His 102 Final Exam

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Heinz Guderian

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Heinz Guderian

  • Developed Blitzkrieg or “lightning war” in his book Achtung Panzer

  • Idea was to use tanks in huge, fast groups to break through the trenches, drive to depth, and encircle enemy forces

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  • Way to encircle and defeat an enemy army

  • Germans think they have revolutionized war, but they haven’t because it had worked before (Napoleon, the Romans, Hannibal)

  • What Germans had invented was a faster win to win a battle

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  • Created a book called “Command of the Air”

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Command of the Air

  • Introduction of Douhet’s ideas of strategic bombing

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Strategic Bombing

  • Bombing the enemy’s economy and ability to wage war

  • If this worked, the enemy army would be starving, without supply, and useless

    • You wouldn’t really need much of an army to defeat them

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Area Bombing Directive

  • Since previous bombers were wildly inaccurate with their bombing skills, they just decided to bomb the cities and their civilians

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Maginot Line

  • Quickly disposing of Poland, Hitler now turned west to France

  • The French expected a German attack

  • In defense, the French constructed a line of fortifications guarding the French/German border

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  • French protected rugged forest that they were sure the Germans would not pass through

  • And indeed the German original plan called for them to attack right straight into Belgium as the French expected

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  • French military commander who made a critical error

  • Instead of sticking with the plan France had in place for decades, he decided to move forward into Belgium, leaving the French to fight a battle or maneuver it was not prepared for

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  • German commander who was backed by Hitler himself

  • Opted for a plan to launch a surprise attack through the Ardennes

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  • Held power as as General Secretary of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (1922-1952) and the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the Soviet Union (1941-1953)

  • Consolidated power to become a dictator by the 1930s

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Operation Barbarossa*

  • German plan to invade Russia, biggest military operation ever in history

  • 3 million Germans are ready to attack with one thrust aimed toward St Petersburg, another towards Moscow, and another towards Stalingrad

  • But Russia is a huge country and has space to use against the Germans (Russians can produce in a month what Germany produces in a year)

  • Invasion made little military sense

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  • Tasked with the enslavement or slaughter of the Russian population to replace it with the German population

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The Holocaust*

  • Einsatzgruppen are the leading edge of the Holocaust

  • German effort began at the Wannsee Conference of 1942

  • Efforts to wipe out the Jews and Slavs of Europe

  • Killed 6 million Jews

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Wannsee Conference (should be part of the Holocaust answer if given as a short answer question)

  • Meeting of senior government officials of Nazi Germany and Schutzstaffel leaders

  • Nazi conference held in Wannsee, Berlin on Jan. 20, 1942, which decided to carry out the “Final Solution”

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Sophie Scholl

  • German teenage girl who chose not to ignore the Holocaust based on her religion

  • One of the brave few to do so, killed from her beliefs

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Pearl Harbor

  • United States military base on Hawaii that was bombed by Japan on December 7, 1941

  • Japanese plan was to strike hard here then erect a series of defenses around their home islands

  • Knew that we were stronger than them, but hoped and believed that we wouldn’t have the guts to face the difficult war that lay ahead

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D-Day (Normandy)

  • June 6, 1944

  • Allies launched an invasion in Normandy of the European mainland during World War II

    • However, did not win WWII

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Manhattan Project*

  • Secret U.S. project led by Robert Oppenheimer to develop the atomic bomb

  • Real gamble

  • Truman makes the decisions to drop bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

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Hiroshima and Nagasaki

  • Bombing was so powerful here that it burned the shadows of people who were incinerated onto the pavement and nearby buildings

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Bi Polar World

  • World is ruled by 2 powerful countries

  • Only two countries that matter

    • The United States and the Soviet Union

  • Different parts of power are distributed all across the world

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Monolithic Nature of Communism

  • Belief that all communists in the world are working together on the same team to overthrow us

  • Very oversimplified and dangerous way to look at the world

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  • Opposite of appeasement

  • American policy of resisting the further expansion of communism around the world

  • Best represented in the Truman Doctrine dealing with Greece and Turkey in 1946

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Truman Doctrine*

  • Principle that the US should give support to countries or peoples threatened by Soviet forces or Communist insurrection

  • “The United States will defend any free nation from attack from without and revolution from within”

  • America takes Britain’s place as the “policeman of the world”

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Greece and Turkey

  • First countries to receive help through the Truman Doctrine

  • Joined NATO to guarantee their stability

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Domino Theory

  • Idea that says if we don’t contain, even in a place like Vietnam, it will set off a chain reaction of countries falling to communism that will end with our own fall

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1949 (China and Russia)

