a flashcard set on JFK's foreign policy in Latin America (the Alliance for Progress)
20th January 1961
when did JFK become president?
17th-20th April 1961
when was the attempted invasion of Cuba at the Bay of Pigs?
in which year was the Alliance for Progress launched?
17th August 1961
when was the Charter of Punta del Este established?
16th-28th October 1962
when was the Cuban Missile Crisis?
22nd November 1963
when was JFK assassinated?
Alianza para el Progreso
what is the Spanish name for the Alliance for Progress?
10 years
for how many years was the Alliance for Progress meant to run?
13th March 1961
when did JFK announce the Alliance for Progress?
“homes, work and land, health and schools - techo, trabajo y tierra, salud y escuela”
what were the basic needs that JFK said that the Alliance for Progress would focus on?
in front of how many Latin American diplomats did JFK announce the Alliance for Progress
added an “appealing title”
what did Eisenhower and his supporters claim Kennedy had done with the Alliance for Progress?
Walt W Rostow
what is the name of the US political theorist and economist who popularised the notion of ‘nation-building’ as a method of preventing the spread of communism?
The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto
what was the name of Walt W Rostow’s book in which he underlines the importance of ‘nation-building’ to preventing the spread of communism?
in which year was Walt W Rostow’s book The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto that explained how ‘nation-building’ could prevent the spread of communism published?
“modern societies must be built, and we are prepared to help build them”
what did Walt W Rostow claim in his book The Stages of Economic Growth: A Non-Communist Manifesto?
the “most dangerous area in the world”
what did JFK call Latin America?
when was Sputnik launched by the USSR?
“this is the moment to act: to have a hemispheric policy toward Latin America”
what did Argentinian economist Raul Prebisch say about the Alliance for Progress?
Romulo Betancourt
what was the name of the democratically-elected president of Venezuela at the time?
Arturo Frondizi
what was the name of the democratically-elected president of Argentina at the time?
August 1961
when was the Punta del Este Conference?
how many countries sent delegates to the Punta del Este Conference?
what country is Punta del Este in?
by what percentage did the Punta del Este Charter aim to increase per capita economic growth by?
by which year did the Punta del Este Charter aim to have eliminated adult illiteracy?
$20 billion
how much money did the US promise to supply Latin America with under the Punta del Este Charter?
$1.7 billion
how much monetary aid was provided to Latin America from the US between 1945 and 1950?
the USA
from which country were the ‘Wise Men’ Committee originally all going to be from?
Argentinian President Arturo Frondizi
who demanded that the members of the ‘Wise Men’ Committee should be from a variety of countries so that they would be familiar with “the true needs of our countries”?
how many people were on the ‘Wise Men’ Committee once it was approved?
2nd March 1961
when did JFK announce the formation of the Peace Corps?
the Peace Corps Act
what was the name of the act enacted by the US Congress which formally established the Peace Corps?
to help people outside of the US understand American culture and vice versa
what was the aim of the Peace Corps?
$77 million
how much military aid did JFK give to Latin American countries a year?
Secretary of Defence Robert McNamara
who argued that US military aid and training in Latin America was necessary to allow for moderate leaders to rule in Latin America?
“economic and social development and the success of the Alliance for Progress”
what did the Secretary of Defence, Robert McNamara, say the internal stability caused by US military aid and training would allow for?
Dean Rusk
who was the Secretary of State under JFK?
Chester Bowles
who was the Undersecretary of State under JFK?
Undersecretary of State Chester Bowles
who wrote to JFK protesting about the funding and counter-insurgency programs in Latin America in September 1961?
“we are creating armed forces capable of seizing power'“
what did US Undersecretary of State Chester Bowles warn JFK of in his letter to him in September 1961?
to reduce US military expenditure in the region
by funding military activities, what pledge did JFK violate that he had made in his Alliance for Progress speech?
“the principal threat faced in Latin America is Communist subversion and indirect attack”
how does Stephen G Rabe say the JFK administration justified its actions?
