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Reforms of Pope Gregory VIII (the 7th)

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Reforms of Pope Gregory VIII (the 7th)

He wanted the church to be the center of life, before Gregory, bishops were picked by the king, now Gregory picks the bishops himself, it was Kings before Church to Church before Kings

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Chinese Tribute System

a set of practices that required non chinese authorities to acknowledge Chinese superiority. foreigners seeking access to China had to send a delegation to Chinese court and perform kowtow. Emperor would grant permission for reign trade.

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Fall of the Tang Dynasty

Rising costs of government caused the Tang rulers to impose crushing taxes which caused hardship to the people but failed to cover costs of military expansion and new building programs. Muslim armies defeated the Chinese at the Battle of Talas. As a result China lost Central Asia and entered a period of chaos and disorder. In 907 the Chinese rebels burned the Tang capital at Ch'ang-an and murdered the last Tang emperor, a child. The Military is the reason of why the Tang fall

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Economic system of trading nations; belief that a nation's power was directly related to its wealth
mother nation to colony

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Malaca Sultanate

An Islamic state ruled by a sultan. The islam religon got diffused to Malaca from trade. They built a navy to fight on the oceans which makes them very wealthy.

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Mansa Musa

Emperor of the kingdom of Mali in Africa. He made a famous pilgrimage to Mecca and established trade routes to the Middle East.

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What is Ecrasez L'infame?

"crush infamy", basically all forms of repression, fanaticism and bigotry

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Muslim house of worship

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Tower attached to a Muslim mosque, having one or more projecting balconies from which a crier calls Muslims to prayer.

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The Great Schism

Happens within Christianity, it breaks off into two sects: Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church, because of religous arguements about iconoclasm controversery, people believed you should not worship icons

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European Feudalism

On the top were the kings and queens, next is the Church officials and nobles/wealthy, next were the Knights, and lastly were the peasants or Serfs (serfdom)

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World of Knights

The knights believed warfare was a way of life, they start training at the age of 7 and live by a Chivalry code of ethics

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Grandson of Charles Martel. He unified germanic tribes under one rule, they became Centralized under his rule. He was crowned emperor in 800 AD by pope Leo III

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Holy Roman Reich

Reich is the world for empire so it would be Holy Roman Empire, there are 3 reichs and each a thousand years.

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Pater Europae

father of Europe, Charlemagne

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After Charlemange's death

After Charlemange's death, there is no leader that is as strong as him that can rule europe like him, so the empire becomes decentralized again

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Kievan Rus

first civilization in russia that was greatly influenced by the byzantine empire

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The Slavs

They were an Ethnic group in eastern Europe (Poland, Ukraine, and Russia), these people are hunters and live in long winters. They had area ruled by a prince and they adopt Eastern Orthodox, they share the same culture as the Byzantine empire

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The Magyars

Muslims who attacked Europe and converted to Christianity and established Hungary

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Economic system during the Middle Ages that revolved around self-sufficient farming estates where lords and peasants shared the land.

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Feudal system, the use of serfs to work the land in return for protection against barbarian invasions

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Three field system (Europe period one)

Land is cut into three portions, field one and two were used and three was not used, they did this because the fields were very large and unsustainable for farmers

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A long series of wars between Christians and Muslims in Southwest Asia, the war was to get control back from the Seljuk turks who took their land in the Battle of Manizkert and those who fought in the Crusades were forgiven for all sins. There were four total Crusades, this was the only real win for Christianity

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Caste System (India)

a social structure in which classes are determined by heredity in India

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Ghazvanid Dynasty

Mahmud of Ghazni (a turk) is the leader of this dynasty. They settled into modern day Afghanistan then moved west towards the Abbasids

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A religion based on the teachings of the Buddha.

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A religion and philosophy developed in ancient India, characterized by a belief in reincarnation and a supreme being who takes many forms

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The Delhi Sultanate

Descendants of the Ghaznavid Dynasty, their ethinicty is also turks, there was Murder and INtrigue with who was going to be ruler. There was Jizya Tax which is tax for those who are not muslim (don't follow islam)

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Sui (Say) Dynasty

The Sui dynasty was a military society, they had harsh military services and it was conscription. The sui dynasty created the Grand Canal which brought North and South china together. People were not fond of the Sui dynasty because they would all die because of war and labor.
They had a war with Korea about 3 times but never won, they fought because of imperialism. The peasents were upset and revolted because they were being used as the warriors for the battles that they died in so the Sui emperor was assassinated and lost the Mandate of Heaven. They were using Legalism which the peasents didn't like.

