Chapter 28 - World War II

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Spanish Civil War

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Spanish Civil War

The ________, which erupted in July 1936, clarified the new European alignment between Western democracies on one side and fascist nations on the other.

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General Francisco Franco

________ (1892- 1975) commanded an army of Spanish Morocco against the republic in July.

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________ and Italy provided troops and aircraft to Franco.

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The Sudetenland, which was critical to ________ security, was annexed by Germany.

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________ joined the Axis nations in the Anti- Comintern Pact, which was purportedly aimed at worldwide communism but was actually a new and strong diplomatic partnership.

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Spanish Popular Front

Elections in February 1936 brought to power a(n) ________ administration comprised of left- wing republicans, communists, and anarchists.

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________ called a plebiscite for March 13, in which the Austrian people would be able to vote on whether or not to join Germany.

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arms embargo

It imposed a(n) ________, as well as restrictions on loans and credits to and imports from Italy.

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The Anschluss, on the other hand, had significant strategic implications since ________ now bordered Czechoslovakia, one of the pillars of French security, on three sides.

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________ joined the Axis nations in the Anti- Comintern Pact, which was nominally aimed at the Soviet Union.

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The Sudetenland, which was crucial to ________ security, was annexed by Germany, depriving the ________ of any means of self- defense.

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