Lord of the Flies Vocabulary Ch. 5-8 (4A)

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A projecting part of a fortification A fortified area or position Stronghold

Syn: bulwark, citadel, fortress Ant: weakness, weak spot

Ent: From Old French bastille "fortress, tower, fortified building"

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Having a dropping crest or hanging headFeeling shame or humiliation

Syn: dejected, joyless, cast down Ant: blissful, cheerful, delighted

Ent: Originally in reference to diseased horses

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Expressing or causing contemptuous ridicule or scorn

Syn: absurd, preposterous, laughable Ant: earnest, serious, solemn

Ent: Latin ridere = "to laugh"

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Having a slightly brownish dark gray color Marked by dullness and drabness

Syn: dull, dirty, faded Ant: colorful, bright, gay

Ent: Middle English "to insist on payment of debt, agent employed to collect debts"

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Intensity of feeling or expression Intense heat

Syn: enthusiasm, passion, warmth, intensity, violence Ant: impassiveness, insensibility, insensitiveness

Ent: Old French "warmth or glow of feeling"

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  1. Grow or develop in a healthy or vigorous way, especially as the result of a particularly favorable environment.

  2. Wave (something) around to attract the attention of others.

Syn: (1) grow, thrive (2) brandish, wave Ant: die, wither

Ent: "a blossom"

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In a way that attempts to avoid notice or attention, typically because of guilt or a belief that discovery would lead to trouble; secretively

Syn: secret, stealthy, covert Ant: honestly, openly, publicly

Ent: Latin furtum "theft, robbery; a stolen thing"

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To look or stare with sullen annoyance or anger

Syn: frown, glare, scowl Ant: beam, grin, smile

Ent: 14c "to shine", 15c "to stare with wide eyes"

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A use of spells or verbal charms spoken or sung as a part of a ritual of magic. A written or recited formula of words designed to produce a particular effect.

Syn: enchantment, conjuration, invocation, hex, spell, bewitchment Ant: nature, normality, science, order

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Deviating from a square, circular, or spherical form elongation in one dimension

Syn: Outstretched, longish, extensive Ant: Brief, short, curt

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To criticize sharply; reprimand

Syn: admonish, chide, reprimand Ant: citation, commendation, endorsement

Ent: From mid-15c. as "a setback, a defeat"

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Saturated with liquid, especially water; soaked through (adjective) Having drunk an excessive amount of a particular alcoholic drink. (adjective) Saturate (something) with water. (verb)

Syn: Awash, Bathed, Doused (adj); Drench, Drown, Soak (v) Ant: Arid, Dry, Unwatered (adj); Dehydrate, Parch, Sear (v)

Ent: Old English soden "boiled"

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Expressed or carried on without words or speech Implied or indicated(as by an act or by silence) but not actually expressed

Syn: implicit, implied, unexpressed, unspoken, unvoiced, wordless Ant: explicit, expressed, spoken, stated, voiced

Ent: From Latin "be satisfied with, be content"

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Of an infirm or precarious nature; weak and unable to walk in a normal way, usually because of being old.

Syn: aquiver, atremble, quaking, quivering, shaking, shaky, shuddering, trembling, wobbly Ant: stable, secure, steady, stationary

Ent: "swing to and fro"

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Not having been walked on

Syn: untraversed, pathless, untraveled Ant: traversed, traveled

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