unit 4.2: republic act 11166 article II

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Information, Education, Communication

Article II

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HIV and AIDS prevention program

Section 11. Prevention Program

  • educate the public on HIV and AIDS and other STIs, with the goal of reducing the risky behavior, lowering vulnerabilities , and promoting the human rights of PLHIV

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The PNAC shall promote and adopt a range of measures and interventions

Section 11. Prevention Program

  • in partnership with CSOs that aim to prevent , halt, or control the spread of HIV in the general population, especially among the key populations and vulnerable communities

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rights, welfare, and participation

Section 11. Prevention Program

  • These measures shall likewise promote the ___ of PLHIV and the affected children , young people , families, and partners of PLHIV

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age appropriate and based on up–to-date evidence and scientific strategies

Section 11. Prevention Program

  • The HIV and AIDS education and prevention programs shall be ___

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  • Safer sex practices

  • Other practices that reduce risk of HIV infection

  • Universal awareness of and access to evidence-based and relevant information and education

  • Knowledge of the health , civil , political , economic, and social rights of PLHIV and their families

Section 11. Prevention Program

  • It should actively promote ___

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learning modules

Section 12. Education in Learning Institutions

  • shall include human right-based principles and information on treatment , care and support to promote stigma reduction

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Referral mechanisms, including but not limited to , the DSWD referral system

Section 12. Education in Learning Institutions

  • shall be included in the modules for key populations and vulnerable communities

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awareness-building seminars

Section 13. Education for Parents & Guardians

  • The DepEd in coordination with parent–teacher organizations in schools and communities shall conduct ___ to provide parents and guardians with a gender-responsive and age-sensitive HIV and AIDS education

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constitutional right to health

Section 14. Education as a Right to Health & Information

  • HIV and AIDS education and information dissemination

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  • delivery of health services

Section 15. Education as a Health Service

  • HIV and AIDS education and information dissemination shall form part of the ___ by the health practitioners, workers, and personnel.

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common misconceptions

Section 15. Education as a Health Service

  • to make available to the public such information necessary to prevent and control the spread of HIV and AIDS and to correct ___ about this disease

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HIV-related ethical issues

Section 15. Education as a Health Service

  • The training of health workers shall include discussions on ___ such as confidentiality, informed consent, and the duty to provide treatment

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confidentiality in the workplace and reduction or elimination of STIGMA and DISCRIMINATION

Section 16. Education in the Workplace

  • standardized basic information and instruction on HIV and AIDs

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Philippine National AIDs Council (PNAC)

Section 16. Education in the Workplace

  • shall develop the standardized and key messages on the prevention and control of HIV and AIDs based on current and updated information on the disease.

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Section 16. Education in the Workplace

  • private sector

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Section 16. Education in the Workplace

  • public sector

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Section 16. Education in the Workplace

  • uniformed service

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attend a seminar

Section 17. Education for Filipinos Going Overseas

  • The State shall ensure that all overseas Filipino workers and diplomatic, military, trade, and labor officials and personnel to be assigned overseas shall ___ before being granted a certification for overseas assignment

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Department of Foreign Affairs


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Commission on Filipino Overseas


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Educational materials on the causes, modes of transmission, prevention, and consequences of HIV infection and list of HIV counseling testing facilities shall be adequately provided at all international and local ports of entry and exit.

Section 18. Information for Tourists & Transients

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Union of Local Authorities of the Philippines

Section 19. Education in Communities


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Local HIV and AIDS Councils

Section 19. Education in Communities


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locally-based, multi-sectoral community response

Section 19. Education in Communities

shall implement a ___ to HIV and AIDS through various channels on evidence-based, gender-responsive, age-appropriate, and human rights-oriented prevention tools to stop the spread of HIV

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Gender and Development

Section 19. Education in Communities


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geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas

Section 19. Education in Communities


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out-of-school youth

Section 19. Education in Communities

The DILG, in coordination with the DSWD and the NYC, shall also conduct age-appropriate HIV and AIDS education for ___

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peer education, support group, and outreach activities, and community-based research

Section 20. Education in Key Populations & Vulnerable Communities

To ensure that HIV services reach key populations at higher risk, the PNAC, in collaboration with the LGUs and CSOs engaged in HIV and AIDS education programs, such as ___

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Information on Prophylactics

Section 21.

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Misinformation on HIV and AIDs

Section 22.

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