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Thomas Hobbes (intro)

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Thomas Hobbes (intro)

English. leviathan. self interest/egoism/greediness as human nature

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John stuart mill (intro)

countered Hobbes. focused on benevolence. we desire knowledge over ignorant bliss

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Aristotle (intro)

“rational” animals capable of acquiring knowledge. pursue happiness and knowledge which are mutually supportive. all members in a category share the same essnece

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plato (intro)

reason as defining part of humans. tripartite theory of the soul

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socrates (intro)

to know good is to do good. agreeing on definitions in philosophical conversations. his method

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descartes (intro)

innate ideas. studying consciousness and thought to understand human nature

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Aristotle (logic)

logic not as a unique discipline. first true philosopher of science. three laws of thought

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Francis bacon

scientific method. inductive reasoning

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Charles Darwin (logic)

conflict between science and religion. natural selection. applying inductive reasoning. collecting empirical evidence

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Thomas Kuhn (logic)

paradigms. normal science working within a paradigm

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David Hume (logic)

criticising accounts of cause and effect/causality. circular reasoning

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spinoza (metaphysics)

monist. everything is made of god. mind and body are different attributes to the same substances.

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plato (metaphysics)

realist. forms. what is learned is actually recalled through the innate knowledge of the forms. allegory of the cave

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laze (metaphysics)

Chinese mystic. coined taoism. living a simple life in harmony with tao

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descartes (metaphysics)

substance dualist. extended and thinking substances. substance theory of the self

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Martin Heidegger (metaphysics)

ontology, concept of being

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John locke (metaphysics)

empiricist. theory on personal identity. mind as a blank slate. continuing consciousness

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Sartre (metaphysics)

project theory of the self

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David Hume (metaphysics)

bundle theory of the self

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Paul riccoeur (metaphysics)

narrative theory of the self

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Karl Marx (metaphysics)

religion as a form of social control

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nietzsche (metaphysics)

criticised the existence of absolute truths, moral absolutes, and a definitive god. knowledge is subjective. driving force behind existence is self-overcoming

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Blaise pascal (metaphysics)

a wager

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intelligibility (metaphysics)

- philosophical notion that things change but not in a uniform manner, two stones don’t change in the same way under same/similar conditions. 

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John locke personhood

thinking intelligent being capable of reason and reflection. conscious inseparable from being. human biology does not make a person

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dan dennett personhood

six basic characteristics

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Mary anne warren personhood

essential characteristics. self motivated activities. problem solving, awarness

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annette baie personhood

person reflects the biases of the designer. we are to dependant and responsive to those around us.

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Aristotle (epistemology)

empiricist, foundationalist, forms but they are not innate. world is made of matter (physically sensed), and the immatariel (the essence of materiel things). evidence from the senses. objective truth

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plato (epistemology)

rationalist. sensory input changes and is unreliable. knowledge is acquired through reason and the innate forms. knowledge is justified true belief. truth is fixed and independent of individual subjectivity. separate world of forms (knowledge) and senses (perception)

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socrates (epistemology)

equated knowledge with virtue. his method asks probing questions to help individuals examine their own beliefs and values

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descartes (epistemology)

rationalist. foundationalist. doesn’t accept anyone else’s word as truth. I think therefore I am. doubted his own existence, evil genius theory. denied the existence of the real world. our minds make rational inferences to gain understanding

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kant (epistemology)

epistemological phenomenalism. we can never know objects in the world as they truly are. bridging the gap between empiricists and rationalists. the human mind binds sensory input and knowledge gained from reason. this interaction is truth

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kongfuzi (epistemology)

 a wise person only claims to know what they know and not anything more. Gaining knowledge is a lifelong process.

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focused on linguistics. deep structure of language is hard wired in humans.

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hume (epistemology)

skeptic and empiricist. questioned causation and induction. against a prori knowledge, it must be gained through the senses. objects do not exist outside senses perception. bundle theory; objects are a bundle of characteristics.  humans can never make links between events or know for sure that something will happen as a result of something else.

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Aquinus (epistemology)

matter and essence are bound up in physical objects. knowledge begins with the senses and grows with reason. the world reflects god’s orderly nature

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Hegel (epistemology)

anti foundationalist. coherence theory. beliefs are true when they are consistent with a pre-established belief or body of knowledge.

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correspondence theory

Hegel. beliefs are true when they agree with reality. a more common sense approach to truth.

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pragmatic theory

truth is neither fixed or absolute. create truths on the basis if somethig works, is successful or useful. truth should be judged according to consequences.

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kant. we can never know objects as they truly are. our perspective interacts with the world. interaction between reason and the senses creates knowledge.

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subjective idealism

developed by Berkley. what is perceived as real or true only exists in the mind

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representative theory of perception

locke. ideas in the mind are simply representations of physical objects.

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locke (epistemology)

empirics and foundationalist. representative theory of perception

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believe perception is reality, for you. Someone else’s reality will be different.

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