Aristotle liked to classify, and he did so quite often. Some of his classifications have stood the test of time, including the one below, which is the beginning of Part 6 of an essay entitled “Categories.”
Here, Aristotle’s division of quantity into two categories (discrete and continuous) makes sense.
The examples that he uses to illustrate the nature of his categories reveal a great deal about his interests: time, space, language, and mathematics.
This is a well-organized passage; the categories are well-defined and Aristotle clearly explains how the members of each category have been classified.
Read the following introduction paragraph from a student essay based on Candide, and as you do so, evaluate the effectiveness of the examples that it uses.
Surely you agree that the examples are not convincing, but you should also understand that they are not even relevant.
Implicit in the examples chosen is the reduction of the best of all possible worlds to the writer’s own tiny corner.
A better approach would be something as follows:
While the second essay may be naive, at least it does its best to substantiate an untenable position.
Without any doubt, the examples in the second passage are much more appropriate for the argument than those that were used in the first passage.
Analogies are sometimes used to explain things that are difficult to understand by comparing them with things that are easier to understand.
You can also use an analogy to explain something that’s abstract by comparing it with something that’s concrete.
The most famous philosophical analogy serves as the basis for Plato’s “allegory of the cave.”
This is only part of the analogy, but you probably get the idea. Socrates uses this analogy to explain that we think that we see things just as they really are in our world, but that we are seeing only reflections of a greater truth, an abstraction that we fail to grasp. The cave is our world; the shadows are the objects and people that we “see.” We are like the prisoners, for we are not free to see what creates the shadows; the truth, made up of ideal forms, is out in the light.