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Tang Dynasty

The tang dynasty takes over after the Sui Dynasty. They all converted to Confucianism and got rid of legalism, Emperor Tang Taizong wanted to rule fairly and do the opposite of what the Sui dynasty did. There was a period of prosperity and stability where there was low prices for taxes and rice. They created the equal field system aswell. They viewed themselves to be the most civilized empire in the world. Now people cannot leave

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Equal Field System

This Chinese system allotted land to individuals and their families according to the land's fertility and the recipients' needs.

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Civil Service Exam

a test given to qualify candidates for positions in the government

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A philosophy that adheres to the teachings of the Chinese philosopher Confucius. It shows the way to ensure a stable government and an orderly society in the present world and stresses a moral code of conduct. Confucianism was viewed as a state cult

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Buddism in China

Xuanzang traveled to India and met buddhist monks who told him about BUddhism and when he came back to China he spread the word and became a celebrity throughout China

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Song Dynasty

(960-1279 CE) The Chinese dynasty that placed much more emphasis on civil administration, industry, education, and arts other than military.

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Economic Revolution

The Song Dynasty becomes very strong and they have a great Economy

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A theory or system of social organization based on the holding of all property in common, actual ownership being ascribed to the community as a whole or to the state.

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An economic system based on private ownership of capital

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A system in which society, usually in the form of the government, owns and controls the means of production.

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Fixed Prices

the price of a good or a service is not subject to bargaining

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A market in which there are many buyers but only one seller.

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Developed under the Tang rule, it is used in the military in the Song Dynasty, they create canons and later it is used for firearms

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Increase of trade of Luxury goods

Over the oceans, silk road trades, and other trade routes, Luxury goods are being traded with each other

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Neo Confucianism

The Confucian response to Buddhism by taking Confucian and Buddhist beliefs and combining them into this. However, it is still very much Confucian in belief.
Chu Hsi is the one who creates Neo Confucianism
this is an example of Cultural Syncretism

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Agriculture Developments under the tang and song dynasties

Starts in the Tang dynasty and into the Song dynasty
-Sui occupied Vietnam at one point
-New types of rice
--Champa rice
-Commericail Agriculture- selling crops for money
-Increases in population
-Increase in the cities
-Song became the most urbanized civilization in the world at this period

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The Song Is Patriarchal

Foot binding was very popular under the Song with women. Women were also very wealthy. Women were confined to domestic roles and they did housework

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Men having more than one spouses

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Japan is very isolated and not many people live here, the natural resources are low and only 16% of its land can be used for agriculture because there are a lot of mountains which makes Japan's population low. Their religon was Shinto (Basically animistic and there is no seperation between the spirit world and the human world and there were great dieties like the Sun God, the Moon good, etc.

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Taika Reforms

The ruling Yamato family sent officials to tang Dynasty to recruit personnel trained in Chinese ways and they wanted to copy things from the Tang like the civil service exam and their agricultural economy.

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Failure of reforms in Japan

The failure of reforms in Japan causes them to adopt both feudalism and a manor economy.

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Social Hierarchy in Japan (PERIOD ONE)

Emperor (Decendant of the sun goddess but does not have power, he is a figure head)
Shogun (Controlled and ruled the military and they have power over lower classes and even somewhat o the Emperor)
Daimyos (Nobles who DON'T control military)
Samurai (The trained professionals)
Ronin- (Like Samurai but without masters or they went rouge)
The peasents (working class that works the fields)
The Artisans (people that make things [manufacterors])
Merchants- (They sell things but they don't produce things, the peasents produce)

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Ritual suicide or disembowelment in Japan; commonly known in West as hara-kiri; demonstrated courage and a means to restore family honor.

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belly cutting

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Death before Dishonor

If you lost a battle or dishonored your family, you'd kill yourself

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Zen Buddhism

Devolped during the tang dynasty, it is a Buddhist sect that emphasizes enlightenment through meditation and stresses simplicity and discipline

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Rise of the Shogun

The had a Shogunate government, the shoguns fight for top rule of shogun, so this means that Japan will go through periods of civil wars in which the shogun will be head of Government

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Expansion of Trade

China, Melaka Sultanate, Kilwa, Mombasa, Mogadishu are all dependent of trade with eachother and Indian Ocean is the economic hotspot.
They trade luxury goods
--High Carbon Steel
--Tanned leather
--Artisan Stone work
-Modern Day Malaysia and Indonesia
--Speces (Nutmeg, Cinnamon, CLoves, Cardamom, Salt, pepper, and more)
-Swahili city states
-Southwest Asia: Thailand
-Muslims (Persians and Arabians are the dominant seafarers)
Calicut is an imprtant trdae city in india

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monsoon winds

Rains and winds a lot and happens every year
-set wind patterns, they don't change directions
In the winter the winds are from the northeast and in the Summer they are from the Southeast
this helps the boats because the wind directs them which way to go
The Merchants had to carefully plan out their ttavels and sometimes they would wait in ports and while there they would meet some others and marry and that is how religon got diffused to other areas beside the mother home.

