Removal of Deng Xiaoping and the Flight of Lin/Impact of the cultural revolution

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1966 Politburo meeting

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1966 Politburo meeting

-          Mao accuses Liu and Deng of being the “spearheads of the erroneous line” at politburo meeting in August 1966

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  • Revolutionary committees were formed and dominated by the army

  • Known as the People’s Liberation Army they replaced Red Guards and investigated political enemies

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Dengs removal

-          Deng is subjected to public humiliation, including being ranted at by 3000 red guards

-          Then was in solitary confinement

-          Then sent to perform corrective labour in Jiangxi province in 1969

-          His son Pufang was thrown from a window by red guards and broke his spine.

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Lin Biao

  • Appointed 2nd in command in 1969 following successful organisation of the PLA

  • Relationship with Mao deteriorated as Mao feared Lin might oust hum

  • 1971 Lin drew up a plan to overthrow Mao, Project 571, but the plot was discovered and Lin tried to escape but his plane ‘crashed’ in the Mongolian desert

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Societal impacts of CR

  • Trading patterns overturned

  • Matches, soap, toothpaste unattainable due to classification as luxury items

  • Family members encouraged to spy on each other

  • Divorce encouraged

  • Children sent to serve as Red Guards or re-education camps

  • Love seen as bourgeois; relationships and sex were frowned upon

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Economical impacts of CR

  • Mobilisation of workers into factories often decreased quality and efficiency

  • Black market emerged

  • Economic structures varied on leadership resulting in a system made up of agricultural communes and individual landowners

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Educational impacts of CR

  • Students not taught sex-ed

  • School was almost entirely ideological

  • Red Guards rampaged through schools

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Cultural impacts of CR

  • Socialist realism only acceptable art form

  • Opera brought under state control and all except eight pro-communist operas were banned

  • Belief systems forced out and had to be practised in hiding

  • Imposed harsh repression on religion to focus on ideological thinking

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