History Major exam 2

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Where did the ideas of the “country party,” that is the emphasis on the ideology of republicanism, have the most influence?


In the colonies


In Great Britain


The influence was equal


Both the colonies and Great Britain distrusted this ideology as it was associated with Catholic France

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Where did the ideas of the “country party,” that is the emphasis on the ideology of republicanism, have the most influence?


In the colonies


In Great Britain


The influence was equal


Both the colonies and Great Britain distrusted this ideology as it was associated with Catholic France

In the colonies

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Both John Locke and George Whitefield encouraged which of the following values?


Fear of sin and hell


Questioning authority


Power of experience to shape one’s thinking


Importance of education

Questioning authority

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Why did King George III issue the Royal Proclamation of 1763 and limit settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?


To limit wars with the French


To limit wars with Native Americans


To make it easier to collect taxes


All of the above

To limit wars with Native Americans

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What was the most important difference between the Stamp Act and the Sugar Act?


The Stamp Act was a direct tax while the Sugar Act modified a pre-existing duty


The Stamp Act only affected wealthy individuals while the Sugar Act only affected Bostonians


The Sugar Act was approved by colonial assemblies whereas the Stamp Act was imposed by royal governors


The Sugar Act raised the prices of sugar, while the Stamp Act decreased the price of postage

The Stamp Act was a direct tax while the Sugar Act modified a pre-existing duty

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How did colonists respond to the repeal of the Stamp Act?


Praising Parliament and King George III


Denouncing British tyranny and tearing down a lead statue of King George III in New York City


Continuing the same protests against the Sugar Act


Creating the Constitutional Congress to coordinate future action

Praising Parliament and King George III

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How did women participate in protesting the Townshend Acts?


Refusing to procreate


Acting as representatives in colonial legislatures


Spinning homespun clothing to aid the trade boycott


They did not participate

Spinning homespun clothing to aid the trade boycott

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Why was the Boston Massacre significant?


Enabled Paul Revere to become an important national leader


Demonstrated colonial resistance to the Sugar Act


Tied the colonies together through shared sympathy for Boston


The execution of the British soldiers indicated the resolve of colonial leaders

Tied the colonies together through shared sympathy for Boston

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What was the purpose of the Tea Act?


Raise revenue to pay down the national debt


Help the East India Company


Punish Boston merchants


All of the above

Help the East India Company

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The Coercive or Intolerable Acts included four specific laws. The first was the Boston Port Act. The other three are all of the following EXCEPT


Glass Act


Massachusetts Government Act


Administration of Justice Act


Quartering Act

Glass Act

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The “Declaration of Rights and Grievances,” produced by the Continental Congress included which of the following assertions:


Colonists retained all the rights of native Britons


Taxes should come only from the colonists' elected representatives


Colonists should have the right to trails by juries


All of the above

All of the above

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Which delegates opposed the mention of slavery in the Declaration of Independence?


South Carolina




Various northern delegates who represented slave trading merchants


All of the above

All of the above

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The aid of which European nation proved most helpful to the American cause:










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Which side was the first to offer freedom to slaves willing to fight for their side?






Neither offered freedom to slaves willing to fight


Both made the same offer in 1775


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Most members of the Shawnee, Creek, Cherokee, and Iroquois sided with which side during the war?








Most Shawnee and Creek sided with the Americans while most Cherokee and Iroquois sided with the British


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What turning point convinced the French to join the war against Britain?


Battle of Saratoga


Battle of Trenton


Battle of New York


Battle of Bunker Hill

Battle of Saratoga

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Neolin, who urged Indians to reject European goods and influence, was known as:


the Maryland Prophet.


the Delaware Prophet.


the Pennsylvania Prophet.


the Ohio Prophet.

the Delaware Prophet.

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The Two Penny Act involved Anglican ministers in which colony?




New York






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The American Revenue Act was commonly known as the:


Corn Act.


Sugar Act.


Stamp Act.


Navigation Act.

Sugar Act.

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What term describes a general search warrant issued to customs officials in America?


