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Boxer Rebellion
their defeat allowed foreigners to gain even more concessions from the Qing, thus further weakening the dynasty
inspired many local resistance movements to capitalism; was the theory of the Bolsheviks in Russia that overthrew the czarist government to establish the Soviet Union, and spread around the globe; this spread led to competition between democratic Western nations and communist Eastern nations known as the Cold War
Cult of Domesticity
propagated quickly through popular culture, such as magazines, newspapers, and fiction, to set the standard for the ideal woman; still influences conservative views of a woman's role in modern societies
Karl Marx
his ideas inspired socialist movements of workers and intellectuals during the Industrial Revolution in Europe; socialists created political parties in most European states and internationally; inspired many late 19th and early 20th century revolutionary movements
Labor Unions
successfully led to widespread reform across many western countries, including a higher minimum-wage, child labor laws, better working conditions and hours; also further spread socialist ideas and led to widespread protests in several countries, including the U.S.
Limited-Liability Corporation
developed in the 19th century as a new financial instrument and came to replace many joint-stock companies of earlier times; became increasingly popular in many western nations including the U.S.
Maori Nationalism
led to a series of conflicts and even violent revolts against the New Zealand government; the Maori population was not fully successful in achieving full independence, but eventually would receive land rights and greater political representation in New Zealand government
Meiji Restoration
began a foreign policy of empire building that would establish Japan as a global power into the 20th century and chief antagonist of the United States in the Pacific
Muhammad Ali
founded a dynasty which ruled Egypt from the early 19th to the mid-20th century; encouraged the emergence of the modern Egyptian state through economic, social and political reform
Self-Strengthening Movement
had limited success (allowed China to bolster its military to a limited extent) but China remained an agrarian-based society centered on traditional Confucian thought
this theory gets adopted by the Bolsheviks in Russia and the later Soviet Union; spread largely due to unhappiness in existing forms of government and/or imperial rule
Stock Market
led to the growth of larger international and transnational corporations that increased the power of Western nations, such as the U.S.; led to the decrease of the power of traditional joint-stock companies
Taiping Rebellion
although the rebellion was successful in gaining supporters and captured Nanjing, led to a tremendous loss of life; ultimately failed but forced the Qing to make reforms, such as the Self-Strengthening Movement
many overall reforms remained in place, including higher education, greater rights, and modern art, architecture, clothing and lifestyle were implemented. Though a constitution was implemented, the sultan's power remained largely untouched.
Transnational Business
led to greater economic imperialism by several countries, including the United States, who used transnational businesses as a way to influence other countries; examples include HSBC, Unilever and the United Fruit Company
Adam Smith
Opposed mercantilism because he believed government should not have a hand in directing the economy (i.e. laissez faire); believed economy should be directed by consumers and supply and demand; credited for creating classical economics and championing capitalism
later become termed as "capitalists" who, according to socialist ideology, exploited the labor of the working class to become wealthy, leading to issues such as poverty, inequality, etc.
was a direct result of Industrialization and Imperialism; the system spread, along with democracy, around the globe; heavily influenced globalization and led to direct competition with socialist countries and economies
First Industrial Revolution
revolutionized production of goods through machines such as the flying shuttle and spinning jenny; standard of living rose and rapid urbanization occurred as people moved to the cities to work in factories; led to the rise of the bourgeoisie; governments passed legislation to protect workers
Second Industrial Revolution
created heavily industrialized nations and increased military power; created globally-dominated countries with the use of new technology and weaponry; spread capitalist ideals to a global market