excoriate (v)
to denounce strongly
nostalgia (n)
remembrance; longing for the past; homesickness
barrage (n/v)
a curtain of artillery fire; any overwhelming attack, as of words or blows
Pollyanna (n)
a person who is able to find happiness in the most disastrous situations
conciliatory (adj)
making peace
manifest (adj)
clearly apparent to the sight or understanding; obvious
peremptory (adj)
irrevocable; decisive; final; dictatorial
histrionic (adj)
overly dramatic; theatrical
replenish (v)
replace; renew; restock; refill
condescend (v)
to patronize, to lower oneself
equivocate (v)
to avoid giving a direct answer; to deceive; to be shifty
disgruntled (adj)
being irritably dissatisfied or discontent
belittle (v)
to put someone down; demean
adamant (adj)
resolute; stubborn; inflexible
belligerent (adj)
quarrelsome; ready to fight
flippant (adj)
showing a rude attitude; shallowly humorous; disrespectful
pragmatic (adj)
practical; matter of fact; down to earth
obsequious (adj)
obedient or attentive to an excessive or servile degree
admonish (v)
to caution or warn; to criticize or scold mildly, but firmly
lionize (v)
to treat a person as a celebrity; to idolize
bigot (n)
a person who is strongly partial to his or her own group, race, or religion
integrity (n)
moral structure; honesty; trustworthiness; structural soundness
concede (v)
to admit, often unwillingly, that something is true; to yield, as in a game or contest
refute (v)
to rebut; invalidate; challenge; prove to be false
heirloom (n)
a family possession handed down from generation to generation
fulcrum (n)
the support which every lever turns; any prop or support
insinuate (v)
to suggest or hint slyly; convey an idea by indirect, subtle means
affluent (adj)
wealthy; rich
discreet (adj)
careful and circumspect in one's speech or actions, especially in order to avoid using offense of to gain an advantage
inflammatory (adj)
likely to excite strong feelings, especially of anger; tending to arouse and excite the emotions; firey
unwieldy (adj)
difficult to handle or manage
quarry (n)
an animal that is being hunted down, especially dogs
acquiesce (v)
to agree passively; comply; consent
contemptuous (adj)
feeling contempt; disdainful; scornful
inexorable (adj)
inevitable; unavoidable
incapacitate (v)
to make unfit; to deprive of physical and mental qualities; to handicap
cliché (n)
an overused expression or idea; a commonplace saying
tacit (adj)
without words or speech; implicit
induce (v)
to persuade to do something; to cause to happen; to influence; to stimulate
foster (v)
to encourage the development or growth of; to nurture
glib (adj)
showing little forethought or preparation
amass (v)
to gather and accumulate
imperative (adj/n)
extremely important or urgent; unavoidable
succumb (v)
comply with; accede; to yield; die
artifice (n)
cunning, trickery
idiosyncrasy (n)
a behavioral quirk
high sounding use of language without real meaning
finagle (v)
obtain by trickery; to use devious or dishonest methods
germane (adj)
connected with and important to a particular subject or situation; relevant
lexicon (n)
a dictionary; vocabulary terms used in or of a particular profession, subject, or style
resignation (n)
withdrawal from job or position; passive submission or surrender
incorrigible (adj)
incapable of being reformed
lambaste (v)
to give a thrashing; scold
sublime (adj)
impressive; inspiring
eschew (v)
to avoid or shun
repent (v)
to feel sorrow for having done wrong
fallacy (n)
a false belief; false idea or notion
antiseptic (adj)
free from germs; exceptionally clean
ambivalence (n)
indecision; experiencing contradictory emotions
deliberate (adj)
jocular (adj)
inclined to joke; jovial; merry' amusing or intended to cause amusement
deliberate (v)
to think over