Bacterial agents, their diseases, uses, cures and common names.
Penecillium notatum
the fungi that produces a well known beta-lactam antibiotic
Bacillus anthracis
causes anthracis
Bacillus cereus
causes fried rice food poisoning
Bacillus subtilis
is a common laboratory contaminant
Yersinia pestis
the causative agent of bubonic plague or the black death, characterized by lesions with black scars
Borrelia recurrentis
a tick borne bacteria that can cause relapsing fever
Listeria monocytogenes
bacteria present in cold cuts
Thermus aquaticus
bacteria present in hot springs
Brucella abortus
may cause abortion in animals equipped with undulant fever.
Chlamydia trachomatis
agent of the most common sexually transmitted diseases
Clostridium botulinum
causes botulism
Clostridium dificille
causes pseudomembranous colitis
Clostridium perfringens
causes gas gangrene mostly in people with diabetes
Clostridium tetani
causes locked jaw leading to risus sardonicus
Bacillus anthracis
usually utilized as a bioterrorism agent
Clostridium tetani
a bacteria that is a common contaminant of rusty nails
Bacillus subtilis
a bacteria that produces the chemical bacitracin — utilized in medicine as an antibiotic
Clostridium botulinum
a bacteria that produces a drug called botox
Brucella abortus
causes undulant fever
Entamoeba histolytica
agent of amoebic dysentery
Helicobacter pylori
A microaerophilic bacterium that infects the stomach lining and is a major cause of peptic ulcers and gastritis.
Campylobacter jejuni
A microaerophilic bacterial species that commonly causes gastroenteritis, with symptoms like diarrhea, fever, and abdominal pain
Enterobacter aerogenes
is a facultative bacteria that is a normal microflora of the intestine aside from E. coli
Borrelia burgdorferi
a tick borne bacteria that can cause Lyme disease
Escherichia coli
a normal microflora of the intestine that can be an agent of UTI
Lactobacilli spp.
Bacteria that produce lactic acid through fermentation. Found in the digestive system, vagina, and fermented foods.
Leishmania infantum
Protozoan parasite transmitted through sandfly bites
Leptospira biflexa
bacterial saprophyte in soil
Xenopsylla cheopsis
the scientific name of the vector of Yersinia pestis
Leptospira interrogans
an agent of Weil’s disease
Listeria monocytogenes
a psychrophile that can cause infections in pregnant women and their fetuses
Mycobacterium leprae
known as Hansen’s bacillus
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
is a slow grower bacteria that causes tuberculosis
Mycoplasma pneumoniae
agent of primary atypical pneumonia
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
agent of an STD that involves the continuous discharge from reproductive organs
Proteus spp.
Known to cause urinary tract infections that involves the production of a distinct odor due to the release of volatile compounds.
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
A nosocomial opportunistic bacteria that infects most immunocompromised patients
Rickettsia spp.
