anatomy & physiology 2 - female reproductive system (FINAL EXAM)

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the _____ reproductive system produces female gametes, receives sperm, provides an environment for fertilization, houses implantation for the embryo, nourishes a fetus, and expels a mature fetus

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the _____ reproductive system produces female gametes, receives sperm, provides an environment for fertilization, houses implantation for the embryo, nourishes a fetus, and expels a mature fetus


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_____ occurs around 9-14 years old; this is when women have their first period


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the female _____ occurs about every 28 days; most mammals “go into heat” (estrous) and produce about 1 egg per month equaling about 400 in a lifetime

menstrual cycle

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_____ occurs around 45-55 years old; this is when menstruation stops


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the _____ are held to the uterus by the _____ ligament near the entrance to the oviduct, the _____ ligament suspends it off the body wall and contains blood vessels, and the whole thing is in the big _____ ligament (sheet) so it can move, but it’s mostly tethered in place; they descend, but not as far as testes; they contain a medulla and a cortex - the _____ is where all the eggs are

ovaries; ovarian; suspensory; broad; cortex

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the cortex of the ovary contains thousands of _____ follicles which are small and lined by a simple layer of squamous cells, waiting their turn; if they get called up, they will start developing


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the _____ follicles have a layer of cells around them due to the squamous cells getting bigger; the cells that surround the egg are called _____ which nourish the egg and produce hormones

primary; follicles

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within _____ follicles, the egg is on a “pedestal” so water forms a big lake around it; therefore, a _____ follicle is big and filled with fluid so the egg has a crown around it and a pedestal it sits on; the _____ follicle gets so big that pressure fills, the walls weaken and _____ happens when it pops, the fluid and egg get pushed out of the ovary into space which is then usually caught by the ovary duct; now, all the follicle cells that had been growing turn into a yellow mass (fat) called the _____ which produces a lot of fatty hormones like estrogen and progesterone for another couple weeks; if there is no pregnancy, it starts degenerating and turns into a white body called the _____; if you do get pregnant, the hormones being produced tell the feedback loop to continue producing hormones to stay during the pregnancy

secondary; mature; mature; ovulation; corpus luteum; corpus albicans

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the surface of the ovaries contain _____ cells; directly underneath these cells lies a white, tough connective tissue called the _____

cuboidal; tunica albuginea

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_____ are usually fluid-filled and benign; they’re formed from the fissured surface of an ovary and a part can close off; they can occur due to follicles

ovarian cysts

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_____ provide a microenvironment for the developing oocyte; there are about 5,000,000 in a fetus but only 600,000-800,000 oocytes remain at birth; the “chosen” one develops and the rest undergo _____; then, a few years after menopause, all the oocytes are gone

ovarian follicles; atresia

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follicular (granulosa) cells contain a _____ which is a thickened mound holding the oocyte and a _____ which is a layer that surrounds the egg, nourishes it, and stays with it when it ovulates

cumulus oophorus; corona radiata

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during _____, the mature follicle is greater than 10 mm; fluid continues to build, a bulge is obvious on the ovary, and the cumulus cells loosen so it can burst; the LH hormone is what peaks and causes this


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oogenesis differs from spermatogenesis in 3 major ways: during meiotic divisions, _____ is unequal with almost all of the cytoplasms in one daughter cell, unlike sperm, eggs are _____ produced continuously throughout life, and _____ has long “resting” periods whereas sperm are produced in uninterrupted sequences (greater risk in older women for chromosomal abnormalities)

cytokinesis; not; oogenesis

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a collapsed follicle is reorganized into the _____ (luteal gland) which pumps out hormones; there’s bleeding at first known as corpus hemoorhagicum (a clot); lipid droplets cause a _____ color when they’re fresh; it also secretes progesterone and estrogens which keep the lining of the uterus ready just in case you get pregnant but if not, it just disintegrates and menstruation starts

corpus luteum; yellowish

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the _____ is active for 14 days usually and if implantation occurs, then it lasts for months; if there’s no _____ from the placenta, then the hormone production drops and degeneration occurs, also forming a white scar known as the _____ which sinks deeper in the cortex and slowly disappears

