Non metallic mineral reserves
________ consist of quarries of stone, clay and sand pits.
Forestry and fishing
________ need other natural resources that are unequal in occurrence.
Johann Heinrich von Thünen
________ observed that uniformly fertile areas of farmland were used differently in the early 19th Century when the governmental influences were the normal.
________ has provided advanced countries with vast materials that substitute ores and metals produced by developing states.
Preindustrial societies
________ have no knowledge of or need the resources below for hunting, gathering, or gardening grounds.
Primary commodities
________ contribute to the total dollar value of international flows.
________ in unprocessed goods still remains dominant in the economic well- being of many third world countries.
food preferences
Culturally based ________ rather than environmental limitations may dictate the choice of crops or livestock.
________ (Established in 1995) was designed to reduce trade barriers and inequities.
________ and services are created for the use of the producers.
Production patterns
________ are rooted in the spatially variable circumstances of the physical environment.
worlds forests
The ________ and woodlands probably covered some 45 percent of the Earths land area before the rise of agriculture.
Commodity prices
________ are volatile.
Nairobi package
________ included agreements to eliminate export subsidies for agricultural products.
________ environmental and cultural realities control the economic activities of humans.
________ provide a variety of products.
Reverse flow
________ carried manufactured goods from industrialized states for sale to developing countries.
________ can be used for social, economic, ecological, and recreational purposes.
Annual food supplies
________ are more than sufficient to meet world needs.
________ is ineffective on issues of importance to developing countries.