How many Gurus was Sikhism led by?
10 Gurus
Who is the founder of Sikhism?
Guru Nanak
"gateway to the guru"; it's a Sikh temple
an official who oversees a gurdwara
What do the four gates at the Golden Temple represent?
They're a reminder of the openness of their religion to all Hindu castes and to religions from all four corners of the world
What is Sikhism tradition based on?
"Ik Oankar - One Being Is," or "God is One"
Five Sacred Activities Guru Nanak was charged to devote his life to:
remembrance of the World, charity, ablution (ritual washing), service, and prayer
God gave Guru Nanak what title?
"The Supreme Guru of God"
The religious homeland of Sikhism, and the birthplace of their founder
The Punjab
Sikhism's Problem
egotism (haumai)
Sikhism's Solution
union with God in the realm of truth
Sikhism's Techniques
hard work, service, meditation on the divine name (nam simran)
Sikhism's Exemplars
Gurus, who possess both temporal and spiritual authority
What is Sikhism overall?
Sikhism is a tradition in which "learners" seek to overcome egoism and achieve union with God through meditation on the divine name and by the guidance of Gurus
What is a Guru?
is the "raft" that transports you "to the Lord's Name." They are a teacher and guide