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Swahili city states

Kilwa, Mombasa and Mogadishu. They all adopt islam, and they spoke Shahili which is a mix of Bantu and arabic
these are all trade cities and they have a competition of war

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Trans Saharan Trade

A trade route that crosses the Saharan on North Africa in 650 AD. Muslims Arabs, and Berbers traded here. There were Caravans which is a group of Merchants that use camels to travel

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Camel Hotels
Merchants stay here and take their camels to get good treatment and they can take breaks in the deserts

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Muslims enslave non muslims on the trans-saharan trade routes but mostly women were being enslaved. POWS (Prisoners of war). Debtors, Kidnapped Victims

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Mali Empire

Before the Mali empire was the Ghana empire which was overthrown and taken by the Mali.
Sundiata- The lion prince
Timbuktu and Gao were the World Centers for muslim learning

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They Have very big gold fields and they are very wealthy but they don't trade with the Indian ocean. They speak Swahili. They decline very fast because the cattle are overgrazing and eatng all the crops and grass so they go back to being nomadic tribes

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The mongols were very diverse in religion and they were skilled nomad warriors. The were located on the Russian Steppes in which it was difficult to farm because of the bad soil. The Mongols were a meritocracy, so the ranks were based on who was wealthy. Many people were afraid of the Mongols and before or during war they would either have to submit to rule or be killed.

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Religion of the Mongols

The mongols were diverse nomadic tribes that included Christianity, Islam, Buddhims,

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Genghis Khan (Temujin)

A Mongolian general and emperor of the late twelfth and early thirteenth centuries, known for his military leadership and great cruelty. He conquered vast portions of northern China and southwestern Asia.

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Split of the Mongol Empire

The mongol empire split in the golden horde into the Persian, Iraq, Afghanistan, and the Yuan Dynasty in china

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The golden Horde

Modern day Russia, there is a principality and they create a totalitarian state (Complete authority, like hitler. He is controlling every single thing
The mongols don't kill the keiv or moscow because they let them rule over them so the princes can continue to rule as long as they pay tribute
Eastern orthodox religon can still be practiced
The mongols are very diverse about religion, so they don't have a religon to force on them and bc they are diverse they allow others they rule over to be diverse aswell.)

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Mamluk Sultanate

A political unit in Egypt. Did not set up a consistent, hereditary line of succession.Failed to adapt to new warfare and were eventually defeated by the Ottomans.
Mamluk was a person who was a slave normally of turkish ethnicity who was purchased by an islamic state and used as a warrior

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Battle of Ali Jalut

Modern day israel
The mamluks had about 12k fighters while the mongols have about 100k
But, within the mongol empire, there is internal division
Ilkhanate vs Golden horde
12-20k mongols left after they fought
Mamluk wins the battle
This has never ever happened before in the mongol empire times because they were strong, but since they divided and fought eachother they became weak
The guy with feather is the mongol
The other guy is a mamluk
These are the visuals on pae 129 and also on the schoology page
This is the first battle that the mongols fought other cavalry, the always fought with people who fought on the ground
They were both most likely born as nomads and they are from the same area so they have the same fighting tactics
They don't have the tactical advantage of what they would with others.
They only killed one mongol force, and they is more left

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Battle of Homs

The mongols return in 1280
They get some people to be their allies, but its mainly just the mamluks and mongols
This time the mongols won, because they got more warriors
Mamluks had about 30k and the mongols had about 60/80k
The mamluks charge mongol center column withdrawals-rest of mongols take this as they are retreating
The mamluks do a sucide charge, they just charge at them and the mongols retreat because they get scared, and since it is at the center column the general/commander is there.
The mongols leave the battle field, they were scared and they took some casualties so they retreated. They fought but it was to much
They dont destroy all the mongol army because they retreated.
The mamluks kind of won but they also kind of lost because the mongols are still there
The mongol leaders convert to islam, and they let the mamluks do their own things
Since the mamluks were far from their homeland they could have ran out of supplies

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Yaun Dynasty

the dynasty that was created when the mongols took over china in about 1200 A.B. and they ended the civil service exam and chinese could not run in government and the mongols were ruthless to the chinese

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Mongol rule in China

Military occupation
China has a huge military and plays a huge role in the government
Chinese are forbidden to carry arms or retaliate if injured by mongols
The chinese can't do anything bad to the mongols because if they do then they get killed
Intermarrigae is forbidden, two ethnicities and two races, they believe to protect the mongols genes, they don't allow chinese and mongols to marry
They think if their people marry chinese, then the mongols will over time disappear and get smaller
The chinese were also forbidden to study the mongol language

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Ming Dynasty

Chinese dynasty that ruled from 1368 to 1644 after the Yuan dynasty and it was happening because of the people getting upset at the mongols ruling. the chinese won the mandate of heaven back and the civil service comes back

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Maritime Achievements and Decline (China)

The compass was created in the Han Dynasty and they also had huge ships. the ming had the capability to be the dominant trade group.

