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reality as symbolically mediated
reality is changed by language and the culture with which it is experienced
a particular philosophy of life or conception of the world
a typical example or pattern of something; a model
the science of the origin and development of the universe
study of beauty
religions as vehicles of logic
religions work to bring certain truths to a culture, they may not work in other cultures
“I believe,” guiding principles or beliefs
logic that does not fit within a dogma, used to be a crime in the Catholic church
the holding of multiple truths to be true
feeling of the age
the best way to judge an ideology
its ability to self-critique
“set apart”
basic, common
putting together bits of different religions, draws upon multiple theories, raises the question of if religions have a function and you start messing with the pieces, does the religion still function as intended?
amalgamation of religions (cannot combine two religions with different truths together)
moral statements just express our feelings
idea that everyone has created their own world to experience
idea that there’s a world of forms and a world of ideals, there is an ideal essence to everything (ideals of the Forms world)
primacy of essence
viewed the world as constantly in flux, always "becoming" but never "being,” found harmony and justice in strife
the idea everything is constructed of a single subject
idea that everything is connected
science is a faith in ____
numbers, the human mind, the scientific method, empiricism
who is the saint of the enlightenment?
Isaac Newton
equation of enlightenment
F=ma (most important equation, deists believed it would allow you to map molecules and unlock the secrets of the universe)
“meta” means behind, abstract theories without empirical evidence
idea there must be a separate and unchanging being that is the source of all other beings
evidence-based learning
“to know”
faith cannot exist without ____
things you must believe for a religion, Western idea, central logic
supporting logic in a faith (very few in Catholicism because of Catholic rigidity)
religion in the West/East
East - religion is a way of life, uses wu wei (uncontrived action or natural non-intervention to practice personal harmony and free-flowing, spontaneous creative manifestation), theodicy of ignorance
West - religion is a part of life, need redemption from sin, theodicy of sin
immanence v. transcendence
immanence - the state of being present as a natural and permanent part of something
transcendent - beyond or above the range of normal or merely physical human experience
this model was overly simplistic of religions and did not allow for the nuances of religions between these two
what models to classify religions do we use today?
mountain model - each religion is its own mountain with different goals at the top
spectrum from immanent to transcendent, allowing for levels between the two
putting Western categories of thought on Eastern cultures
idea that Christianity completes Judaism and Judaism is an incomplete religion
awareness, ability to feel and perceive things
stories that point us to deeper human truths in the divine
clock-maker god, everything in universe is a machine, science reveals the truth and mechanics of the universe, no free will, God is most transcendent (outside universe/system)
fate, some end predetermined for
“without knowledge”
not believing in a God
everything is God, everything is one (monistic)
belief in multiple gods
belief in multiple gods, but one top god
God is in everything
belief in one god
belief that union with or absorption into the Deity or the absolute may be attained through contemplation and self-surrender
belief in the existence of a god or gods
prioritizes people
any form of self-denial
uncovered or revealed, Judeo-Christian concept
“apart” from religion, not really possible to be wholly unaffected from religion
how to reconcile God with the problem of evil, idea of suffering (asking why)
to be estranged (from God, from self, from others)
science & religion
concordance (they can work together), denial (one or the other), incongruence (both work but should remain separate)
new religious movements characteristics
charismatic leadership, sense of belonging, love bombing, cut members off from family and friends, offer incentives (like food), exploitation/threats, weaponize the difficulty of saying no, prey on the vulnerable
idea that there is an impersonal life force that is transferable
cultural no-no, idea of danger and protective warnings, most cultures have them, offers shape to cultures
idea that when you die, you become part of nature
a natural object or animal that is believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance and that is adopted by it as an emblem, parts of nature that represent a group, have culturally-significant meanings
contagious magic
idea of something rubbing off on you (evil eye)
sympathetic magic
imitate something in nature hoping it happens (rain dance)
Aboriginal people create the landscape by going into the Dreaming and following the songlines (path the Ancestors took)
the Dreaming
the time of the Ancestors, before people, left spiritual marks in the physical world
definitions of religion
“Religion is what one does with their own solitude” - Alfred North Whitehead
“That which is most real” - Paul Tillich
“The opium of the people, the sigh of the oppressed” - Karl Marx
white man’s burden
idea that white people were burdened to bring civilization to the rest of the world and save all others
noble savage
putting cultures on pedestals because they are different
idea that certain people were uncivilized and less than (needed to be saved)
age of expansion
18th and 19th centuries
eradicating or destroying a language is the most effective way to commit genocide, last step of a successful genocide is to be able to take your hands off and ask why a people is killing their culture
what percent of Aboriginal people were wiped out in 100 years?
gender (anthropological definition)
the division of labor in a society
dilemma of proselytizing
if we can save people shouldn’t we?
how does proselytizing harm cultures?
literate traditions
exaggeration because everything is probably written down
oral traditions
tell the truth, no exaggeration, say what you mean
African Ancestors
Ancestors are forever alive in the African world and cosmological view of life
the brain bank of a culture, generally healers, interpret existence, lead life rituals, often an apprenticed job, the imagination of their culture, also called kahunas, know so much about their cultures that they understand the boundaries of it, heal, teach, give names, pass on knowledge, run rights of passages; they keep their jobs based on success
when an object has power
when words are constructed in a way to manipulate the supernatural
the most culturally and genetically diverse continent
degrades the humanity of a person or group
female circumcision
growing throughout the world, part of taming female sexuality
trickster god
cause of theodicy and alienation in Indigenous cultures, teach lessons, can cause you to be distracted or to fail
“the human beings,” called the Sioux by their enemies which means “snakes”
Wakan Tanka
Lakota word for god, sacredness of all things
tob tob
important Indigenous number (four times four)
Sun Dance
Plains Indigenous people would pierce their chest and legs to a pole and dance and sing around the tree, ritual of renewal and healing, form of self-sacrifice, outlawed because it was viewed as savage
Ghost Dance
Indigenous crisis cult meant to promote spirituality to save themselves (thought the Ancestors would restore everything and make it like the colonizers never came), Indigenous people forming and dancing, movement that hoped for Indigenous land returned and a decline in white settlers, crushed by the Wounded Knee Massacre
two-spirit people
considered a moral positive in Indigenous cultures, fluid identities that had traits across the gender binary, third gender in Indigenous cultures
vision quest
a spiritual journey in various Indigenous cultures in which participants, often adolescents, are said to receive sacred knowledge and strength from the spirit world
value of Indigenous cultures, idea of observing nature and the world, value of quietness, listening instead of acting right away
axis mundi
a place of connection between heavenly and the earthly realms
Indigenous culture
highest rate of poverty of any racial group
releasing the atman out of the cycle of rebirth, transmigration of atman or the cycle if rebirth (reincarnation) which are determined by your karma (actions)
a return to oneness with Brahman, releasing the Atman out of the cycle of rebirth, realizing the Atman and Brahman are the same and everything else is empty