Pest Management/ Safety all questions (copy)

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Which of the following activities are part of an IPM program? Select all that apply:

a. Eliminating all insects present in an area

b. Identifying pests accurately

c. Preventing pest problems

d. Removing vegetation completely in an area

e. Monitoring for pests and pest damage

f. Combining pest management tools

g. Applying the same pesticide several times each season

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Which of the following activities are part of an IPM program? Select all that apply:

a. Eliminating all insects present in an area

b. Identifying pests accurately

c. Preventing pest problems

d. Removing vegetation completely in an area

e. Monitoring for pests and pest damage

f. Combining pest management tools

g. Applying the same pesticide several times each season

b, c, e, f

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Match the characteristics with the weed type:

Weed type a. monocot? or b. dicots?

  1. Leaves have parallel veins

  2. Plants are shrub- or treelike

  3. Leaves have netlike veins

  4. Seedlings have a single leaf

Monocots (a): 1, 4

Dicots (b): 2, 3

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Which organisms belong in each of the numbered pest groups?

Categories: 1 Vertebrates, 2 Invertebrates, 3 Weeds or 4 Pathogens


a. Ticks

b. Little Mallow

c. Ground Squirrels

d. Powdery Mildew

e. Yellow Nutsedge

f. Aphids

g. Fire Blight

h. Pocket Gophers

a. Ticks - invertebrates

b. Little Mallow - weeds

c. Ground Squirrel - Vertebrates

d. Powdery Mildew - Pathogen

e. Yellow nutsedge - Weeds

f. Aphids - invertebrates

g. Fire blight - pathogen

h. Pocket Gophers - Vertebrates

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Match the pesticide group with the pest it controls.

1 Acaricide, 2 Herbicide, 3 Molluscicide, 4 Rodenticide

a. Snails

b. Little Mallow

c. Ground Squirrels

d. Persea Mites

e. Yellow Nutsedge

f. Ticks

g. Slugs

h. Pocket Gophers

1Acaricide: d, f

2Herbicide: b, e

3Molluscicide: a, g

4Rodenticide: c, h

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Match the signal word with its oral LD50


a. from 50 to 500 mg/ kg

b. below 50 mg/kg

c. over 500 mg/kg

1 Danger below 50 mg/kg

2 Caution over 500 mg/kg

3 Warning from 50 to 500 mg/kg

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Match the pesticide formulation type with its primary benefit.

1 Wettable Powder (WP), 2 Dry Flowable (DF), 3 Soluble Powder (SP), 4 Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC), 5 Granules

a. Not abrasive to spray nozzles or pumps

b. Reduces the chance of phytotoxicity developing in treated plants

c. Less likely to drift than other formulation types

d. Packaged in easy-to-pour containers that make measuring and mixing easier than other formulations

e. Has many different uses, more than other formulation types

1 Wettable Powder (WP) - b. Reduces the chance of phytotoxicity developing in treated plants

2 Dry Flowable (DF) - d. Packaged in easy-to-pour containers that make measuring and mixing easier than other formulations

3 Soluble Powder (SP) - a. Not abrasive to spray nozzles or pumps

4 Emulsifiable Concentrates (EC) - e. Has many different uses, more than other formulation types

5 Granules - c. Less likely to drift than other formulation types

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Match the section of the label with the information found there

1 “Directions for Use”, 2 “First Aid”, 3 “Precautionary Statement”, 4 “Restricted-Entry Statement”

a. When to seek medical attention after exposure to the product

b. Whether or not the product is toxic to honey bees

c. The list of all target pests that the manufacturer claims the product controls

d. The amount of time that must go by before anyone can enter a treated area unless they are wearing PPE

e. Plant back or rotational crop restrictions

f. What PPE to wear when handling containers and while mixing and applying the product

1 “Directions for Use” - c, e

2 “First Aid” - a

3 “Precautionary Statement” - b, f

4 “Restricted-Entry Statement” - d

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Match the information needed with the best source for it.

1 How to clean up after a pesticide spill, 2 How to apply the pesticide correctly, 3 How to dispose of pesticide containers, 4 How to avoid hazardous reactions

a. Label

b. Safety Data Sheet

1 How to clean up after a pesticide spill - b Safety Data Sheet

2 How to apply the pesticide correctly - a Label

3 How to dispose of pesticide containers - a Label

4 How to avoid hazardous reactions - b Safety Data Sheet

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True or False:

T/F a. Restricted materials permits are issued by the Department of Pesticide Regulation’s Pest Management and Licensing Branch

T/F b. The label is the law

T/F c. Employees must have access to pesticide use records for treated fields and for materials they handle.

