Based off College Board videos
Block comments
Text between /* and */ characters ignored by the compiler. Includes name, date, purpose.
Main method
Controls program action. Example:public static void main(String[] args){.
Object for console output. Example:System.out.print / System.out.println.
String literals
Exact sequence of characters enclosed in quotation marks.
Syntax errors
Mistakes in code structure. Example:system.out.prnt, (“A Rocks);.
Logic errors
Incorrect usage of code leading to unexpected results.
Named memory locations holding specific values.
Variable with a value that cannot change, declared using 'final'.
Source code representation of a fixed value. Example:3.
Basic Arithmetic Operators
Include +, -, *, /, % (modulus).
Operator Precedence
Follows PEMDAS, left to right evaluation.
Equal Sign (=)
Assigns value on the right to the variable on the left.
Compound Assignment Operators
Include +=, x++; for concise operations.
Increment and Decrement Operators
Used to add or subtract 1 from a value.
Changing data type of a variable in Java.
Range from -2147483647 to 2147483647 (Integer.MIN_VALUE to Integer.MAX_VALUE).
Supports up to 14-15 digits, unexpected results beyond range.