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alpha characteristics (phr
traits commonly associated with being a leader or dominant individual, such as confidence, assertiveness(užtikrintumas), and decisiveness(ryžtingumas)
gender grade gap (phr)
the difference in academic performance, typically grades, between males and females (lyčių požymių skirtumas)
impostor (n); impostor syndrome (phr)
uncomfortable feeling you experience when you think you’re unqualified and incompetent (apsimetėlio sindromas)
hunched (adj)
describes a posture where the back is bent or rounded forward (susikūprinęs)
nonverbal behaviour (phr);
actions or gestures that communicate without using words, such as facial expressions or body language
nonverbal cues (phr)
subtle signals given through body language or facial expressions that convey emotions or intentions without speech (neverbaliniai ženklai)
posture (n)
the way someone holds their body when sitting or standing
incremental (adj)
happening gradually, in a series of small amounts (palaipsniui)
congenitally (adv)
in a way that has existed since or before birth (įgimtai)
contemptuous (adj)
showing deep disrespect or scorn for someone or something (niekinantis)
fraud (n)
the crime of getting money by deceiving (apgaudinėjant) people
tiny tweak (phr)
a small change or adjustment (koreguojant) to something (mažas pakeitimas)
contagious behaviour (phr)
actions or attitudes that spread from one person to another
assertive (adj)
confidently expressing one’s opinions and desires without being aggressive (ryžtingas)
spike (v)
to increase suddenly and sharply
captivating (adj)
highly attractive or able to hold someone’s attention completely
resonate (v)
to have a deep emotional impact or to strongly relate to someone’s feelings or experiences (rezonuoti = sietis, turėti ryšį)
disrupt (v)
to interrupt or disturb a process, system, or event, often causing confusion or a break in continuity (sutrikdyti)
around the clock (adj)
all day and all night.
at the end of the day (phr)
something that you say before you give the most important fact of a situation
boredom (n)
the state of being bored
bullishly (adv)
hopeful or confident that something or someone will be successful (žiauriai)
clench your fists (phr)
to tightly close your hands into fists, often as a sign of anger or tension (sugniaužti kumščius)
drum your fingers (phr)
to tap your fingers repeatedly on a surface, often as a sign of impatience or nervousness
flounder (v)
to struggle or have difficulty with something, often appearing confused or unsure
gape (v)
to look in great surprise at someone or something, especially with an open mouth
grin (v)
to smile a wide smile
indispensable (adj)
something or someone is so good or important that you could not manage without it, him, or her (būtinas)
compelling (adj)
so powerful or interesting that it demands attention (įtikinamas)
push someone’s buttons (phr)
to cause a strong reaction or emotion in someone
resentful (adj)
to feel angry because you have been forced to accept someone or something that you do not like (pasipiktinęs)
roll your eyes (phr)
to move your eyes upwards as a way of showing that you are annoyed or bored after someone has done or said something
shrug your shoulders (phr)
to raise your shoulders to indicate uncertainty or lack of knowledge
sneer (v)
to talk about or look at someone or something in an unkind way that shows you do not recpect or approve of him, her, or it
wince (v)
to show pain or embarrassment suddenly and for a short time in the face, often moving the head back at the same time (susiraukti)
take (smb or sth) by surprise (idiom)
to surprise someone
to empower (v);
to give someone official authority or free freedom to do something;
empowerment (n)
the process of gaining freedom and power to do what you want or to control what happens to you
ground-breaking (adj)
it is very new and a big change from other things of its type.