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Top-down processing
A perception analysis that emphasizes our expectations, memories, and other cognitive factors over individual characteristics.
Bottom-up processing
A sensation analysis that emphasizes characteristics of stimuli rather than our concepts and expectations.
A set of mental tendencies and assumptions that affect our top-down processing and sensory perception.
Gestalt psychology
The belief that the brain forms a perceptual whole that is more than the sum of its sensory parts.
The tendency of humans to fill in gaps to create a complete, whole object.
Figure and ground
In Gestalt psychology, 'Figure' is the part of a pattern that stands out, and 'Ground' is the background or part that does not stand out.
The tendency to group nearby objects together.
The tendency to group similar objects together based on our perception.
Selective attention
The focusing of our conscious awareness on a particular stimulus.
Cocktail party effect
The ability to identify one voice out of many competing voices.
Inattentional blindness
The failure to see visible objects because our attention is focused elsewhere.
Change blindness
The failure to notice changes in the environment around us.
Binocular depth cues
Depth cues that depend on the use of two eyes.
Retinal disparity
The difference in images from the two eyes, allowing for depth perception.
The inward turning of the eyes as an object gets closer.
Monocular depth cues
Depth cues that are available to each eye separately.
Relative clarity
Objects that are clearer and more detailed are perceived as closer.
Relative size
If two objects are similar in size, the one that casts a smaller retinal image appears further away.
Texture gradient
Monocular cue that indicates objects further away appear to have a smoother texture.
Linear perspective
The parallel lines that appear to converge in the distance, with sharper angles indicating greater perceived distance.
The perception that objects blocking other objects are closer.
Apparent movement
The perception that stable objects may appear to move when we move.