agent of the typhus fever
Salmonella typhi
agent of the typhoid fever — accompanied by stomach aches and fever
Leptospira interrogans
the only human acquired Leptospira
Serratia marcescens
bacteria that produces a water-insoluble pigment called a prodigiosin
Mycobacterium leprae
agent of leprosy
Shigella dysenteriae
agent of the bacilliary dysentery
Brucella abortus
also known as Bang’s bacillus
Spirillum minus
agent of the rate bite fever
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
is able to produce water-soluble pigments called pyoverdin and pyocyanin
Mycobacterium lepriae
a bacteria that targets the nerve endings and can be infectious if open wound it is accompanied by the presence of white spots and face disfigurement
Staphylococcus aureus
bacterial infection can cause skin infections, boils, furuncles or carbuncles
Streptococcus viridans
they are often associated with dental caries, endocarditis, and abscesses, that is alpha hemolytic
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
known for its unique palisade cell arrangement
Escherichia coli
produces a dark purple colony with the presence of greeny sheets
Staphylococcus epidermidis
bacteria that can is part of the normal microflora of that skin that can sometimes causes stitch abscess
Streptococcus mutans
associated with dental caries, tooth decay and periodontitis that is beta hemolytic
Streptococcus pyogenes
a bacteria that is the agent of strep throat and impetigo
Pseudomonas aeruginosa
a nosocomial bacteria that is hard to treat related to biofilm formation
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
bacteria that is when grown resembles a cauliflower on a medium
Streptococcus pneumoniae
agent of lobar pneumonia
Thermus aquaticus
a thermophile associated with its utilization for PCR testing
Treponema pallidum
A STD causing bacteria associated with lesions on the genitalia and if left untreated can cause neurological infection
Trichomonas vaginalis
erosion of vaginal epithelial tissues, due to the presence of flagella on this bacteria making the victim’s urine turbid
Neisseria gonorrhoeae
can cause neonatal blindness, especially in places that are inflicted with this bacteria
Chlamydia trachomatis
associated with pelvic inflammatory disease and itch
Escherichia coli
A UTI causing agent specifically in boy neonates that are susceptible to this bacteria
Trypanosoma cruzi
Parasitic protozoan causing Chagas disease that are transmitted by triatomine bugs
Corynebacterium diphtheriae
also known as Klebs-Loeffler Bacilli
Trypanosoma gambiense
Protozoan parasite causing sleeping sickness (narcolepsy) that is transmitted by the tsetse fly bite
Trichomonas vaginalis
associated with the burning sensation of the external reproductive organ
Vibrio cholerae
agent of cholera
Vibrio parahaemolyticus
common in shellfish, infection that is left untreated can cause sepsis
Vibrio fischerii
commonly found in shrimps and squids, in quorum sensing they can produce bioluminescence.
Mycobacterium tuberculosis
also known as Koch’s Bacilli
the first chemo therapeutic drug formulated by Paul Ehrlich
Pulmonary, Intestinal and Cutaneous
Anthracis caused by Bacillus anthracis can be manifested in three different ways, what are these.
it is the disease caused by Mycobacterium lepriae
the disease caused by the Koch’s bacilli
used as a treatment for syphilis
Ophthalmia neonatorum
disease causes by Neisseria gonorrhoeae associated with neonatal blindness accompanied by abscess and puss discharge.
Hyperbaric Oxygen Chamber
this machine is utilized to kill anaerobic bacteria often those inflicted with ganglinous legs
Venereal Disease Research Lab
former used screening test in terms of clinical diagnosis of syphilis
Rapid Plasma Reagin
Current screening test used to clinically diagnose syphilis
Microscopic Agglutination Test
screening test for leptospirosis, that is the standard test used for its diagnosis
screening test for leptospirosis that tests the presence of the agent’s DNA.
Fluorescence Antibody Absorption Test
confirmatory test for syphilis
toxoid utilized as protection against diphtheriae, tetanus and pertussis.
vaccine utilized as protection against pertussis, tetanus and diphtheriae
Crede’s Prophylaxis
a treatment done to newborns specially those born with gonorrhoeae inflicted areas
Lepers or Hansenites
a term called to those patients affected by Hansen’s Bacillus
stage of syphilis wherein there are visible lesions in the genitalia
stage of syphilis wherein rashes all over the body are present
stage of syphilis wherein the nervous system is involved
Lobar pneumonia
disease caused by the Streptococcus pneumoniae
Pseudomembranous colitis
a disease that causes the inflammation of the epithelial lining turning them yellow to black in color, this is due to a bacterial infection caused by C. difficile
Pseudomembrane pathognomonic
a grayish white membrane on the throat that may block the airway
Gas Gangrene
a disease causing a foamy appearance due to gas production and decay
caused by L. interrogans, it is evident with jaundice and hepatosplenomegalin
appearance of stool in this disease is rice watery
Bacillary dysentery
appearance of stool in this disease is bloody, watery and mucoidal with the presence of puss cells
Amoebic dysentery
appearance of stool in this disease is bloody, watery and mucoidal with the scarce presence of puss cells
family of bacteria that is part of the common microflora of the intestine
is a genus that is exemplified example of an obligate anaerobe