- extends from the region of the optic chiasma to the caudal border of the mammillary bodies
- lies bellow the thalamus and forms the floor and the inferior part of the lateral walls of the third ventricle
Optic Chiasma
point of decussation of the optic nerve itself.
Posterior Hypothalamus
part of the hypothalamus for cold dissipation.
Anterior Hypothalamus
part of the hypothalamus for heat dissipation.
Mammillary Region
Tuberal Region
Supraoptic Region
Preoptic Region
hypothalamic nuclei.
Mammillary Region
- adjacent to the midbrain
- most posterior part of the hypothalamus
- includes:
Mammillary bodies
Posterior hypothalamic nuclei
Mammillary Bodies
responsible for short term memory and emotion.
Posterior Hypothalamic Nuclei
responsible for the regulation of temperature specifically in response to cold.
Tuberal Region
- the widest part of the hypothalamus
- includes
Dorsomedial nucleus
Ventromedial nucleus
Dorsomedial Nucleus
responsible for emotion, specifically rage.
Ventromedial Nucleus
responsible for appetite, specifically for body weight and insulin regulation.
- infundibulum which connects the pituitary gland to the hypothalamus
- also responsible for feeding
Supraoptic Region
- lies superior to the optic chiasma
- includes
Paraventricular nucleus
Supraoptic nucleus
Anterior hypothalamic nucleus
Suprachiasmatic nucleus
Paraventricular Nucleus
responsible in synthesizing oxytocin.
Supraoptic Nucleus
produces antidiuretic hormone/vasopressin.
Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus
responsible for temperature regulation specifically heat.
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
for control of circadian rhythm.
Preoptic Region
- anterior to the supraoptic region
- includes:
Medial preoptic nuclei
Lateral preoptic nuclei
Medial and Lateral Preoptic Nuclei
both control the parasympathetic system as a whole.
Control of the ANS
Production of hormones
Regulation of emotional and behavioral pattern
Regulation of eating and drinking
Control of temperature
Regulation of circadian rhythms and states of consciousness
functions of the hypothalamus.
Regulation of heart rate
Movement of food through the GIT
Contraction of urinary bladder
majoral visceral activities controlled by the hypothalamus.
Anterior Pituitary Gland
gland regulated by the hypothalamus in secreting/inhibiting hormones.
Lateral Portion
the hunger center of the hypothalamus.
Medial Portion
part of the hypothalamus that is responsible for eating and satiety.
Suprachiasmatic Nucleus
serves as the body’s internal body clock.
- a small region superior and posterior to the thalamus
- consists of:
Pineal gland
Habenular nuclei
Pineal Gland
- secretes melatonin
- about the size of a small pea and protrudes from the posterior midline of the third ventricle
Habenular Nuclei
involved in olfaction, especially emotional responses to odors.