

  • rēx – "king" (nominative singular).

  • deōrum – genitive plural of deus (god), meaning "of the gods."

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nōnne pater Jovis, deus Sāturnus, rēx deōrum esse dēbet?

"Shouldn't Jupiter's father, the god Saturn, be the king of the gods?"

  • nōnne – introduces a question expecting a "yes" answer, translated as "Shouldn't."

  • pater Jovis – "the father of Jupiter" (nominative/genitive construction).

  • deus Sāturnus – "the god Saturn."

  • rēx deōrum – "king of the gods."

  • esse – infinitive of esse (to be).

  • dēbet – 3rd person singular present of dēbēre (should or ought)

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"Not at all!" (an emphatic negation).

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nam Juppiter contrā patrem bellum gessit

"For Jupiter waged war against his father."

  • nam – "for" (introduces an explanation).

  • Juppiter – "Jupiter" (nominative singular).

  • contrā – "against" (preposition that takes the accusative).

  • patrem – "father" (accusative singular of pater).

  • bellum – "war" (accusative singular of bellum).

  • gessit – 3rd person singular perfect of gerere (to wage or carry on).

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et eum vīcit

"and defeated him."

  • et – "and."

  • eum – "him" (accusative singular masculine pronoun, referring to Saturn).

  • vīcit – 3rd person singular perfect of vincere (to conquer or defeat).

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et imperium cēpit

– "and seized the power."

  • et – "and."

  • imperium – "power" (accusative singular of imperium).

  • cēpit – 3rd person singular perfect of capere (to seize or take).

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pater Jovis est deus Sāturnus et māter est dea Ops, uxor Sāturnī. fortasse rogātis: “cūr Juppiter est rex deōrum? nōnne pater Jovis, deus Sāturnus, rēx deōrum esse dēbet?” minimē! nam Juppiter contrā patrem bellum gessit* et eum vīcit* et imperium cēpit.

"The father of Jupiter is the god Saturn, and the mother is the goddess Ops, the wife of Saturn. Perhaps you ask: 'Why is Jupiter the king of the gods? Shouldn't Jupiter's father, the god Saturn, be the king of the gods?' Not at all! For Jupiter waged war against his father, defeated him, and seized the power."

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ō rem audācem et turpem!

"Oh, what a bold and shameful deed!"

  • ō – an exclamatory particle, "oh!"

  • rem – "deed" (accusative singular of rēs).

  • audācem – "bold" (accusative singular of audāx, modifying rem).

  • et – "and."

  • turpem – "shameful" (accusative singular of turpis, also modifying rem)

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nunc Juppiter rēx in omnia rēgnat

"Now Jupiter, the king, rules over everything."

  • nunc – "now."

  • Juppiter – "Jupiter" (nominative singular).

  • rēx – "king" (nominative singular, appositive to Jupiter).

  • in omnia – "over everything" (omnia is accusative plural neuter of omnis).

  • rēgnat – 3rd person singular present of rēgnāre (to rule or reign).

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et in omnia semper rēgnābit

"and will always rule over everything."

  • et – "and."

  • in omnia – "over everything."

  • semper – "always."

  • rēgnābit – 3rd person singular future of rēgnāre (he will rule).

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quia est et semper erit deus maximae potentiae et auctōritātis et dignitātis

"because he is and will always be a god of the greatest power, authority, and dignity."

  • quia – "because."

  • est – "he is."

  • et semper erit – "and will always be" (future of esse).

  • deus – "god."

  • maximae potentiae et auctōritātis et dignitātis – "of the greatest power, authority, and dignity" (all genitive singular):

    • maximae – "of the greatest" (genitive singular feminine of maximus, agreeing with all three nouns).

    • potentiae – "power" (genitive singular of potentia).

    • auctōritātis – "authority" (genitive singular of auctōritās).

    • dignitātis – "dignity" (genitive singular of dignitās).

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dīc mihi, quaesō

Tell me, please."

  • dīc – imperative singular of dīcere (to say or tell).

  • mihi – "to me" (dative singular).

  • quaesō – "please" (a polite request).

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cūr omnēs Rōmānī Jovem colunt

"Why do all Romans worship Jupiter?"

  • cūr – "why."

  • omnēs Rōmānī – "all Romans" (nominative plural).

  • Jovem – "Jupiter" (accusative singular of Juppiter).

  • colunt – 3rd person plural present of colere (to worship).

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eum colitis?

Do you worship him?"

  • eum – "him" (accusative singular pronoun).

  • colitis – 2nd person plural present of colere (you worship).

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eum colētis?

"Will you worship him?"

  • eum – "him."

