Al Gore used several elements of effective speech writing in this text.
Primarily, Gore starts of his speech addressing the audience in descending order; “ your majesties, honourable members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen” This snaps the attention of all the people in the room as Gore is speaking directly to them shining a respectful manner towards them. Grabbing the attention of the people is one of the more important aspects of the speech as Gore needs everyone to see his image of the world and how it will fall apart soon if we don’t use logic with our decisions.
Continuing on, Gore uses an abundance of quotes in his speech, for example; “ some say the world will end in fire; some say in ice” Gore tends to use quotes as a way to support and validate his point. For this quote it helps people to understand the underlying meaning of how fire and ice. The world ending is fire is the world ending due to temperatures being to high, causing everything to burn down to the ground. Ice is understood as the world melting because the sea levels are rising too high and the ice caps are melting due to again the high temperatures.
Additionally, Al Gore gravitates to the noun ‘We’. An example of this would be “We the human species, are confronting a planetary emergency”. The noun ‘We’ assembles the audience to feel involved with what the speaker is talking about, on this occasion the speaker is talking about climate change and how the actions of the people around in the world including the people in the room are all apart of the issue, essentially making the people in the room feel somewhat responsible but also getting them to think they are part of the solution, but only if they are willing to be.
In closing, Gore applies facts and figures to every one of his points. He says “ Major cities in North and South America, Asia and Australia are nearly out of water due to massive droughts” Facts also support and substantiate particular points, Gore uses facts to avoid misassumptions from the audience as the facts back up his argument on his point of view.
In conclusion, Al Gore uses a lot of different methods of effective speech writing and is proving that they are effective for each statement. He was able to engage the audience and get them to understand through his speech techniques giving hope that the climate change situation will soon be resolved.