Genetic Engineering Cards

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Selective Breeding

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Selective Breeding

breeding organisms with desirable traits

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crossing different individuals to bring out the best of both organisms

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crossing individuals with similar characteristics

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Inbreeding Pros

breeds are maintained and unique characteristics are kept

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Inbreeding Cons

increased susceptibility to disease and deformities

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how to increase mutations

exposing organisms to radiation or chemicals, but many will die

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manipulating DNA steps

extract DNA from cells, cut it into small pieces, identify sequences of bases, make copies

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creating recombinant DNA steps

  • extract human DNA

  • isolate human gene for insulin using a restriction enzyme (EcoRI)

  • enzyme cuts DNA at a specific sequence

  • creates sticky ends: single strands of DNA that are produced from the restriction enzyme

  • extract ring of DNA, plasmid, from bacterial cell

  • cut plasmid using restriction enzyme (EcoRI), creating complimentary sticky ends

  • human gene and plasmid are combined with DNA Ligase

  • insert recombinant DNA into bacterial cell

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gene cloning through recombinant plasmid steps:

  • treats plasmid and gene coding for a protein (gene P) with an enzyme that cuts DNA

  • enzyme cleaves plasmid

  • plasmid and trarget gene DNA are mixed

  • DNA ligase joins them together with covelent bonds

  • recombinant plasmid containing targeted gene is mixed with bacteria

  • bacterium takes up plasmid DNA through transformation

  • recombinant bacterium reproduces to form a clone of cells containing desirable gene

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Genomic library storage:

a collection of cloned DNA fragments that include an organism’s entire genome

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Reverse Transcriptase Steps

  • chosen cells transcribe genes

  • process transcripts: remove introns

  • isolate mRNA in a test tube

  • single stranded DNA transcripts are made from mRNA using reverse transcriptase ( viral enzyme that synthesizes DNA from RNA template

  • another enzyme is added to break down mRNA

    DNA polymerase synthesize a second DNA strand

  • results: complementary DNA (cDNA)

    • only subset of genes that’s transcribed into mRNA in starting cells.

    • cDNA library is useful for studying genes responsible for specialized functions of a particular cell type

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Recombinant DNA

when scientists combine pieces of DNA from two different sources to make one molecule; used for genetic engineering

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Bacterial Plasmids

DNA molecules that replicate separately from a larger chromosome, only carry a few genes, easily manipulated to carry any gene, is a vector

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a particle that can carry foreign genes

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Polymerase Chain Reaction

  • rapidly make lots of copies of specific DNA sample

  • take small sample of DNA and amplify it to a large enough amount to study in detail

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Gel Electrophoresis

  • dna fingerprinting

  • identify individuals by DNA characteristics

  • uses gel and electricity

  • used to separate and analyze macromolecules (dna rna proteins) based on size and electrical charge

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transgenic organisms

contain genes from other organisms (GMO’s)

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transgenic animals

used to study genes and improve supply

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dna cloning steps

  1. harvest somatic cells and extract the nucleus for cloning

  2. extract donor egg and remove nucleus

  3. inject cloning nucleus into donor egg for a new egg cell

  4. new cell divides in mitosis and forms embryo

  5. implant new formed embryo into surrogate mother

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