Amicus curiae


Writs of assistance


Bills of attainder


none of the above

Writs of assistance

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According to John Locke, rulers have the authority to enforce law: 

only for the public good.


according to their whims and fancy.


always and everywhere.


none of the above

only for the public good.

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The Stamp Act Congress adopted the:


Declaration of Rights and Grievances.


Bill of Rights.


Declaration Against Taxes.


Declaration of Independence.

Declaration of Rights and Grievances.

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The Declaration of Rights and Grievances:


was written before the Stamp Act Congress convened.


was written in response to the Declaratory Act.


called for the continuation of the Sugar Act.


stated that Parliament had no right to tax the colonies.

stated that Parliament had no right to tax the colonies.

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Vigilante groups formed in North Carolina in the 1760s called themselves:






Sons of Liberty.


none of the above


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In response to the Townshend Duty Act, American colonists:


initiated the Revolutionary War.


began growing their own tea.


began a boycott of imported goods.


proposed an income tax.

began a boycott of imported goods.

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Colonists called the Quebec Act and the Coercive Acts collectively the:


Painful Acts.


Intolerable Acts.


Shameful Acts.


Oppressive Acts.

Intolerable Acts.

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The First Continental Congress resulted in the:


endorsement of the Suffolk Resolves.


American Grand Council.


Declaration of Independence.


Albany Plan of Union.

endorsement of the Suffolk Resolves.

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The Proclamation of 1763 forbade white settlement:


west of the Rockies.


in Canada.


west of the Appalachians.


in Louisiana.

west of the Appalachians.

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In the months before the Revolution, those who advocated colonial rights called themselves:










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The Suffolk Resolves denounced the Coercive Acts as:




poorly conceived.






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The Quartering Acts required:


colonial assemblies to remit one fourth of tax revenues to England.


colonial assemblies to provide barracks for British troops.


colonial assemblies be reduced in size by 75%.


none of the above

colonial assemblies to provide barracks for British troops.

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The Committee of Safety: 


called for the creation of a Provincial Congress.


organized a militia.


was most active in the Lower South.


sought to disband the Minutemen.

organized a militia.

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The Conciliatory Proposition pledged NOT to tax the colonists if they: 


purchased all of their finished goods from England.


would quarter British troops in America.


swore allegiance to the king.


voluntarily contributed to the defense of the empire.

voluntarily contributed to the defense of the empire.

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The first American casualties of the Revolutionary War were killed in: 










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In its early days, the Second Continental Congress did all of the following, EXCEPT: 


establish a currency.


accept North's Conciliatory Proposition.


create the Continental Army.


establish a postal system.

accept North's Conciliatory Proposition.

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The pro-independence pamphlet Common Sense was written by: 










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In the phrase "life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" the third element was originally: 










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Most Whigs subscribed to the political ideology known as: 










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The "Brown Bess" was a type of: 










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Benedict Arnold offered to surrender what to the British? 






West Point


Valley Forge

West Point

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Early in the war, some royal officials sought to recruit black slaves into the loyalist forces with a promise of: 


passage to Africa.








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After what battle did General Burgoyne surrender to the Americans? 


The Battle of Saratoga


The Battle of Ticonderoga


The Battle of Brandywine Creek


The Battle of Princeton

The Battle of Saratoga

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The leader of what nation suggested European powers form a League of Armed Neutrality? 










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America's first naval hero was: 


John Paul Jones.


John Barry.


George Dewey.


Jimmy Page.

John Paul Jones.

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Which battle represented the worst American defeat of the Revolutionary War? 


The Battle of Charleston


The Battle of Camden


The Battle of Guilford


The Battle of Cowpens

The Battle of Charleston

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In the Paris peace agreement: 


slavery was banned in Canada.


slavery was banned in the northern colonies.


slavery was banned in New England.


nothing was said about the slave trade.

nothing was said about the slave trade.

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What was the primary cause of Shays’ Rebellion?


Farmers struggling because of debts


Fears of slave revolt


Opposition to the Articles of Confederation


Hatred of taxes

Farmers struggling because of debts

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All of the following are true about the Virginia Plan EXCEPT


Proposed creating a strong federal government


Proposed three branches


Proposed that the national legislature have veto power over state laws


Proposed to reduce taxes on farmers

Proposed to reduce taxes on farmers

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How were slaves counted for purposes of proportional representation?


