Where you are with strangers and fear rejection
With friends where you are concerned about gaining social approval rather than rejection
May occur in stressful situations where people gave a greater need for social support
To investigate the effect of discussion on groups on the accuracy of individual judgement of the number of jellybeans in a jar
Participants made individual private estimates of the number of jellybeans in a jar
They then discussed their estimates, either in a large group or in several smaller groups, discovering that individuals diifered widely in their estimates
After discussion, group estimates were made
Participants the made a second individual,private estimate
Individuals second guesses tended to converge their group estimates
Women conformed more than men did
The judgements of individuals are affected by majority opinions especially in ambiguous or unfamiliar situations. Discussion is not effective in changing opinions unless those individuals who enter the discussion become aware that the opinion of others are different to theirs
Like SPE, participants were randomly assigned the role guard or prisoner.
They found that participants did not automatically conform to their assigned role like in SPE
Prisoners increasingly identified as a groupand worked collectively to challenge the authority of the guards and establish a more egalitarian set of social relations within the prison.
The guards also failed to identify with their role, which made them reluctant to impose their authority on the prisoners. This led to a shift of power and the collapse of the prison.
40 male participants recruited through a newspaper advert and were paid $4.50 ti take part
They were all invited to Yale university where they met the experimenter and another participant ( both were confederates)
They ‘drew’ to see who would be assigned each for role but this was fixed so that the real participant was always given the role of teacher
Participants were instructed to administer an electric shock whenever the learner made a mistake
The learner was strapped into a chair on the room next door and a shock was demonstrated to the teacher. The teacher was required to test the learners ability to recall pairs of words. Whenever an incorrect answer was given the teachers was required to give an electric shock off increasing voltage, starting at 15 volts going up in intervals of 15 to 450 volts
At 300 volts the learner would bang on the the wall and after 315 volts there was no further response from the learner
The experiment continued until the participant refused to continue or the maximum level of 450 volts was reached. If the teacher tried to stop the experiment, the experimenter would respond with a series of verbal prods
Milgram found all that participants went to at least 300 volts and 65% continued to the full 450 volts
Along with this quantitative data, qualitative observations were also made which reported that participants showed signs of distress and tension e.g. Sweating, stuttering and trembling
Under the right situation, ordinary people will obey unjust orders from someone perceived to be a legitimate authority figure
Participants were debriefed and assured thar their behaviour was normal and 84% reported that they were happy to have participated
74% were said to have learned something of personal importance
Most societies are hierarchal in their structure
People in certain positions have authority over us at times
Their authority is legitimate because it has been agreed on by society
Most of us accept the authority because it allows society to function smoothly
This legitimacy of authority allows some people to punish others , and this is generally accepted
Individuals who scored highly on the F-Scale ( those with an authoritarian personality) identified with 'strong' people and showed disrespect towards the 'weak'
They were also very aware of status and showed excessive respect to those in higher power
They found that authoritarian people had a cogntive style where there are clear differences between catergories of people , with distinctive stereotypes about other groups . There was a strong positive correlation between authoritarianism and prejudice
Concluded that people with an authoritarian personality tend to be especially obedient to authority
They are very submissive
They show contempt for people they percieve as having inferior social status and have highly conservative attitudes towards sex,race and gender
They view society as 'going to the dogs' and believe that we need strong powerful leaders to enforce traditional values such as love of country , religion and family
They are inflexible in their outlook - there are no 'grey areas' - everything is good/bad , right/wrong
-His sample consisted of 172 female participants who were told that they were taking part in a colour perception task.
They were placed into groups of six and were shown 36 slides , which were all varying shades of blue . They had to state the colour of each slide.
Two of the six participants were confederates and in one condition (Consistent) , the two confederates said that all 36 slides were green
in the second condition (Inconsitent)the confederates said that 24 of the slides were green and 12 were blue
Lack of Population Validity - this is because Moscovici used 172 female participants from America .
This means that the results cannot be generalised to the rest of the population and research has shown that women are more likely to conform and therefore research would have to be done to detemine the effect of minority influence on male particpants.
Keeping the same view increases the amount of interest from other people.
this can be through synchronic consistency (everyone in the minority group saying the same thing) or diachronic consistency ( keeping the same view over time)
E.g. Moscovici et al (1969)
Where the minority group demonstrates dedication to their position , for example by making personal sacrifices.
This is effect as it shows they are not acting out of self-interest.
E.g. Rosa Parks refusing to leave her seat and getting arrested which triggered the Civil Rights Movement
The way in which minority influence is more likley to occur when the minority is willing to compromise.
This means they cannot be viewed as too rigid or unreasonable.
Members of the minority need to be prepared to adapt their POV and accept counter-arguements
E.g. Nemeth (1986) conducted a study into flexibility and minority groups . In groups of 4 ( one was a confederate), they discussed compensation for a victim of a ski-lift accident.
In one condition, the minority argued for a low rate of compensation and refused to change their mind
In the second conditon, they started with a low offer , but then compromised by offering slighlty more compensation. Nemeth found that the second condition was more succesul at chnaging the minority groups views