  • Soviets detonate their own atom bomb, falling ahead of schedule

  • China falls to communism, which means Containment has failed dramatically

  • All of this forces us to rethink our Cold War strategy

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Korean War

  • Starts in 1950

  • North Korean invasion of the south that catches us by surprise and almost defeats us

  • Led by Macarthur, we are able to push the North Koreans back

    • But then China returns with 500,000 men

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Limited War*

  • Truman is left with a horrible decision; in order to win Korea, the US would have to fight China and the Soviet Union; could lead to the destruction of the planet

  • We have to fight Korea to defend containment, but if we “fight to win,” we might lose the war; neither China/Soviets want to destroy the world, but we don’t want to lose Korea either

  • So both fight in a limited fashion, never throwing our full weight into the campaign

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  • An American general who commanded the Southwest Pacific in WWII (1939-1945)

  • Oversaw the successful Allied occupation of postwar Japan and led United Nations forces in the Korean War

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  • 33rd president, after FDR’s death

  • Led the U.S. through the end of World War II and the beginning of the Cold War

  • Put an end to WWII in the Pacific by dropping an atomic bomb on Japan

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  • 34th president, did not like the idea of wars you would either lose or end in a tie

  • Developed Massive Retaliation

    • If Russia got out of line at all, we would nuke Moscow

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Massive Retaliation

  • A strategy of military counterattack that involves the use of nuclear weapons

  • Threatening to use massive force in response to aggression

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  • 1957

  • Launch of the first satellite by the Soviets

  • Inaugurates the Space Race, but also indicated that the Soviets had Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles, which could get to atom bombs in the US in 20 minutes

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  • Youngest US president in 1962, democrat

  • Nikita Khruschev tested Kennedy and pushed him around

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Cuban Missile Crisis*

  • 1962, the Soviet Union began to secretly install missiles in Cuba to launch attacks on US cities

  • The confrontation that followed brought the two superpowers to the brink of war before an agreement was reached to withdraw the missiles

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  • Kennedy’s Secretary of Defense; created Graduated Escalation

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Graduated Escalation

  • Slow ramping up of pressure to send a message to the Soviets

  • Based on the Rational Actor Paradigm of geopolitics; took the form of a naval blockade in Cuba

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Vietnam-era draft*

  • Becomes the controversial social flashpoint of the war

  • Boomer generation, the biggest in history, is now threatened with death

  • 3 million serve in Vietnam, but 15 million avoid service

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  • US commander in Vietnam

  • The French warned him that the communist and their method of war were both tough

  • He was determined we could get away with the same kind of war - because we are Americans, and Americans don’t lose

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  • Used choppers to land troops almost anywhere to lock the enemy into battle

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Battle of the Ia Drang Valley*

  • The first and most critical battle of the Vietnam War

  • Communists attacked the American base at Plei Me and then ran away; perfect chance for Westmoreland to use airmobility to catch them

  • Three day long battle, enemy chooses when to fight and when to leave

  • America only fought to produce body count, not territory

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Search and Destroy

  • A military strategy that became a large component of the Vietnam War

    • Involved inserting ground forces into hostile territory, search out the enemy, destroy them, and withdraw immediately afterward

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Lyndon Johnson

  • President during the Vietnam War after JFK was killed

  • Personality impacted the events of Vietnam

  • Focus was on his Great Society program and he didn’t want a war that distracted from that

  • Had to fight in Vietnam, and was assured that it would be a quick and easy war; so he decided to fight it quietly and with little investment

    • Ironically, everything he did to keep it quiet made it more controversial

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Tet Offensive*

  • Viet Cong’s largest attack of the war

  • Attacked nearly every major city in South Vietnam at the same time

  • Hoped the South Vietnamese people would join them in a revolution, but that didn’t happen

    • 80,000 enemy soldiers attack with about 50,000 killed in Tet

  • War now grabbed citizens’ attention

    • Government and military kept telling people not to worry, that all was well, and that we were winning

    • However, being attacked from everywhere made the people think otherwise

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Walter Cronkite

  • Most watched newsman in the country during the Vietnam War, trusted by all

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Clark Clifford

  • Secretary of defense that replaced Robert McNamara

  • Undertook the first real study of the Vietnam War

  • Afterwards, he informed Johnson that there was no real way to win the war, and that the US should withdraw

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Truman’s military desegregation*

  • Truman decided to sign an executive order in banning segregation in the Armed Forces in 1946

  • A huge step forward, especially given that these armed forces will soon be fighting in Korea

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Plessy vs Ferguson

  • 1896

  • A Supreme Court case in which “separate but equal” was upheld in public facilities such as schools

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Brown vs Board of Education*