  • colētis – 2nd person plural future of colere (you will worship).

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hunc deum colere dēbēmus

"We ought to worship this god."

  • hunc – "this" (accusative singular masculine demonstrative pronoun).

  • deum – "god" (accusative singular).

  • colere – infinitive of colere (to worship).

  • dēbēmus – 1st person plural present of dēbēre (we ought to).

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(ō rem audcem et turpem!) nunc Juppiter rēx in omnia rēgnat et in omnia semper rēgnābit, quia est et semper erit deus maximae potentiae et auctōritātis et dignitātis. dīc mihi, quaesō, cūr omnēs Rōmānī Jovem colunt. eum colitis? eum colētis? hunc deum colere dēbēmus

"Oh, what a bold and shameful deed! Now Jupiter rules over everything and will always rule over everything, because he is and will always be a god of the greatest power, authority, and dignity. Tell me, please, why do all Romans worship Jupiter? Do you worship him? Will you worship him? We ought to worship this god."

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duō frātrēs Jovis sunt

"Two brothers of Jupiter are..."

  • duō – "two" (nominative masculine plural of duo, agreeing with frātrēs).

  • frātrēs – "brothers" (nominative plural of frāter).

  • Jovis – "of Jupiter" (genitive singular of Juppiter).

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immortālis Neptūnus et immortālis Plūtō

"the immortal Neptune and the immortal Pluto."

  • immortālis – "immortal" (nominative singular, used as an adjective for both Neptūnus and Plūtō).

  • Neptūnus and Plūtō are proper nouns (nominative singular).

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Neptūnus deus marium et omnium flūminum est

"Neptune is the god of the seas and all rivers."

  • Neptūnus – "Neptune" (nominative singular).

  • deus marium – "god of the seas" (genitive plural of mare, sea).

  • et omnium flūminum – "and of all rivers" (genitive plural of flūmen, river).

  • est – "is" (3rd person singular of esse).

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et in maria et in omnia flūmina rēgnat et semper rēgnābit

"and he rules over the seas and all rivers and will always rule."

  • – "both...and" or "and...and."

  • in maria – "over the seas" (accusative plural of mare with in).

  • in omnia flūmina – "over all rivers" (accusative plural of flūmen).

  • rēgnat – 3rd person singular present of rēgnāre (he rules).

  • rēgnābit – 3rd person singular future of rēgnāre (he will rule).

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est deus magnae dīgnitātis et auctōritātis

"He is a god of great dignity and authority."

  • est – "is."

  • deus – "god."

  • magnae dīgnitātis – "of great dignity" (genitive singular).

  • et auctōritātis – "and of authority" (genitive singular).

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et saepe est deus magnae īrae

"and he is often a god of great anger."

  • et saepe – "and often."

  • est – "is."

  • deus – "god."

  • magnae īrae – "of great anger" (genitive singular).

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omnēs nautae potentiam ejus timent

  • "All sailors fear his power."

    • omnēs nautae – "all sailors" (nominative plural).

    • potentiam – "power" (accusative singular of potentia).

    • ejus – "his" (genitive singular pronoun).

    • timent – 3rd person plural present of timēre (they fear).

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ergō eum colunt et semper colent

  • "therefore they worship him and will always worship him."

    • ergō – "therefore."

    • eum – "him" (accusative singular).

    • colunt – 3rd person plural present of colere (they worship).

    • colent – 3rd person plural future of colere (they will worship).

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dōna dant et semper dabunt

"They give gifts and will always give them."

  • dōna – "gifts" (accusative plural of dōnum).

  • dant – 3rd person plural present of dare (they give).

  • dabunt – 3rd person plural future of dare (they will give).

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dīc mihi, quaesō

"Tell me, please."

  • dīc – imperative singular of dīcere (tell).

  • mihi – "to me" (dative singular).

  • quaesō – "please" (polite request).

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cūr nautae potentiam Neptūnī timent

"Why do the sailors fear Neptune's power?"

  • cūr – "why."

  • nautae – "sailors" (nominative plural).

  • potentiam – "power" (accusative singular).

  • Neptūnī – "of Neptune" (genitive singular).

  • timent – "fear" (3rd person plural present of timēre).

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eum colitis?

"Do you worship him?"

  • eum – "him" (accusative singular).

  • colitis – 2nd person plural present of colere.

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eum colētis?

"Will you worship him?"

  • colētis – 2nd person plural future of colere.

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hunc deum colere dēbēmus?

"Ought we to worship this god?"

  • hunc deum – "this god" (accusative singular).

  • colere – infinitive of colere (to worship).

  • dēbēmus – 1st person plural present of dēbēre (we ought).

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