Communications Quiz 5

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Assumptions of Face-Negotiation Theory

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Assumptions of Face-Negotiation Theory

  1. Self Identity is important to have in interpersonal interactions with individuals negotiating their identity differently across cultures 2)The management of conflict is mediated by face & culture 3)Certain acts threaten one's projected self image

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Assumptions of Comm. Accommodation Theory

  1. Similarities & Dissimilarities exist in all conversations

  2. How we perceive the comm. and behavior of another will determine how we evaluate it 3)Language & behaviors impart info about social status & group belonging

  3. Accommodation varies in its degree of appropriateness social norms guide this process

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Assumptions of The Rhetoric

  1. Effective public speakers must consider their audience

  2. Effective public speakers must employ a number of proofs in their presentations

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Critique of Face-Negotiation Theory

-Logistical Consistency (-): Cultural dimensions don't explain cultural differences

-Heurism(+): Exploration of conflict with cultures

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Critique of Comm. Accommodation Theory


-Logistical Consistency (-): Only 2 terms? What happens if we do both?

-Logistical Consistency (-): Ignores nasty emotional conflict between people. Portrays them as too rational

-Scope (+/-): Is it too broad? where is the limitation?

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Critique of The Rhetoric

-Test of Time (+): Been around for a while;you cant get away from it in the western world

-Heurism(+): Sparked ideas/creativity/academic disciplines

-Logistical Consistency(-): Not Organized, termanology comes out as not clear

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Face Negotiation Theory Terms: Face

One's self image in the presence of others

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Face Negotiation Theory Terms: Facework

Comm. behaviors people use to manage their own & others faces

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Preventative of stopping embarrassment or vulnerability

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What you do after a loss of image & reputation takes a hit

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Locus of Facework

Weather your behavior is directed at you face/image or the face/image of your partner

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Face Valence

Weather comm. behavior support or attack another person's face

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Individualistic Culture

-Defining ourselves separate/independent from others -Decisions are what suits you

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Collectivistic Culture

Define yourself from group affiliations

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Conflict Management Styles: Dominating/Complete

Not over till theres a winner & a loser

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Conflict Management Styles: Integrating/ Collaboration

Get through conflict where everyone wins

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Conflict Management Styles: Obliging/acomidation

We give up our own needs/goals for the needs of others

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The ability to adjust,modify, or regulate one's behavior in the response of others

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Ways to Adapt: Convergence

Comm. becomes more like one another

Ex: Dress the same, same hair, same mannerisms

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Ways to Adapt: Divergence

Strategies we use to accentuate the verbal and non verbal differences with another NOT DISAGREEMENT

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Where we make adjustment that make the other person feel less than equal

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Sensory Overaccommodation

Speaker who overly adapts to the listener that makes the listener feel incompetent

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Dependency Overaccommodation

Placing the person at a lower status role/ make it look like the need you

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Intergroup Overaccomidation

Lump a bunch of people together & we treat them as the same

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Proofs of Rhetoric: Ethos

Source Image: Nature of the source/global image; All factors that contribute to the sources image

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Proofs of Rhetoric: Pathos

Emotions of the Receiver: The audience, study the audience (before you make your presentation)

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Proofs of Rhetoric: Logos

Argument: Nature of the message as it is presented from the sources of the receiver

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Canons of Rhetoric: Invention

Generating ideas, putting thought in your speech/argument

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Canons of Rhetoric: Arrangement

How you organize the speech, putting thought into the main points

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Canons of Rhetoric: Style

Language Choices

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Canons of Rhetoric: Delivery

Non-Verbal Part (Ex: eye contact, body language)

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Canons of Rhetoric: Memory

Storing of the relevant information in the sources mind

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