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kingdom archaebacteria
both have species that humans cant seee untill under a microscope
archea is what
crenarchaeto euryarchaeto
hyper thermophiles
sulfer oxidizers
domain archaea
ancient bacteria
prokaryotes are structurally simple but biochemically complex
what enviorments do they live in
extreme enviorment hot springs salty lakes
normal enviorment soil and ocean
do they need oxygen to survive
three 3 main types are
why do methanogens release methane
to release waste products
where does methanogens live
in mud a t the bottom of lakes and wamps because they dont have oxygen
or intestinal tracts of animals to help break down food
how does methanogens help sewage cleanup
methanogens clean garbage
how does methanogens help our homes
the methan waster the bacteria produces after eating garbage can be used asfuel to heat up homes
where and how to thermacidophile live
they live in the dark and without oxygenthey like to live in acidic enviorments and they like to live in dissolved minerals
Black smokers
they are made in extreme tempatures and pressure thermophide like to live their
where do halophiles like to live
where water is with salts concerntration of 15 % or more
like to live in great salt lake
why does the water turn pink
from prokaryotes in the arcaea and bacteria incluiding archaea in genus Halobacterium
cell wall maintains what
the cells shape it protect the cell and prevents it from bursting
not membrance bound organelle
have plasmids
have peptidoglycan in their cell wall
are membrance bound organelle
is methodss of movement
what do bacterial flagellum lack
lack microtubles
archaebacteria are old bacter that live in extreme enviorments they have unique lipids in plasma membranes
usually not pathogenic
similarly to eukaryote they have
ribosomes they have some genes that resembble them aswell
halophile are
aerobic and heterotrophic
what contains the pigment bacteriorhodopsin
anaerobic and photosynthetic
themral vents and some hots Springs
used yo increase the efficiency of animal feeds
soda lakes in africa dn western us
in acidophile how to enzymes help animals
they extract nutrients from feed
they are also more efficient and less expensive
what do alkaliphiles do to fabric
they soften fabrics and release some dyes making it look worn like stonwashed pants
they dissolve things like PROTIENS
the cell wall is made of what
cellulose or chitm and both types of polysaccharide
a network of sugar plymers cross linked by polypeptides
gram positive
have simpler walls with large amounts of peptidoglycan
gram negative
bactera have less peptidoglycan and an outer membrane that can be toxic
theya re more likely to be antibiotic resistant
a polysaccharide or protein layer that cover many prokaryotes
the ability to move toward or away from stimulus in hetergeneous enviornment
the kovemetn away from a chemical stimulus
how are flagella made
witha globular protein called flagellin
short thin appendages
light blue stuff
blue squiggiles
blue green dots
cell wall
neon green
capsule label
yellow green
pili label
long strings yellow green