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septic tanks
used by homes that aren’t part of a larger sewage treatment system
sludge digestion is collected in ……. sludge digesters
stabilized sludge is disposed of in
primary treatment
sewage treatment: physical removal of large solids, grinding, screening, large stuff settles (sludge), removes about 1/3 of the biologically degradable material
biochemical oxygen demand
the amount of dissolved oxygen that must be present in water in order for microorganisms to decompose the organic matter in the water, used as a measure of the degree of pollution.
secondary treatment
sewage treatment: biological step, bacteria aerobically consume most of the remaining BOD, starter cultures of activated sludge are used to start new tanks
disinfection and release
if released into a water supply, chlorination only. If reused as drinking water, additional steps like membrane filtration and ozone treatment
tertiary treatment
additional removal of BOD in mad-made lagoons or wetlands
wastewater from inside or around homes
too many nutrients (algal blooms)
gram negative, facultative anaerobic rods that can ferment lactose with gas formation within 48 hours
fecal coliforms
coliforms that are residents of the intestinal tracts of mammals
indicator organism
to test for contamination by fecal waste use an
san filtration
particulate matter sticks to the sand grains, some use activated charcoal to remove chemicals, some use bacteria to catch particles in biofilms, inexpensive and easy to maintain
membrane filtration
water passed through a membrane with tiny pores, completely removes large organisms like Giardia, relatively expensive, difficult to maintain
effective disinfectant against many organisms (not Giardia), inexpensive, leaves residual taste
ozone, reactive oxygen
disinfectant that kills by doing oxidative damage to microogranisms, no residual taste, expensive hard to maintain
UV light
disinfectant that uses tubes to give good UV exposure, no residual taste, expensive hard to maintain
eukaryotes, 1/3 of antibiotics, bioremediation and biodegradation, herbal medicines
something that feeds on decaying matter
how fungi compete w bacteria
can grow with very little moisture, can eat some things that most bacteria can’t, more resistant to osmotic pressure, produce antibiotics to combat bacteria, use multicellular structures to penetrate food sources
the cell wall in fungi is made of
…… have a nucleus while bacteria dont
…. have chitin walls while animals dont
….. can’t do photosynthesis while plants can
……. growth in fungi uses branches to explore
…….. fungi can switch between yeast and mycelial forms
YM shift
shift between yeast and mycelial forms
fairy circles
filamentous growth in the wild leads to …… …….
almost all fungi can form ….
asexual spores
clone of original (like endospores)
sexual spores
result of sexual reproduction
superficial and cutaneous mycosis
fungal infection of the skin, hair, or fingernails
fungi that can cause cutaneous mycosis
superficial and cutaneous mycosis can also be called
dermatophytes secrete
breaks down keratin into a digestible form
-hair and nails and mostly keratin
person to person
superficial and cutaneous mycosis are passed from
passed person to person
superficial and cutaneous mycosis
itchy rash, often circular, hair loss, blackened fingernails, toenails (eventually fall off)
KOH test
scrape the edge of a lesion, place in KOH, look under the microscope. KOH dissolved fragile human cells, leave touch fungal cell walls intact
antifungal drugs
how to treat superficial and cutaneous mycosis?
rose picker’s disease, caused by a fungus that grows on decaying plant matter, usually enters the body through an abrasion
red, tender, pus-filled, eventually ulcerous lesions in a line. fungus invades lymphatic vessels and gradually moves along the lymphatic system. infection is not systemic inflammatory.
sporothrix schenkii is a …… fungus
potassium iodide SSKI, antifungal drugs
treatment of sporotrichosis
dermatophytes grow …….. and can’t infect past the outer layer
systemic mycosis
infection through inhalation of spores, production of TB-like lung infection, rarely disseminates into other parts of the body
respiratory infection caused by Histoplasma capsulatum
-dimorphic fungus
can be carried by bats and grows well in bat guano and bird droppings, fungus colonizes the lung, spores are inhaled
antifungal drugs
treatment of histoplasmosis
candida albicans
opportunistic pathogen, dimorphic fungus, causes no disease in healthy individuals
candida albicans
mechanism: yeast form engulfed by macrophage → changes to the filamentous form to “pop” macrophage.