It was not discussed


They were not counted


They were counted fully


They were counted as three-fifths of a person

They were counted as three-fifths of a person

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What was the term for Americans who opposed ratifying the Constitution?


Shays' Rebels


Sons of Liberty






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How did the Constitutional Convention regulate the Atlantic slave trade?


Outlawed it


Kept it open for twenty years


Protected it as a right of free trade


Ignored it

Kept it open for twenty years

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Alexander Hamilton’s financial plan included all of the following EXCEPT


Federal assumption of state debts


Creating new bonds to allow investment in the United States


Establishing a Bank of the United States


Dropping import duties to encourage free trade

Dropping import duties to encourage free trade

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Alexander Hamilton’s policies primarily targeted which group of people for greater involvement in the new nation?




Native Americans


Poor farmers


Wealthy Americans

Wealthy Americans

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Who suffered the most from the Whiskey tax?


Eastern merchants


Southern slave owners


Western farmers


Northern bankers

Western farmers

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John Jay’s Treaty included all of the following EXCEPT


Required Britain to abandon military positions in the Northwest Territory


Required Britain to compensate American merchants for their losses


the United States to treat Britain as its closest trade partner


Required an end to the British Navy’s policy of impressments

Required an end to the British Navy’s policy of impressments

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How did most Americans initially respond to the news of the French Revolution?


Protesting against Catholicism


Celebrating the spread of republican government


Opposing the rebels


Withdrawing investment from European banks

Celebrating the spread of republican government

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What was the X.Y.Z. Affair?


Scandal that occurred when French diplomats demanded bribes from American officials


Protest against Jay’s Treaty


Organizing convention for the Federalist Party


Arrival of the French fleet in the port of Charleston

Scandal that occurred when French diplomats demanded bribes from American officials

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The Alien and Sedition Acts allowed which of the following


Federal government could deport foreign nationals, or “aliens,” who seemed to pose a national security threat


Federal government could prosecute anyone found to be speaking or publishing “false, scandalous, and malicious writing” against the government


Both A and B


They allowed none of these things

Both A and B

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What was the term for the documents arguing that states could declare federal laws unconstitutional?


X.Y.Z. memorandum


Federalist papers


Sedition Act


Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

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What is disestablishment?


Banning taxation without representation


Ending governmental support of a particular religious denomination


Requiring national days of prayer


Requiring office holders to swear an oath of faith

Ending governmental support of a particular religious denomination

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What was the most important consequence of Marbury v. Madison?


Established judicial review


Disgraced the Federalist Party


Settled the election of 1800 in favor of Thomas Jefferson


Created the separation of church and state

Established judicial review

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A township contains ________ square miles.










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Between 1777 and 1784:


most northern states ended slavery.


slave owners resorted to the use of Indian slaves.


most northern states accelerated their use of slavery.


many states allowed women the momentary right to vote.

most northern states ended slavery.

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Delegates met at the Annapolis Convention to:


challenge the institution of slavery.


create a new federal government.


call for a regulated land policy for the Northwest.


devise a universal system of commercial regulation.

devise a universal system of commercial regulation.

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From 1776 to 1807, property-holding women had the right to vote:


if their husbands allowed them to vote.


in England.


in New Jersey.


only in local elections in the United States.

in New Jersey.

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In the Ordinance of 1784, Thomas Jefferson called for:


compact settlements with undisputed land titles.


the end of slavery in western territory after 1800.


equal legal and economic rights for Native Americans.


a lack of emphasis on westward expansion.

the end of slavery in western territory after 1800.

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Most state constitutions put into effect by the end of 1777 included all of the following EXCEPT:


a commitment to custom rather than written constitutions.


the curbing of the powers of the governor in the states.


expressions of the rights of common citizens.


the establishment of annual elections as a norm.

a commitment to custom rather than written constitutions.