  • Oliver Brown of Kansas and 12 other black families sued to fight segregation in schools

  • On May 17, 1954, the Court declared that racial segregation in public schools violated the equal protection clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, effectively overturning the 1896 Plessy v Ferguson decision

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Massive Resistance

  • Policy declared by Senator Harry Byrd of Virginia

  • Citizens councils form throughout the south to coordinate white efforts to stall integration

  • VA, AL, GA, MS, NC, SC, and LA all declare law to be null and void

    • And begin to steer public funding to founding of white academies just in case

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Harry Byrd

  • Senator of Virginia that advocated “massive resistance” to resist integration

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Montgomery Bus Boycott*

  • Post Rosa Parks’ arrest, African American leaders demand a boycott of the busses and turn to a younger minister, MLK Jr., to lead them

  • African Americans stopped riding busses, opting to carpool or walk instead

  • Great economic pressure on the city

  • Lasted for over a year, soon the busses stopped gaining monetary value and decided to integrate its busses

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Rosa Parks

  • A black woman who refused to give up her seat on a bus to a white man in Montgomery and spurred the Montgomery Bus Boycott.

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Martin Luther King Jr.

  • A minister who fought for justice through peaceful protest—and delivered some of the 20th century's most iconic speeches, "I Have a Dream"

  • In the mid-1950s, Dr. King led the movement to end segregation and counter prejudice in the United States through the means of peaceful protest

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Little Rock (Central High)*

  • 9 black girls try to enroll at white Central High and a white mob forces them to leave

  • Eisenhower sent out 10,000 National Guard and 1,000 paratroopers to stay there for the school year and make sure they can go to school safely

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Orval Faubus

  • Rather than let 9 black girls go to Central High, Arkansas governor Orval Faubus shuts down all Little Rock schools for the remainder of the year

  • For this, he was re-elected with a landslide vote

  • Integrations still faced a steep uphill battle

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North Carolina A&T

  • Four students, inspired by King and Montgomery, sat in at the Woolworth’s segregated lunch counter

  • Within four days, the groups had grown to more than 300 students

  • Sit ins spread throughout the south, and by July, Woolworths throughout the south voluntary integrated

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Sit In

  • A form of protest in which demonstrators occupy a place, refusing to leave until their needs are met

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James Meredith

  • First African-American student admitted to the racially segregated University of Mississippi after the intervention of the federal government

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Battle of Oxford

  • Kennedy ordered 30,000 troops to protect James Meredith and let him be able to go to school

  • The fight lasted for 2 days; 2 were killed, 375 wounded

  • Federal troops remained on campus for the rest of the year.

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  • Surge of violence against civil rights protestors led by the KKK

  • In 1963, so many KKK bombs were set off that it became known as Bombingham

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  • Governor of Alabama

  • Known for his staunch segregationist and populist views

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16th Street Baptist Church

  • Site of the bombing by KKK members in September 1963 which killed four young African-American children on their way to choir and injured many more

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March on Washington

  • Supporters of civil rights from across the nation gathered in Washington, D.C.

  • Gives us our most powerful moment perhaps of the whole movement, Dr. King’s “I Have A Dream” speech

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Medgar Evers

  • Chief member of the Jackson NAACP who was gunned down in his driveway in June 1963 by De La Beckwith

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Byron De La Beckwith

  • Assassinated the civil rights leader Medgar Evers on June 12, 1963

  • Was not prosecuted again until 1994 after bragging about the killings many more times, and found guilty

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Theron Lynd

  • Circuit Clerk and Registrar of voters for Forrest County, MS

  • Gave only 1% of African-Americans living in Hattiesburg the ability to vote when 30% lived there

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Civil Rights Act*

  • Outlaws segregation in all public spaces

  • President Lyndon Johnson makes it his mission as part of his Great Society to pass national legislation regarding Civil Rights

    • Told that this might be a political death sentence, but he does it anyhow

  • Passed in July 1964

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Selma March

  • March 1965

  • Selma citizens tried to march to state capitol of Montgomery to register, but were assaulted and thrown back on the Edmond Pettus Bridge

  • 20,000 sympathizers from all over the country come to join the march, which then succeeds

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Voting Rights Act

  • Passed in August 1965

  • Outlaws discrimination in voting

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Clyde Kennard

  • Tried to enroll to Southern Miss in 1956, 1958, and 1959 despite it still being segregated

  • Framed and went to jail at Parchman for 7 years, released when it was discovered that he was dying

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Armstrong and Branch

  • Two black women who were the first African American students at USM

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Vernon Dahmer

  • Local NAACP leader, pushed to get African Americans the right to vote

  • Killed in the firebombing of his home in January 1966

  • Last words in the hospital were: “I’ve been active in trying to get people to register to vote. People who don’t vote are deadbeats on the state. I figure a man needs to do his own thinking. What happened to us last night can happen to anyone, white or black. At one time, I didn’t think so, but I have changed my mind.”