T/F d. You must report all agricultural pesticide use to your county agricultural commissioner once a year

T/F e. You have to have a restricted materials permit before you are allowed to apply any California restricted material on your property

T/F f. Regulations covering pesticide use in California can be found in Title 3, Division 6, of the California Code of Regulations.

a. F

b. T

c. T

d. F

e. T

f. T

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True or false?

T/F a. Groundwater contamination is a problem when using persistent pesticides.

T/F b. Point source pollution comes from pesticides that have been spilled over a wide area.

T/F c. Pesticides that drift from the target site can injure nontarget organisms

T/F d. Noting where sensitive areas are on your farm before applying pesticides makes it more likely you will contaminate these areas.

T/F e. Nonpoint source pollution comes from pesticides that move into streams or groundwater following a broadcast application to a large area.

a. T

b. F

c. T

d. F

e. T

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Match the term with its definition:

1 Solubility, 2 Adsorption, 3 Persistence, 4 Volatility

a. The ability of a pesticide to remain present and active in its original form for an extended period before breaking down

b. The tendency of a pesticide to turn into a gas or vapor

c. A measure of the ability of a pesticide to dissolve in liquid

d. The process a pesticide undergoes when it binds to soil particles

1 Solubility - c. A measure of the ability of a pesticide to dissolve in liquid

2 Adsorption - d. The process a pesticide undergoes when it binds to soil particles

3 Persistence - a. The ability of a pesticide to remain present and active in its original form for an extended period before breaking down

4 Volatility - b. The tendency of a pesticide to turn into a gas or vapor

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Match the situation with the types of offsite movement most likely occur.

a. Drift, b. Runoff, c. Leaching

  1. A pesticide is being applied at high pressure using small-orifice nozzles, and the wind picks up speed

  2. Rainwater washes a soluble pesticide down through the soil into an aquifer

  3. Irrigation water carries pesticides from a recently treated field into a nearby creek

  4. A pesticide is applied during the formation of a temperature inversion

  5. A soluble pesticide is applied on a slope just before a rainstorm

  6. rinse water from equipment cleaning is dumped next to a treated field in a Ground Water Protection Area.

a. Drift - 1, 4

b. Runoff - 3, 5

c. Leaching - 2, 6

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match the PPE with the protection it offers

1 Coverall, 2 Chemical-Resistant Suit, 3 Chemical-Resistant Apron, 4 Chemical-resistant Hat, 5 Gloves, 6 Face Shield, 7 Respirator

a. Worn directly over your work clothes (long-sleeved shirt, long pants, and socks) to protect them from pesticide contamination

b. Protects your coveralls, and guards you from splashes, spills and billowing dust

c. Protects your lungs from pesticides in the air

d. Protects you when a large amount of pesticide could be deposited on your clothing over an extended period of time

e. Protects your eye, and prevents liquids from splashing onto your face during mixing

f. Protects you from overhead exposure or exposure to a lot of airborne particles

g. Keeps pesticides from contaminating your hands and forearms








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Match the situation with the most appropriate PPE.

  1. You are spraying a large volume of a DANGER pesticide that is likely to drift onto your clothing and may remain in the air as you make the application. Temperatures are moderate.

  2. You are spraying a CAUTION pesticide over your head into trees.

  3. You are mixing and then loading a dust pesticide with a precautionary statement saying “fatal if absorbed through skin".”

a. Chemical- resistant headgear, goggles, gloves and coveralls

b. Closed mixing system, coveralls, safety glasses, respiratory protection, and gloves.

c. Chemical-resistant suit, respiratory protection, goggles, gloves, and a hat




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True or False

T/F a. Reusable PPE must be cleaned at the end of each work period before using the equipment again

T/F b. An individual fit test is required to ensure that your respirator fits properly and works effectively to protect you.

T/F c. Nonwoven coveralls and hoods marked “disposable” can be worn for as many as 7 workdays.

T/F d. Avoid heat-related illness by using less PPE than required and making the application as quickly as possible

T/F e. PPE can worsen an exposure incident if you put it on over clothing that had been contaminated by pesticides and not properly cleaned

a. T

b. T

c. F

d. F

e. T

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Match the sensitive area with the steps used to protect it.

  1. Lakes, ponds, or streams

  2. Aquifers, Sinkholes, or wells

  3. Parks, Schools, playgrounds, or recreational areas

a. Choose pesticides that are less likely to drift and are less toxic to people and animals. Leave a buffer strip adjoining these features of the landscape.

b. Check the label for the proper distance to maintain from these features of the landscape, and use a formulation less likely to have problems with runoff

c. Check DPR’s Ground Water Protection Area (GWPA) maps, and avoid using pesticides that leach to protect these features of the landscape. Read the label to find out about a pesticide’s leaching potential.