corpus luteum; hCG; corpus albicans

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the _____ transport ovum from ovary to uterus; they’re an environment for fertilization and early development because an ovum remains in this structure for about 3 days before it reaches the uterus; the _____ are transported in the opposite direction of the egg in this structure which is likely due to peristalsis and cilia

oviducts; sperm

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the _____ is like a “funnel” at the entrance of the oviduct, the _____ is the widened part, and it finally narrows creating the _____ which is pretty muscular before entering the uterus

infundibulum; ampulla; isthmus

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the lumen of the ampulla is so convoluted to slow down the _____ so the _____ can meet it and it has time to develop

egg; sperm

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the lining of the oviducts are made of _____ epithelium with _____ cells which are more numerous towards the ovary, and _____ cells which secrete a nutritive fluid for the ovum

simple columnar; ciliated; non-ciliated

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_____ refers to “tube tying" and serves as a 99% effective birth control

tubal ligation

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the _____ receives the rapidly developing ball of cells and protects and sustains embryo during pregnancy; it’s a hollow, pear shaped organ in the pelvis that has a body, fundus (the top), and cervix (neck)


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the uterus has three layers: the _____, _____, and _____

endometrium; myometrium; perimetrium

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the _____ layer of the uterus is the inner mucosa layer


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the _____ layer of the uterus is the largest single piece of smooth muscle in the body that’s continuous with the muscle layer of the oviduct, vagina, and lips


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the _____ layer of the uterus is the outer serous layer


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the _____ and _____ layers go through cyclic changes each month

endometrium; myometrium

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the enormous enlargement of the _____ is due to new smooth muscle cells becoming longer and more connective tissue being present


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_____ is the partial destruction and sloughing of the endometrium and bleeding from mucosal vessels; it’s correlated with the maturation of ovarian follicles


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the two zones of the endometrium include the _____ layer and the _____ layer

functional; basal

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the _____ layer of the endometrium is the thick part that’s sloughed off during menstruation; it varies from 1-6mm and is lined by simple columnar epithelium (cilia/secretory)


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within the functional layer of the endometrium there are _____ glands that are simple tubular and may branch that secrete glycogen and lipids


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the _____ layer of the endometrium remains during menstruation and acts as a source for regeneration of the functional layer


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the _____ artery branches eventually to straight where it then becomes _____ arteries; there are numerous arterioles to form a rich capillary bed; the straight and proximal part of _____ arteries don’t change, the distal part degenerates with each cycle

uterine; spiral; spiral

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the spiral arteries extend into the _____ layer of the endometrium


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at the beginning of the _____ phase, progesterone induces the endometrial glands to secrete glycogen, mucus, and other substances; the glands become tortuous and have larger lumens due to increased secretory activity


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in the absence of fertilization, by day 23 of the menstrual cycle, the _____ begins to degenerate and consequently, ovarian hormone levels decrease so as they’re decreasing, the endometrium breaks down

corpus luteum

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during days 25-26 of the menstrual cycle, vasoconstriction of the _____ arteries occurs; this resulting ischemia may cause some early menstrual cramps


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by day 28 of the menstrual cycle, intense vasoconstriction of the spiral arteries and subsequent ischemia cause mass apoptosis (cell death) of the _____ layer


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if the _____ (pregnancy) phase occurs, that means fertilization and implantation have occurred meaning that the decline of the endometrium is delayed until after birth; during this time, a _____ is formed, so the embryo and the placenta produce hormones (hCG are found in the urine of pregnant females) to maintain the corpus luteum

gravid; placenta

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a pregnancy that’s outside the uterus is called an _____ pregnancy


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after about 450 cycles, human females undergo _____, the cessation of ovulation and menstruation; 50% of women undergo by age 50, 85% by 52,; 50% of women also feel the symptom of hot flashes


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the _____ is the narrow portion of the uterus that projects into the vagina; it’s canal can be plugged with mucus at times but it also changes and could be more watery


