Vladek’s cousin, living with his wife and son in a trash hole, was going to take Vladek and Anja’s place in their hiding spot at the house
Vladek’s cousin, known for being a crook, willing to take Jewels but not save lives, always trying to get himself ahead, still receives gifts from Vladek as a way to keep in contact and to make up for a sense of guilt
Vladek and Anja’s 2nd son, writing the story, often receives his father’s disapproval
Vladek’s 1st wife, came from a family with money, survived the war with Vladek, died by suicide, very clever, has bottles of pills in her closet
retelling his experiences during the Holocaust, an old grumpy man, was(and still is) a wreck after Anja died
Vladek and Anja’s 1st son, was sent to live with someone to hopefully survive the war, died by poison from Anja’s sister because concentration camps were worse
Vladek’s 2nd wife, tired of his cheapness, takes the brunt of his anger, also survived the war, knew Vladek and Anja before the war
went to Hungary for a better life, wrote back to family saying that it was safe and that he made it
Ms. Stefanska
Seamstress that took the fall for Anja’s Communist translation papers
Vladek’s girlfriend, came from a poor family, very impressed with him and his lifestyle
claimed they would help everyone escape to Hungary for a large price but ended up getting most of them caught
a schemer, a crook, used to describe Haskel
Jewish Police
special group of Jews selected by the Nazis to help them, they hoped this would eventually lead to a better life
Parsha Truma
the week in which Vladek’s dream said he would be free
one of the worst concentration camps, Richieu and the other children were poisoned so they wouldn’t have to go, Vladek and Anja are eventually sent there, Mala’s mother died there
Rudolph Valentino
an actor that many people compared Vladek to when he was younger
International Law
did not protect Jewish war prisoners
Hiding Places and Bunkers
fake coal room (Vladek made), fake chandelier ceiling (Vladek made), fake backyard shed, shoe tunnel, trash pit, backyard barn, basement closet
Secret Documents and Letters
Anja translated Communist papers into German and almost got caught but framed the seamstress instead
Where Vladek Hides Valuables
kept valuables from before being taken in the fireplace/chimney, he kept the watch from Anja’s father in a can of shoe polish
Anja and Vladek’s family
Anja comes from a rich family with many relatives, Vladek’s parents moved to Sosnowiec
items were smuggled on the black market by lying about their purpose, people were smuggled to Hungary by train with tickets that came with a hefty price tag
Characters and Plot Development
as the story goes on, Mala and Vladek begin fighting more, Anja has more mental health issues develop, Vladek has to get more resourceful to stay alive
represent Jews
represent Nazis
represent Poles
represent Americans
represent British
represent French
Vladek’s Life Prior to Anja
had to deal with Lucia and wasn’t truly happy with her, quit school at 14 to work, simple but nice life
Lucia’s Relationship with Vladek and Anja’s Connection to Him
Lucia dated him for 3-4 years, wanted to get engaged but Vladek didn’t, Anja met him while dating Lucia, Vladek wanted to marry Anja but Lucia didn’t believe him
Anja and the Sanitarium
she had postpartum depression, so Vladek took time off from his factory to take her to Czechoslovakia to get better
Vladek’s Time in and Avoiding the Army
Vladek was starved to avoid the army, but ultimately had to go into the Polish army when he couldn't take starving anymore, training was a few days before they were sent out
Mala and Vladek’s Relationship
Mala wants money, freedom, and to change his will, Vladek views her as a burden
Vladek’s Health
Vladek has heart issues, so he pedals on the bike to stay healthy and has emergency pills if he starts feeling bad
“Prisoner on the Hell Planet” (Suicide Comic)
Depicts Anja’s suicide and how she was blamed for it, but it was really because Artie ignore her and likely because of the trauma she’s been through and possibly a change in treatment from Vladek
Vladek’s Payment for Saftey and His Posseions
he still has/had the watch from Anja’s father when they got married, he was willing to sell anything valuable to anyone who would let him stay or provide food
Soap Incident
Pesach used laundry soap instead of flour when making a cake and made a lot of people sick
Vladek Escaping to Hungary
he paid with most of what he still had for him and Anja to be smuggled into Hungary, but it was really a trap and they were arrested and taken to concentration camps
Key Aspects of the Holocaust Museum
The museum was designed in a way to try and replicate some of the conditions and spaces that people in concentration camps were forced to live in. It helps visitors better understand and feel for the people who actually had to experience it.
“You are my witnesses”
located on the museum enterance’s wall, tells you it’s your job to pay attention to the Holocaust
“Work makes one free.”
propaganda above the entrance to concentration camps to trick people into working hard
“Only guard yourself and guard your soul carefully, lest you forget the things your eyes saw. . . . And you shall make them known to your children, and to your children's children.”
the reason why we remember the holocaust and the importance of passing it down to new generations to prevent it from happening again
Reason Why Artie Became an Artist
he did because he knew Vladek would not support it
12 family members
number of family members that had to share 2.5 rooms in the ghetto
claims Vladek as a relative so he could be released from the Lubin camp
time when Vladek was telling Artie his stories
the type of story Maus can be considered
Anja's closet/clothes
what Vladek offered to Mala when she requested new clothes
German train car
where Vladek prefers to ride because he can better blend in
Vladek is difficult
the reason why Artie doesn’t want to go over and help Vladek fix the drainpipe
Anja’s diaries
Arite became very upset when he learned Vladek burnt these
the type of coat Vladek gave Artie after he threw his away
delicate hands
both Artie and Vladek have these
moving tree
reason why Vladek shoots a German soldier
Anja’s father
gave Vladek the money to start a new factory