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Sam Bowers

  • Convicted of the murder of Vernon Dahmer and a leading white supremacist in Missisippi during the Civil Rights movement

  • In his case, there were four all white hung juries, not convicted until 1998

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Black Panthers

  • Was founded in October 1966 in Oakland, California by Huey P. Newton and Bobby Seale

  • Revolutionary organization with an ideology of Black nationalism, socialism, and armed self-defense, particularly against police brutality

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Baath Party

  • Formed to unite Arab lands under Socialism and against Israel/Western Imperialism

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  • Egyptian president

  • Nationalizes the Suez Canal

  • Even unites three of the Middle East’s countries into the United Arab Republic

  • Going to be an oil giant

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Eisenhower Doctrine

  • 1958

  • Stands up South Arabia as a counterbalance of Egypt

  • Middle eastern countries could request American economic assistance or aid from US military forces if they were being threatened by armed aggression

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  • Advocates a purification of Islam

  • A conservative and intolerant form of Islam that is practiced in Saudi Arabia

  • Focuses on the literal interpretation of the Quran

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Israeli Wars

  • Six Days War: Preemptive attack on Egypt, Syria, and Jordan

    • Mobility wins against Sword and Shield tactics

  • Yom Kippur War: Egypt and Syria attack Israel

    • Troubles, but technology comes to the rescue

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See deep/strike deep*

  • The United States wanted to fight more like Israel, so if Israel could see the whole army (see deep) then they would strike the entire army (strike deep)

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Powell Doctrine

  • Consisted of a series of questions identifying the conditions that should be met before committing U.S. military forces to battle

    • Only fight short, overwhelming wars

    • Avoid nation building

    • Make sure of public support

    • Rely on maneuver and speed to win

    • Preemption is an option

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Total Force Policy

  • Ongoing effort by the service to transition its reserve component forces, both the army reserve and the National Guard, into an operational force

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Afghan War

  • Iran falls to Islamic leadership in 1979

  • Russia invades Afghanistan in 1979

  • Seize major cities, but cannot control countryside

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  • Calling for holy war (Jihad) locals rise up against Soviets

  • Armed and trained by the US

  • Cause great damage to Russian forces over eight years

  • Soviets pull out in 1989, government falls soon after

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  • Holy war

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Al Qaeda

  • One of the Mujahedeen troops we arm and train

  • Led by Osama Bin Laden

  • Followers of Wahhabist Islam

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Osama Bin Laden

  • Founder of the militant Islamist organization Al-Qaeda and mastermind of numerous terrorist attacks against the United States and other Western powers

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  • A brutal, fundamentalist religious group that held power over most of Afghanistan during the late 1990s

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Sadaam Hussein

  • Iraqi leader

  • Invades Kuwait in 1990

    • Has an army of 900,000 with 4,500 tanks and bio weapons

    • Now controls 25% of the world’s oil

    • Wants to take Saudi Arabia to control 50% of the world’s oil

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  • Country in the middle east whose invasion leads to the Persian Gulf War

  • Hussein invades and obtains 25% of the world's oil

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Persian Gulf War*

  • 1990-1991

  • War fought between a coalition led by the United States and Iraq to free Kuwait from Iraqi invaders

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George HW Bush

  • President during the Gulf War

  • Decides on Operation Desert Storm

  • Our new super war meant to destroy the Soviets will be unleashed on Iraq

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Carlos Maraghella*

  • Brazilian terrorist

  • Author of “Mini Manual of the Urban Guerrilla”

  • Writes that to do the job of a terrorist, you have to invoke a massive governmental response

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Mini Manual of the Urban Guerrilla*

  • Book written by Brazilian guerrilla fighter Carlos Maraghella

  • The book that Al Qaeda read that lead to the fall of the World Trade Center

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  • Acts of violence designed to promote a specific ideology or agenda by creating panic among an enemy population

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World Trade Center

  • Once an icon for the global economy in New York

  • Became a target for terrorism in 1993 and most notably on September 11, 2001

  • Al-Qaeda was solely responsible for the 9/11 attacks

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Operation Enduring Freedom

  • Began on October 7, 2001 (not even a full month after 9/11 attacks)

  • In response to the September 11 attacks, airstrikes targeting Al-Qaeda and the Taliban had begun in Afghanistan

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George W. Bush

  • 43rd president of the US who began a campaign against terrorism in 2001

  • Decided on Operation Iraqi Freedom

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