A survey chooses a sample of a population and interviews them to collect desired data.
Members of a population can volunteer to be in a sample.
A rule is used to select members of a population, such as selecting every other person.
Easy-to-reach members of a population are selected, such as those in the first row.
Each member of a population has an equal chance of being selected.
The population is first divided into groups. Then members are randomly chosen from each group.
The population is first divided into groups. A sample of the groups is randomly chosen. All members of the chosen groups are surveyed.
Over represent or under represents part of the population.
Representative of the population you want information about.
People, animals, or objects that are described by data.
Characteristics used to describe individuals.
Treatment Group
Experiment group that recieves treatment.
Control Group
Experiment group that does not recieve treatment that is used for comparison
An experiment investigates a cause-and-effect relationship between two variables. Participants are randomly assigned to two groups, one group gets treatment, the other doesnât. Disadvantage is that itâs time consuming.
Involves a researcher measuring or oberserving something about participation in a sample without any intervention. Youâre just observing, youre not affecting the result.
Controlled Experiment
Two groups are studied underconditions that are indentical except for one variable.
Randomized Comparative Experiment
Individuals are assigned to a group at random.
Sample Survey
A set of questions given to a group of participants. It can be over the phone, through email or face-to-face. Sample surveys also make inferences about the entire population.
Primary Data
Data that has bee collected directly by the researcher. The reseacher may use surveys, observational studies, or experimenets to collect data. Data is collected by YOU! Advantages are that its reliable, disadvantages is that its expensive and time consuming.
Secondary Data
Data previously collected by someone other man than the researcher. Data can from a national census or a study performed by someone else on a similar topic. Advantages include that its inexpensive and quick while disadvantages are that it may not be that reliable.
Ethical Data Collection
Involves ensuring any data collected is kept confidential and securly stored.
Data processing
Translatig raw data into useable information by cleaning and organizing it.