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6 categories of age, 4-5 year intervals
How can middle age be broken down?
35 to 65
Age range for middle adult:
Middle adulthood. Increased risk for chronic disease.
When do damaging effects start to make a difference?
Sandwhich generation
Big in this age group: taking care of parents and kids
Subcutaneous fat in arms
Where do middle adults see fat decrease?
In abdomen. Women in menopause start to retain fat here more
Where do middle adults see fat increase?
Degenerative joint disease
Obesity increases the risk for this mobility concern:
1000mg daily, with vitamin D. After menopause, 1500mg
Calcium suppliment recommendation:
Estrogen decreases (estrogen increases calcium absorption)
Why do we need more calcium post menopause?
Changes in bone density
Why are calcium supplements recommended in middle adulthood?
12 months without a period
Indication of menopause:
Period menopause
Period before menopause, before 12 months of not having a period.
Weakened pelvic floor muscles.
Why are post-menopausal women at increase for urinary incontinence?
Stress incontinence, especially after having multiple kids
Common type on incontinence in post-menopausal women:
Deterioration of bone tissue:
First step of osteoporosis
enhances upper curvature of spine, result of osteopenia or poor posture
Unintentional injury
Leading cause of death in middle adults (up until 45)
Second leading cause of death in middle adults (up until 45)
Leading cause of death between ages 45-65
Cardiovascular disease
Second most common cause of death between ages 45-65
Middle age
Age group with highest proportion of cigarette smokers:
Health promotion strategy to reduce overall cancer death rate (secondary)
BP clinics
Health promotion strategies to reduce proportion of adults with hypertension (primary) [2]
Increase proportion of adults who engage in aerobic physical activity on a regular (preferably daily) basis
Health promotion strategy to reduce proportion of adults who are obese
Know standards. Is better now with regulations and paperwork
Health promotion strategy to reduce deaths from work-related injuries in all industries
Bolstering social determinants of health
Addressing health inequities
Other nursing interventions
How can risk factors be changed? [5]
Acceptance of aging
Needing to exercise
Weight control
Decrease/stopping cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption
Decreasing/managing chronic conditions
Key messages for health promotion in this age group: [5]
Working, more responsibility, comes with a desk job
Why do middle adults lead a more sedentary lifstyle?
Sitting disease
When people are sitting at a desk and not realizing they’re doing damage.
Can have an impact on cholesterol
Impacts of a high sodium diet:
Treated by diet and exercise before medications
How is high cholesterol treated?
150 minutes per week
Exercise recommendations for middle adult
Stressors at work
Things that can have an effect on sleep in this age [3]
Important to initiate exercise program that is safe and can keep them well and least amount of potential for injury
Considerations for exercise in this age group
Capacity to perform intellectually remains constant, reflexes and reaction time may decrease as age increases.
Changes in cognition at this age:
Middle adults are at the most complex functioning level (formal operations). Tey are able to think critically and thoughts are flexible
When do individuals “peak” in regards to their functional level? (Piaget)
decline in being able to see up close. You’ll see this condition in this age group. Loss of elasticity, normal physiological sign of aging
Eye condition that is not really age related, condition will often see in this age group. Increased IOP, can lead to headaches. Genetics. Had when younger and diabetic
•cloudy film on top of the eye. Injuy when younger increases risk
Macular degeneration
•not able to see a sharp
Age-related hearing loss
Generativity vs. Stagnation. A sense of productivity and creativity by reaching established goals.
Erikson’s stage for this age group:
Stage 5: family with children aged 13-20
Stage 6: family launching young adults, from first leaving until last
Stage 7: Families from empty nest to retirement
Three stages of family in middle age
Empty nest syndrome
When kids leave/move out. Feeling lonely, losing purpose.
Big stressor in middle-age that can get overlooked