macrophages cannot kill dimorphic fungi well but …… can
oral thrush
overgrowth of candida on the tongue, throat
overgrowth of candida in the vagina or urethra
oral or topical antifungal drugs
treatment of candida albicans
candida in the blood
fever, chills that don’t respond to antibiotic treatment, highly variable symptoms, depending on organ affected, organ failure, death may result without treatment
antifungal drugs
how to treat invasive candidiasis
unicellular eukaryotes, no cell wall, usually no photosynthesis
intestinal disease caused by infectious amoebae
anaerobic parasitic amoebae, motile active form (trophozoite) inside hosts, dormant, hardy, inactive cyst form in soil, water
entamoeba cysts mature into trophozoites and colonize the ……….
occasionally, entamoeba reach the intestinal cell surface and begin killing intestinal ……
mild infections: diarrhea, mild stomach cramping/pain, severe infections: blood in stool, diarrhea, mild fever. symptoms usually clear on their own but may persist for months, risk of secondary infections
how to treat amoebiasis
attacks anaerobic organisms
fecal to oral
amoebiasis is transmitted
intestinal disease caused by Giardia
flagellated anaerobic protozoan, specialized structure: a suction cup allowing it to stick to the intestinal wall, motile active trophozoite and cyst form
where does giardia colonize
if giardia grows to large numbers it can …. absorption of fluids and nutrients
diarrhea, stomach cramps, weight loss, fatigue, greasy floating foul smelling stool, usually self limiting
string test
swallow gelatin capsule w string attached to it, allow capsule to pass into intestines, once capsule dissolves, pull string back out examine string for giardia
how to treat giardia
giardia and amoebiasis
intestinal infections caused by protozoans, from a fecal oral route, transmitted by hardy cysts
amoebiasis can develop into ….. while giardia infections do not
caused by plasmodium, transmitted by mosquito
small parasitic protozoan, sexual and asexual reproduction depending on the host
plasmodium life cycle
infecting cells transferred by mosquito bite, initial infection of the liver, eventual infection of RBC, RBC infection amplifies, mosquito bite will pick up sexual cells, sexual reproduction in mosquito, repeat
FEVER, nausea, fatigue, CHILLS
plasmodium falciparum
plasmodium that is severe and frequently fatal without treatment
quinine and derivatives (chloroquine), artemisinins
treatment of malaria
used in combination w other drugs ACT to treat malaria
multicellular eukaryotes, worms
caused by Schistosoma, a flatworm/fluke, male and female live intertwined, constant production of eggs in the blood causes symptoms, inflammatory disease
schistosoma life cycle
Fluke can penetrate skin and enter the blood stream • Produces eggs that are excreted and hatch in fresh water • Larvae infect particular species of freshwater snail • Freshwater snails release free-living flukes that can penetrate skin • Repeat
rash, itchy skin at site of entry (swimmers itch), develop fever, chills, cough muscle aches in response to eggs
how to treat schistosomiasis
flatworm parasites that attach to our intestines, segments contain many eggs and are passed out in feces, can grow to be 6 meters long
tapeworm lifecycle
cysts are fed to livestock, cysts enter undercooked meat, we eat the cysts
some abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, rare cystercercosis
treatment for tapeworms
roundworm intestinal parasites, can grow up to be a foot long and can live in host for 1-2 years
ascaris infection
ingestion of eggs from contaminated water, food, soil, eggs hatch in small intestine, larvae burrow into intestinal wall, enter the bloodstream, migrate to lungs, coughed up larvae are swallowed, re infecting the intestines, mature into egg laying adults
most cause no symptoms, multiple worms cause abdominal discomfort, weight loss, bloating, severe cases may lead to intestinal rupture, heavy infections can lead to coughing/pnemonia
treatment of ascariasis
tiny, roundworm intestinal parasite, small worms that infect the lower intestines
pinworm infection
ingested eggs hatch in the intestines, worms migrate to lower intestine/colon, at night worms exit the anus and deposit eggs on the skin