environmental science final

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plate tectonics, a process which forms mountains, causes Earthquakes, and move, is powered by:

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plate tectonics, a process which forms mountains, causes Earthquakes, and move, is powered by:

Heat from deep within the earth

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which of the following is the most accurate statement about Earth’s soil?

The soil that we grow our food in:

makes up a small amount of Earth’s surface and takes a long time to reform

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  1. A student finds that every time it rains the soil in their yard has trouble draining and big puddles form. Their yard probably has higher amounts of _______


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Which is the best description of a WATERSHED?

An area of sand that drains to the same body of water.

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Which gas is a greenhouse gas that leads to global warming / climate change?

Carbon Dioxide

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Miranda says "today's high is 95 degrees, and it will be sunny and humid."
Alvin says "The average June temperature in Lansdale over the last 10 years is 70 degrees, our winters are cold”

What is this describing?

Miranda is describing weather

Alvis is describing climate

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Seasons on Earth are mainly caused by:

The tilt of the earth on its axis

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Which 2 variables are most important in determining which biome is present?

precipitation and temperature

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Why is nitrogen sometimes a nutrient that limits plant growth?

Some bacteria and plants can take Na from the atmosphere and make it usable.

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Phosphorus is a nutrient that can lead to eutrophication in aquatic ecosystems. Which is the best description of eutrophication?

To many nutrients, which leads to die offs in on ecosystem.

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What is true about the energy available in ecosystems?

Energy is limited, it gets lost as it moves through the food chain

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Which element is the primary component of fossil fuels?


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What is the primary provider of energy for both the hydrologic cycle and food chains?

The sun

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Choose the correct sequence for energy flow within an ecosystem:

Producers → herbivores→ Carnivores → scavengers

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A bottleneck event usually...

decreases gentic diversity

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Inbreeding generally leads to ______ genetic diversity and harmful mutations.


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Increasing the species diversity in an area will ________ the resilience of the ecosystem.


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When individuals with adaptations pass them on to offspring and individuals without adaptations die off, which leads to the entire population having the adaptation over time, that leads to ...


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For Over Exploitation to occur, the hunting (or harvesting) of a species has to occur...

faster than the late of reproduction

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Whit type of succession would occur after a volcano eruption where lava complete covers an area and cools?


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Frogs are sensitive to pollution and will not inhabit a pond that is dirty. This makes them a(n)

Indicator species

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The Spotted Lanterfly (Lycorma delicatula) is native to China and was first detected in Pennsylvania in September 2014. Spotted lanternfly feeds on a wide range of fruit, omamental and woody trees. Females lay 30 to 50 eggs at a time and coat them with a protective layer to survive the winter.
Which of these best describe spotted lanternfly?

the lantern fly is a generalist

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Koalas cat cucalyptus, which is toxic to most other animals. In fact, eating it makes them taste bad to animals that might want to cat koalas. Which of these is a disadvantage of this specialization?

They are more likely to go extinct

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The Spotted Lanterfly (Lycorma delicatula) is native to China and was first detected in Pennsylvania in September 2014. Spotted lanternfly feeds on a wide range of fruit, ornamental and woody trees. Females lay 30 to 50 eggs at a time and leave them with no parental care.
Which of these best describe spotted lanternfly?

They are a R species

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What is likely to happen if a population overshoots its carrying capacity?

a die off due to limited resources

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The Covid-19 hit big cities harder than it hit rural areas. This is because disease spread is usually …

a density dependent factor

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An elk population of 20 elk has 10 births and 5 deaths in a season, and 0 new elk immigrate to the herd and 2 elk emigrate from the herd.

What is the new population of elk at the end of the season?


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28. Which of the following best descrites a country with a GROWING population?

A country where the crude birth rate is is higher than the death rate

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Which is an example of maximum sustainable yield?

Leaving enough fish to be able to recover their numbers

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As a population grows…

Resource depletion increases

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The United States has a(n) ______ ecological footprint


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Emerald ash borer is a beetle that threatens ash trees. What of these is NOT a method of trying to prevent the spread of the disease?

planting ash trees to recover their numbers

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Why is an urban (city) setting more prone to flooding than rural?

more impervious surfaces in cities

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Which of these is NOT a solution to urban sprawl?

expanding highways for commuters

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Which of the following is NOT a solution to Urban Runoff?

building wide one floor buildings with large roofs

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What is meant by "The Green Revolution"?

the switch away small family owned farms to large industrial

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What is a benefit of the slash and burn technique used to clear a forest?

it releases nutrients into the soil

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What application accounts for 70% of the freshwater use on the planet?


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What is considered the most efficient form of irrigation?


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Which of these is NOT a fundamental practice of Integrated Pest Management (IPM)?

a pesticide that targets many species of pests and lasts long

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Which of these is NOT an example of a soil conservation method?

frequent tilling

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Producing meat for humans is less efficient than plants in regards to energy, land and water use. True or False.


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As developing nations become more developed....

fossil fuel consumption will increase

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What's the main drawback to nuclear power?

radioactive waste needs to be stored for millions of years

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Pick the true statement about fracking.

it uses pressurized water to crack rock and collect natural gas

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Which of the following is true about fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas)?

they are spread unevenly around the planet

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In addition to heat, water vapor and impurities, what else is ALWAYS released when fossil fuels are burned?

carbon dioxide

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Natural gas is ______ efficient than coal in regards to generating electricity when burned


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________ is a neurotoxicant, which means it alters the normal activity of the

nervous system. It has also been proven to lower IQ levels.


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Which fossil fuel releases the most air pollutants per unit of energy when burned?


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What is more dangerous to the human respiratory system due to its size?

PM 2.5

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The lower the pH, the more ________ a substance is.


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How would eating more plants and less meat help reduce air pollutants?

raising animals requires more energy which releases more air pollutants

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When an air pollutant is released....

it can move more through the atmosphere and effect other areas

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Is the following statement True or False... Currently there is no way to regulate nonpoint sources of pollution in the United States.


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Which of the following is true about oil spills?

the oil can reduce photosynthesis

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Which of these statements about plastics is NOT true?

the amount of plastic in the ocean has decreased due to the amount of single use plastics

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What is the end result in the eutrophication process?

less dissolved O2 in water which leads to more dead organisms

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Why do large predators like salmon, dolphins, and whales have the highest POP/methylmercury levels?

because organisms at higher trophic levels eat more

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Which of the following is NOT true of landfills?

they never contaminate ground water because the lining is guaranteed

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