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Most Antifederalists:


had centers of support in the urban North.


owned manufacturing interests.


distrusted the social and commercial elite.


supported a strong central government.

distrusted the social and commercial elite.

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The Great Compromise, created by Roger Sherman:


made all representation proportionate to the size of individual states.


successfully split the differences between small and large states.


actually aggravated the situation of free and slave states.


called for a policy of "one state, one vote."

successfully split the differences between small and large states.

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The New Jersey Plan:


would not allow the national government to levy taxes.


favored large states.


was excluded from the Great Compromise.


was the basis for voting in the Senate.

was the basis for voting in the Senate.

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The Northwest Ordinance of 1787 did all of the following EXCEPT:


establish criteria for territories to gain statehood.


create a political structure for the new territories.


provide the groundwork for ten new states.


prohibit slavery in northwestern territories.

provide the groundwork for ten new states.

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The Virginia Plan was introduced by:


Thomas Jefferson.


Alexander Hamilton.


James Madison.


Patrick Henry.

James Madison.

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The creators of the Articles of Confederation:


were Tories who sabotaged the American war effort.


were mainly made up of reluctant supporters of the Revolution.


asserted that the President should have final say on all matters.


feared the encroachment of centralized power.

feared the encroachment of centralized power.

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Under the Articles of Confederation, the American states were:


bound by strict statutes of economic and trade policies.


had little power compared to the national government.


created as a loose association of autonomous states.


subject to the rule of the national judiciary.

created as a loose association of autonomous states.

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Under the Articles of Confederation, the national government could not:


raise an army.


negotiate with Native Americans.


declare war.


conduct foreign affairs.

raise an army.

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Which statement would most likely have been said by a Federalist?


"Our republic will thrive best with a balance of power between national and state governments."


"Slavery shall be an issue that Congress must never address, for it is not in the domain of the legislative branch."


"We mistrust the extreme powers the Constitution gives to the national government."


"This Constitution serves us best when it allows local interests to be the heart and soul of the nation."

"Our republic will thrive best with a balance of power between national and state governments."

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Why did Gabriel’s Conspiracy fail?


a. Bad weather forced the conspirators to attack before they were ready


b. Two enslaved men revealed the plot to their masters


c. The conspirators were unable to acquire functioning firearms


d. Diversionary fires failed to ignite

b. Two enslaved men revealed the plot to their masters

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All of the following are true about the Haitian Revolt (or Revolution) EXCEPT


Many slaveholding refugees brought their slaves to the United States


Free and enslaved black Americans used the Revolution as inspiration in their freedom struggle


The Haitian Revolution terrified white slave owners


Napoleon’s support proved essential in the success of the Haitian Revolution

Napoleon’s support proved essential in the success of the Haitian Revolution

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Thomas Jefferson, in Notes on the State of Virginia, argued for polygenesis. What is polygenesis?


The belief that environmental changes would lead to changes in race


The belief in a universal equality of all human nature


The belief that African descended peoples were created separately from European descended peoples


The belief in the inevitability of race war and the extinction of weaker races

The belief that African descended peoples were created separately from European descended peoples

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Which of the following most accurately describes the attitude of most of the founding fathers as it relates to pure democracy?


Believed it was impossible


Believed it was dangerous


Believed it was inevitable


Believed it was God-given

Believed it was dangerous

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Which of the following was a key goal for President Jefferson?


Stabilize the Bank of the United States


Increase foreign investment in U.S. treasury bonds


Eliminate seditious speech from newspapers


Reduce the size of the federal government

Reduce the size of the federal government

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What is the term for the early American belief that women were essential in nurturing the principles of liberty in the citizenry?


Cult of domesticity


Victorian morality


Republican motherhood


American feminism

Republican motherhood

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Which of the following best describes Thomas Jefferson’s relationship with the American military?


He created a large expansive navy to defeat pirates


He expanded the army to defend against Indian attack


He used the military as a symbol of American patriotism


He distrusted the military and dramatically cut its budget and manpower

He distrusted the military and dramatically cut its budget and manpower

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All of the following motivated Napoleon to sell the Louisiana territory EXCEPT


The French and American alliance against the Spanish


The pressures of war in Europe


The success of the Haitian Revolution


d. Napoleon needed the resources

The French and American alliance against the Spanish

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Which of the following best describes Thomas Jefferson’s policy of peaceable coercion?


