Edexcel History German History Economic Developments
What the GDP in 1870 compared to 1913?
What share of world production did Germany have in 1870 compared to 1913? (%)
What was the GDP per capita in 1870 compared to 1913?
What are 3 reasons for economic development in the 19th century?
Population Growth
Industrial Growth
Comercial treaties
Who did Germanies industry outstrip?
Who was Germany unable to outstrip in the 19th century?
What was Germany the undoubted leader on in the 19th century?
New technologies:
What else was Germany growth fuelled by in the 19th century?
Why was Cartelisation popular?
The 1874 economic crisis
What did Cartelisation allow?
Reduced competition
Stable employment (unlikely to go out of business)
What is an example of an industry concentrated under a cartel?
Heavy industry
What is a name of a cartel in Germany in the 19thh century?
Friedrich Krupp
Why was population growth important in expanding Germanies economy in the 19th century?
Large worforce
Large domestic markey
What was Germany increase in population from 1890 to 1910?
50 million
60 million
Why else was Germanies population beneficial for economic development?
It was young
Why was Germanies natural resources important in the 19th century?
Massive reserves of raw materials
What are examples of raw material in Germany?
Iron Ore
Potassium Salts
Coal Tar
Where could Iron ore be found in Germany?
Where could coal be found in Germany?
What industry was coal tar necessaery for?
What other industry was able to develop in the 19th century?
Ship Building
Why was ship building able to develop?
Attention given to improving the canals and river system
Why was ship building important?
Allowed Germany to export using the increasing naval fleet
Who negotiated the commercial treated?
Chancellor Caprivi
When were the commercial treaties signed between?
Give examples of 5 countries the treaties were between?
What did Caprivis commerical treaties do?
Lowered tarrifs on imports
Give 4 examples on what tariffs were lowered on
What did countries do in return for lowered tarrifs?
Guarantee Germany a market for their exports
How long did Caprivis treaties guarantee a market for?
12 years
What did the commerical treaties subsequently let Germany become by 1900?
The biggest industrial nation in Europe
How much had German exports increased by in 1872 to 1914?
£356 million
What further advanced Germany in 1914?
Discover of synethic ammonia
What was synthetic ammonia used for which was useful durign warfare?
Production of explosives
5 examples of Germany lacking key aspects of modern warfare
What did the director of the AEG establish?
Raw War Mateirals
Who was director of the AEG?
Walter Rathenau
When was the raw war materials estsablished?
What did the War materials body do?
Reorganize the German war industry ensuring it had suffiecient materials to wage war
Was Rathenau sucessful by 1915?
What breakthroughs were made in 1915 regarding warfare?
German scientists had been able to produce synthetic mateirals threy were unable to import
Who was Germanies main supplier for nitrates (used in explosives) pre war?
What other body did the government set up to control industry during the war?
Central Purchasing company 1916
What did the central purchasing company do?
Organised imports from neutral companies
What did the Imperial Grain office control during the first world war?
Food rations
What did the Auxillary Serivce act established during WW1 do?
Mandatory labour of men 17-60
What did the Supreme War office control during WW1? X2
What was a key role of the Supreme War office?
Deciding which worker in which industry was extempt from conscription
What did the Supreme War office have some sucess in?
Munition production
What did Germany still suffer from despite to supreme war office efforts?
Coal and transport supplies
What was Weimars challenges after gaining power? X5
War debt
Currency had lost value
Loss of important economic areas
Loss of citizens
What was Germany war debt post WW1??
140 million marks
What economically important areas had Germany lost in Treaty of Versaille?
Upper Silesia
How much was Germany ordered to repay?
2 billion marks per year
How does the period of Weirmar contrast the 19th century regaridng growth and industry?
Weimar had low growth and advancements
What economic positives in the Weimar period?
Exports recovered
Investment in industry
What did the French do that led to hyperinflation in 1923?
Occupied the ruhr
What did the French in the Ruhr cause to slow?
Industrial production
What helped rebuild Germany?
Dawes plan
When did inflation become hyperinflation?
What did the government advise Ruhr workers to do?
What did German government do in 1923 to propel inflation?
Print more money £$
How much was one dollar worth iin 1923?
4.2 trillion marks
What happened to german life savings in 1923?
Became worthless
What is a physical representation of hyperinflation?
People buying bread with wheelbarrows
How many notes did the Reichbank print by end of 1923?
100 trillion
How was the hyperinflation crisis ended?
Call off of the Ruhr strike and introducing a new currency (rentenmark)
What was the social problems cause by the destruction of the middle clsass savings?
Lack of trust in government which would have a lasting effect
Who invested in renewal of the German economy?
US financial institutions
When did production reach pre-war levels?
When did GNP grow significantly?
What did German industrial bosses do?
Visited America and saw new technqiues
What new technique was implemented?
Assembly lines
What did the use of Assembly lines cause?
Boost production without increasing workforce
What did the workforce decrease by in the Ruhr in 1927 but what did productivity increase by?
^ 18% per hour
What crashed in 1929?
The stock market
Why was Germany hit worse by the Wall street crash?
Higher levels of industrialisation
What did the Nazi Party focus on as a result of the depression? X3
Public work schemes
Self sufficiency
unenploment by 1934?
How much money did US investors lose in a month?
40,000 million
Why was America removing investments from Europe a particular problem for Germany?
They were extremely reilant for economic growth
How much money was withdrawn from Germany in loans were removed in 1931?
1,000 million marks
How many major German banks collapsed in 1931?
What was set off once loans were withdrawn from germany?
Mass panic
What was a further blow to Germany post WW1 economically?
Decline of imports worldwide
What did Unemployment rise by end of 1929 and December 1930?
2.1 million
When did Unemployment peak in Germany and at what?
Jan 1932
6 million
What is an estimate for the workforce unemployed?
Which industry had the highest unemployement and at what?
Ship building
How did Chancellor Bruning attempt to solve the economic collpase?
Slash Unemployments benefits
Raise tax
What increases due to Bruning polices?
What did the mass unemployment lead to growth of?
Extremist armies like the Nazi SA
What Gave unemployed men purpose in the early 1930s?
Street battles between extremist private armies
How much did the SA grow by in 1932?
100,000 to 400,000
What are 5 things the Great Depression was caused by?
Stock market crash in the US
Overreliance on American Loans
Lack of Domestic investment
Decline of Agriculture
Focus on Small range of export sectors
What did Brunings 3 attempts to allieviate the crisis do?
Deepened in
Who felt a decline in standard of living due to the great depression?
Industrial workers
Civil Servants
White Collar Workers
Why did Bruning increase tax and slash welfare?
Hoped to convince the Allies to lift the reparations
Was Bruning sucessful in making the allies sympathetic if so when?
1932 repayment was lifted
What had Brunings methods of ending repayment caused?