clear examples in nature of non thinking beings acting to achieve a purpose- eg a sunflower turns towards the sun.
Natural things are directed towards their purpose
we need an explanation for purpose as purpose suggests conscience- God is an explanation which works.
could be another explanation for apparent purpose- living beings/organisms look purposeful but they have evolved to suit their environment.
seems to have a design but but really its just a process of the less adapted dying out- Darwinism+ natural selection ( the selfish gene)
Aquinas makes an assumption about purpose- could be down to chance.
natural things may not have innate purpose- down to human construct
Purpose may change/have different purpose
Aquinas is accused of committing a logical fallacy
Even if there is an external force of intelligence directing the world, who says it’s the Christian god. Why not Aristotles prime mover?
There are things which do not have an obvious purpose
What happens if complex things produce complex things
Infinite regress
Designer doesn’t have to be a the theistic god- world incompatible with qualities of a Christian God.
Humans have influence on the world
Inductive leap
Payley unaware of evolution
Evolution hasn’t been designed, its been adapted over millions of years
“Natural selection”- not random
Payley would argue that God created polar bears with white fur for protection but really their white fur is a result of adaption over millions of years
There must be some design to evolution
Even though evolution seems random- God has planned it we just don’t know it.
The “design” of evolution entails a plan when clearly there is no plan
Evolution is not random it is a consequence of natural selection
God= necessary being
However- what makes him necessary?
Intelligence is governing the world, it doesnt have to be God, could be gravity etc.
Hume uses analogy of the house- There are several creators- not one creater, whilst Payley would argue there is only one designer- who says this has to be God?
The universe is fine tuned for humans exisistence
If we shifted the laws of physics slightly then nothing would exist
God is simplest answer to this- ochamzs razor
only 13% of universe is habitable for humans
World is extremely hostile to humans