Using impressments to increase the size of the American navy


Attempt to use a trade embargo to force Europeans to respect American neutrality


Creating alliances with European powers to stop Napoleon


Attack on the Federalist Party from Republican newspapers

Attempt to use a trade embargo to force Europeans to respect American neutrality

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What is the “Play-off System”?


The ability of Native Americans to manipulate rivalries between European powers for their own advantage


A pan-Indian resistance movement inspired by one prophet’s religious vision


A trading policy between Native Americans that exchanged weapons for furs


The practice of using metaphorical language in speeches

The ability of Native Americans to manipulate rivalries between European powers for their own advantage

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Tecumseh ultimately built alliances that stretched from Canada to Georgia, but from where did he launch this movement?






New York




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What proved to be the most effective unifying force for the many Indians who followed Tecumseh?




Economic interest


Political ideology


Environmental change


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All of the following were contributing causes of the War of 1812 EXCEPT


British policy of impressment


Success of the Embargo of 1807


American fears of Britain encouraging Indian uprisings


Political influence of the War Hawks

Success of the Embargo of 1807

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What was the primary purpose of the Hartford Convention?


a. Create foreign alliances that would assist the United States in the War of 1812


b. Gather leaders of the Federalist Party to propose changes to the U.S. Constitution


c. Determine how to stop Tecumseh and his allies


d. Propose an end to the expansion of slavery

b. Gather leaders of the Federalist Party to propose changes to the U.S. Constitution

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What was the primary consequence of the War of 1812?


Boost in American nationalism


Addition of western territory


Collapse of the Bank of the United States


Defeat of the Republican Party

Boost in American nationalism

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Jefferson believed that this group promoted aristocratic pretensions and courtly intrigue through such practices as weekly levees or formal receptions for presidential guests.










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The cornerstone of the Republican domestic policy was:




fiscal responsibility.


the creation of a large armed force.




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The ruling of this Supreme Court judge ended the Republican offensive against the judiciary.










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All of the following statements about the Louisiana Purchase are true EXCEPT:


it contained a great deal of America's least productive farmland.


it doubled the size of the United States.


it was opposed by many Federalist legislators.


it revealed President Jefferson's aggressive style in supporting national interests.

it contained a great deal of America's least productive farmland.

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Which statement about the Embargo Act of 1807 is not true?


It prohibited merchants from trading with Europe


It failed to cause England and France to change their trade policies


It resulted in a vibrant economic boom in America


It represented President Jefferson's belief in "peaceable coercion"

It resulted in a vibrant economic boom in America

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The pan-Indian resistance movement focused its efforts on:


bargaining to get Constitutional rights for Indians.


uniting Indian opposition to white settlement in the West.


promoting the peaceful westward migration of white settlers.


drawing Indians into the capitalist economy.

uniting Indian opposition to white settlement in the West.

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Tecumseh and the prophet Tenkswatawa originally urged a policy of:


military alliance with Great Britain.


submission to whites' claims on Indian lands.


violent raids on small western communities.


racial solidarity and spiritual rebirth.

racial solidarity and spiritual rebirth.

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Why did the American offensive across the Niagara River fail in 1812?


Indians met them and massacred half of the troops


Many soldiers had defected, leaving the militia weakened


The militia had lost half of its troops to disease


A New York state militia refused to cross the river to join the regular army troops on the Canadian side

A New York state militia refused to cross the river to join the regular army troops on the Canadian side

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This restored relations between the British and Americans to what they were at the start of the war.


Treaty of Ghent


Battle of Put-in-Bay


Treaty of Versailles


Battle of Plattsburgh

Treaty of Ghent

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The Second Bank of the United States:


was created in part because of the financial chaos prevalent during the War of 1812.


was opposed by most Republicans.


was one of the country's smaller banks.


was designed to increase the influence of state banks.

was created in part because of the financial chaos prevalent during the War of 1812.

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