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Match the application method with its major drawback.

  1. Band and directed spray application

  2. Broadcast

  3. Dip or spray-dip applications

  4. Soil incorporation

  5. Chemigation

a. Leaching can be a problem, especially in sandy soils

b. Uses a lot of water, power, and fuel

c. Requires special equipment to make applications more targeted

d. Requires specialized equipment and setup to meet regulatory requirements for protection of groundwater

e. Exposure risk is higher when systems are not mechanized

  1. C

  2. B

  3. E

  4. A

  5. D

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True or False.

T/F a. Piston pumps are the best pumps to use for spraying abrasive formulations

T/F b. Nozzles with larger orifices wear more slowly than nozzles with smaller orifices.

T/F c. Fiberglass tanks must be checked carefully for scratches or abrasions, since they absorb pesticides that can contaminate the next tank mix.

T/F d. The most expensive nozzles are made of brass

T/F e. If spray pressure is dropping and there is unusual strain on the pump, it is most likely because the filter screens are clogged

T/F f. You can safely remove particles stuck in a nozzle using a thin copper wire.

T/F g. Cleaning a sprayer repeatedly in a particular location can result in a contamination unless you carefully contain the wash water.

T/F h. It takes longer to flush a drip irrigation system after chemigation than other types of irrigation systems

a. F

b. T

c. T

d. F

e. T

f. F

g. T

h. T

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Match the nozzle with its spray pattern and uses.

  1. Low-pressure flat-fan nozzles

  2. even flat-fan nozzles

  3. Solid cone nozzles

  4. Air-injection/ air induction/ Venturi nozzles

  5. Solid stream nozzles

a. The nozzles produce a fan-shaped pattern of coarse droplets. They are used on a boom to apply herbicides in situations where drift needs to be reduced.

b. These nozzles create more spray droplets in the center and fewer droplets on the side so that the pattern tapers off at each end. They are used with soil-applied herbicides, fungicides, and insecticides.

c. These nozzles produce an even distribution of droplets in fan-shaped pattern. They are used when you don’t want the herbicide, fungicide, or insecticide spray to overlap.

d. The nozzles are used to apply large volumes of soil-incorporated and preemergence herbicides. They produce large droplets that help reduce drift.

e. These nozzles are used on booms in row crops to apply all types of pesticides in bands at pressures ranging from 5-200 psi.

  1. B

  2. C

  3. D

  4. A

  5. E

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Match the application situation with its appropriate liquid applicator.

  1. You want to control tall weeds in fields or pastures, and drift is a major concern.

  2. You want to control insects or disease in areas of dense foliage.

  3. You want to control external parasites on livestock that must be evenly treated.

  4. You need to control nematodes in tree or vine crops

a. Spray-dip machine

b. Low-volume boom sprayer

c. Wick applicator

d. Air blast sprayer

  1. C

  2. D

  3. A

  4. B

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Match the type of offsite movement with a method you can use to combat it.

  1. Spray drift

  2. Vapor drift

  3. Particle drift

  4. Runoff

  5. Leaching

a. Avoid applying on a hot day or when high temperatures are expected up to several hours after application.

b. Adjust boom height to shorten the distance a pesticide must travel to reach the target.

c. Check Ground Water Protection Area maps, and avoid applications to these sites whenever possible.

d. Keep the ground moist if high winds are expected after an application of persistent pesticides to soil

e. Leave grass buffer zones, especially when application sites are near streams, ponds, or other sources of surface water.

  1. B

  2. A

  3. D

  4. E

  5. C

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True or False?

T/F a. To measure a pesticide spray’s penetration into thick foliage, like in trees, place pH-sensitive sponges in the treatment area and check their saturation levels after the application

T/F b. Using a GPS unit on your sprayer will help reduce drift by ensuring that you are spraying droplets that are large enough to stay on target.

T/F c. The pesticide label is the best place to find out if one product can be successfully mixed with another in the same tank

T/F d. One of the first things to look for when doing follow-up monitoring at an application site is indications that pesticide coverage was adequate and uniform

T/F e. Pesticides are only harmful to adult bees and never affect the brood inside the hive

a. F

b. F

c. T

d. T

e. F

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Match the emergency type with the procedures to follow when providing first aid.

  1. Pesticides on skin or clothing

  2. Inhaled pesticides

  3. Heat-related illness

a. Prevent chilling (from shock) by wrapping the person in a blanket after removing them from the accident site and disposing of contaminated clothing.

b. After removing contaminated clothing, thoroughly wash the affected areas with soap or detergent and large amounts of water.

c. Move the affected person to an air-conditioned or cool, shaded area

  1. B

  2. A

  3. C

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