“wars of national liberation”
what did Soviet premier Nikita Khrushchev declare that the USSR would back in January 1961?
Victor Raul Haya de la Torre
against which democratically elected candidate was the Peruvian military coup in 1962?
$22.3 billion
how much total economic assistance did the US supply to Latin America up to 1968?
9 (including Mexico and Brazil)
how many countries reached the growth target of the Alliance for Progress?
when was Romulo Betancourt elected in Venezuela?
which Latin American country was the first that JFK visited in December 1961?
what was the overall growth rate for Latin America in the 1960s (the ‘decade of development’)?
25 million
how many people were unemployed in Latin America by the end of the 1960s?
“one sees that not that much money has been put into Latin America after all”
what did the US Ambassador to the Organisation of American States (OAS) William T Denzer say regarding the US funding in Latin America during the Alliance for Progress in March 1969?
what was the US’ $20 billion of aid per person?
how many times more money left Brazil for the US (through earnings and dividends) than was invested?
what was the population growth in Latin America in the 1960s?
15 million
how many peasant families were living in Latin America at the time?
1 million
how many of the peasant families in Latin America actually benefitted from land reforms?
“yankee imperialism”
what did Latin American nationalists dismiss the Alliance for Progress as?
“the Alliance for Progress went on to become on the greatest failures of the Kennedy administration”"
what do historians Peter Schwab and Jerome Lee Shneidman assert that the Alliance for Progress became?
“its vast and complex aims cannot be judged as failures as they were impossible to achieve in the short term”
why does historian Harvey S Perloff claim the Alliance for Progress cannot be considered a failure?
“between the overambitious idealism of its development goals and the pointless obsessiveness of its concern for security, the United States really undermines the Alliance before it could get started”
what do historians Jerome Levinson and Juan de Onis argue about the Alliance for Progress?
“the short-term security that anti-Communist elites could provide was purchased at the expense of long-term political and social democracy”
what does historian Stephen G Rabe claim that security in the region was purchased at the expense of?
“the Administration demonstrably bolstered regimes and groups that were undemocratic, conservative, and frequently repressive”
who does historian Stephen G Rabe claim JFK’s administration bolstered?
“Cuba’s Abraham Lincoln”
what did Vice President Nixon praise Cuban autocrat Batista as?
5-10% of Latin Americans owned 70-80% of the land
what percentage of Latin American populations owned what percentage of Latin American land?
Argentina, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Honduras, and Peru
which countries did JFK’s administration temporarily break off relations with due to them being dictatorships?
a “noble failure”
what did historian Joseph Tulchin claim the Alliance for Progress was at best?
“reality did not match the rhetoric”
what did Theodore Sorenson claim the problem with the Alliance for Progress was?
“a notable policy failure of the 1960s, superseded only by the U.S. debacle in Vietnam”
what did historian Stephen Rabe conclude that the Alliance for Progress represented?
the “apogee of military power in Latin America”
what does historian Michael Gambone refer to the 1960s as?
south american liberator Simon Bolivar
whose tomb did JFK visit in Caracas?
Techo Housing Project
what was the name of the project that JFK opened in Colombia which was funded by the Alliance for Progress?
Carlos Lleras Camargo
what was the name of the President of Colombia
Ciudad Kennedy
what was the Techo Housing Project renamed after JFK’s assassination?
1 million
how many people now live in the Techo Housing Project / Ciudad Kennedy in Colombia?
San Carlos Palace
what is the name of the palace where JFK made his speech whilst in Colombia? (hint: Simon Bolivar had lived there as President of the newly independent nation of Gran Colombia)
June 1962
when did JFK visit Mexico City?
Adolfo Lopez Mateos
who was the President of Mexico in 1962?
March 1963
when did JFK travel to Costa Rica?
Teatro Nacional in San Jose
where did JFK address Latin American presidents when in Costa Rica?
El Bosque Housing Project
what is the name of the housing project in Costa Rice built with help from the alliance?
21st November 1963
when did JFK speak about the alliance to LULAC (League of United Latin American Citizens)