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Timurid Empire

Turkic empire founded by Timur under whom the arts flourished

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Rise of Ottoman Turks

Occurred because of the fall of the Seljuk Turks caused by the Mongol invasion of Anatolia.
They lasted until world war one
Osmen Bey
Founder and the person who started the ottoman turks
The 2nd turkish dynasty
Osman broke off the seljek turks and he created his own ethnic group
He is a sunni muslim
Successor is the best person suited for the job
Because sunni and shia are different they hate eacother and kill eachother
Osman carves his little kingdom out of the byzantines
They get weak becuase the power was shook but the recover
Sultan mehemmed II pushed to take constantinople

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Battle of Constantinople

The turks use canons to break down constantinoples tall walls
The canons are made in factories by iron and molds to make it.
They get the canons from the hungarians and later they actually fight the hungarians
It takes 12 days for them to actually take down or atleast make some holes in the walls
They know if they don't win they will kill or get enslaved
The byzantines are waiting for them to come in
The ottomen break through the walls and take over the byzantines
The hagia sophia is converted to a mosque and over time christians also use it so the church/mosques become hybrid and they don't destroy it bc they belivee in the same god
Constantinople is renamed to ISTANBUL 1453
Constantinople reached out for help from the romes and they watched them get destroyed
This means that the eastern orthodox churches cultural hearth got destroyed so they don't have the area and in theory they think it'll be destroyed
The religion was diffused so it doesn't destroy and the capital moves to Russia
All european dreams of controlling trade and the hearth is all gone
They wanted to control on the silk road
Europe looks west for the goods that they get
Christopher columbus
Ottomans controlled the trade routes
One cause of the crusades is because the europeans wanted to control trade

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Land Based Empires

1. Ottomans
2. Mughals
3. Safavids
4. Russia
5. China- Qing Dynasty

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Maritime based empires

1. Portugal
4.great britain

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A country expands its power of influence

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Ways imperialism is done

1. Military Force
2. Diplomacy
3. Economics

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taking over an rea and making it into a colony

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What are land based empires

a land based empire is an empire on land who trades on land and who has armies

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what are maritime based empiers

maritime based empires are empires who live by water or close by water and who trdae on water and they have navies

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Ottoman Empire

-Sultanate-the sultan is the absolute ruler "Commander of faithful"
-"Law of fratricide"-Took in christian boys to use for their military and government and this was called Devshirme
-You can move up the social ranks through the hierarchy
-Jews, Christians, and Muslims could all be apart of the hierarchy

<p>-Sultanate-the sultan is the absolute ruler "Commander of faithful"<br>-"Law of fratricide"-Took in christian boys to use for their military and government and this was called Devshirme<br>-You can move up the social ranks through the hierarchy<br>-Jews, Christians, and Muslims could all be apart of the hierarchy</p>
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'Selection' in Turkish. The system by which boys from Christian communities were taken by the Ottoman state to serve as Janissaries.

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Infantry, originally of slave origin, armed with firearms and constituting the elite of the Ottoman army from the fifteenth century until the corps was abolished in 1826.

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Ottoman Hierarchy

-Based on what kind of job you had
-Ottoman professional people were strictly of ottoman ethnicity, but other jobs were for anyone else

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Suleiman The Magnificent

Great Ottoman leader, expanded land area of Ottomans, and restructured system of law. He also created the Suleiman Mosque

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Safavid Dynasty

-Modern day Iran
-Religious hatred with Ottomans because they were Sunni

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Battle of Chaldrian (1514)

the Ottomans defeated the Safavids

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Russia was located at the Kieven Rus and Moscow, aswell as the Golden Horde (when taken from the Mongols). Russia is a imperialist state and they believe themselves to be the "Third Rome"

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The grand duchy of Moscow

A principality that grows in strength

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Ivan the Great

a tsar who brought much of northern Russia under his rule
He also married the last niece of the Byzantine empire which creates legitimacy of his state being the third rome.

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The Kremlin was the building in Russia that was the "Congress" house

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Red Wall

The wall surrounding the Kremlin

<p>The wall surrounding the Kremlin</p>
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State sponsored maritime expansion

-countries expand their borders and its imperial power, and since its maritime then they are expanding by sea/water
-the state pays for this expansion

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The first school of Navigation

-Prince Henry the navigator was the first to create this school
-school makes people capable of navigating seas and oceans
-they teach how to use the winds, sails, stars, etc.

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