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the cervical _____ is made of more connective tissue and less smooth muscle, and elastic fibers are abundant; _____ of collagen helps with dilation during childbirth

myometrium; lysis

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the cervical _____ differs from the body as it has large, branched glands; it doesn’t undergo cyclical growth or loss of tissue like the body of the uterus, but during mid-cycle, it increases 10x more watery mucous that’s favorable for sperm


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the incidences of _____ in the U.S. are half that of the world because of Pap smear test screening; it’s the 8th most common cancer in women that’s not genetic and can be due to the human papillomavirus which is why the HPV vaccine is important

cervical cancer

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_____ are areas on either side of where the cervix meets the vagina which can provide surgical access


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the _____ is connective tissue that partially closes the vaginal orifice that eventually breaks


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the _____ is a fibromuscular tube from the cervix to vestibule (the outer opening between the labia); there are 3 layers: the inner _____, the middle _____ layer, and the outer _____ layer; it conveys uterine secretions to the outside of the body, receives the erect penis during sexual intercourse, and provides a passageway for offspring during birth processes

vagina; mucosa; muscular; adventitial

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the _____ layer of the vagina has transverse folds (rugae) and is made of stratified squamous (non-keratinized) epithelium; this is where glycogen accumulates and the surface also has bacteria (that live in the vagina) that produce lactic acid because other bacteria (like yeast) don’t like acidic conditions, thus create an acidic environment meaning the pH of the vagina is _____

inner mucosa; 3

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the _____ layer of the vagina has 2 distinct smooth muscle layers and is made of striated muscle at the vaginal opening

middle muscular

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the _____ layer of the vagina is made of dense connective tissue, elastic fibers, blood vessels, and nerves

outer adventitial

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the _____ is a fat pad on top of the pubic bone

mons pubis

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the outer lips of the female external anatomy are called the labium _____; they eclose and protect other external reproductive organs


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the inside lips of the female external anatomy are called the labium _____; they form the margin of the vestibule and protect the openings of the vagina and urethra


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the region between the labia is called the _____ which contains the urethra and the vaginal opening; there are also glands here that produce mucous


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the _____ is made of erectile tissue; it’s homologous to the penis because the part that protrudes and you can see is called the _____ with a _____ that covers it; if you were to dissect it, it continues down into the body on either side, surrounding the vagina; it functions to produce feelings of pleasure during sexual stimulation due to abundant sensory nerves endings in the glans

clitoris; glans; prepuce

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the _____ secretes fluid that moistens and lubricates the vestibule

vestibular gland

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the _____ hormone stimulates the follicles to make the eggs mature; the _____ hormone is important in ovulation

follicle-stimulating (FSH); luteinizing (LH)

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_____ and _____ stimulates the development of breasts, increases the vascularization of the skin, enlarges the accessory reproductive organs, thickens the endometrium of the uterus, and increases the deposition of adipose tissue in the breasts, thighs, and buttocks

estrogen; progesterone

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the _____ glands are not part of the reproductive system but are important to mammalian reproduction; they’re adipose tissue of skin; within the glands, there are small sacs of epithelial tissue that secrete milk


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_____ ducts connect to the nipple which is what allows milk to come out of the nipples


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the hormone causing milk production is _____


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the hormone causing milk ejection is _____


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_____ pregnancy, ovarian hormones are secreted during reproductive cycles which stimulates alveolar glands and ducts of the mammary glands to develop


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_____ pregnancy, estrogen causes the ductile system to grow and branch, progesterone stimulates the development of the alveolar glands, the placental lactogen promotes development of the breasts, and although prolactin is secreted throughout the pregnancy, placental progesterone inhibits milk production and placental lactogen blocks the action of prolactin


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_____ pregnancy, the placental hormonal concentrations decline so the action of prolactin is no longer inhibited, the breasts begin producing milk, mechanical stimulation of the breasts releases oxytocin from the posterior pituitary gland, oxytocin stimulates the release of milk from the ducts, and as long as breast feeding continues, more prolactin is released (if the nipple is not stimulated regularly, milk production ceases)


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_____ cancer is the most common cancer in women, after skin cancer


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