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characteristics of late childhood (parents)
- troublesome age
- sloppy age
- quarrelsome age
characteristics of late childhood (educators)
- elementary school age
- critical period in achievement drive
characteristics of late childhood (psych)
- gang age
- age of conformity
- creative/play age
new challenge of late childhood
- Power to consider multiple factors simultaneously
- the ability to evaluate for themselves & perceive the evaluation of others
central issue of late childhood
health development of late childhood
independence, acceptance, negotiate challenges from outside world
state in late childhood
state of disequilibrium
late childhood duration
1st grade to last 2 years (sexually mature)
key physical development in late childhood
- fat develops more rapidly than muscle
- loss of deciduous teeth
- immature sex organs
motor skills in late childhood
- girls -> fine motor
- boys -> gross motor
- self-help & social help
language in late childhood
- improved speech
- socialized speech
- less errors, more control & selection of speech
developmental skills in late childhood
- self-help
- social help
- school
- play
cognitive development in late childhood
concrete operational stage
emotional development in late childhood
- heightened emotionality
- emotional catharsis
- appropriate expression
child vs adolescent gang
- fun vs retaliation
- popular vs outcasts
- same sex vs hetero
- same age & interests vs common revenge factor
characteristics of children's gang
- play groups
- invite only w/ same sex
- "secret" meeting place
- boys socially unacceptable vs girls
- leader is superior
- associates, playmates, friends
- boys: extensive
- girls: intensive
sociometric status
status enjoyed in social group
moral development in late childhood
- adjusted to specific situation
- moral relativism vs moral inflexibility
- level of conventional morality
- "white lies"
- moral codes, discipline, conscience
coordinated anxiety response to certain kinds of situations & actions which has been built by associating certain acts with punishment
negative self evaluation when an individual acknowledges his behavior is at variance with a given moral value to which he is obligated to conform
an unpleasant emotional reaction of an individual to an actual or presumed negative judgment of himself by others
misdemeanors in late childhood
can be home or school
causes of misdemeanors in late childhood
- ignorance to disapproval
- attention seeking
- test authority to assert independence
- boredom
- conformity to gang behavior
sex-role typing in late childhood
influenced by environment (both people & mass media); macho vs feminism
personality development in late childhood
- self concept continues to evolve
- ideal: hero worship
- search for identity
physical hazards in late childhood
- illness
- obesity
- build inappropriate for sex
- accidents
- physical disabilities
- awkwardness
- homeliness
psych hazards in late childhood
- speech
- emotional
- social
- play
- conceptual
- moral
- interests
- sex-role typing
- family relationships
- personality development
physical growth comparison of early vs late childhood
late childhood is slower & relatively even; influenced by health, nutrition, immunization, sex, and intelligence
skills of late childhood are influenced by
areas of speech in late childhood
- pronunciations, vocab, & sentence structure improve
- but content of speech deteriorates
puberty or preadolescence duration
10-12 to 13-14 yrs
stages of adolescence
prepubescent, pubescent, postpubescent
age of manhood
characteristics of puberty
- overlapping period
- short period
- divided into stages
- rapid growth & change
- negative phase
- occurs at variable age
prepubescent stage
- overlaps last 2 yrs of childhood
- no longer child but not yet adolescent
- 2ndary sexy characs but not fully developed sex organs
pubescent stage
- dividing line; menarche & nocturnal emissions
- continues dev of 2ndary sex characs & cells in sex organs
postpubescent stage
- overlaps first 2 yrs of adolescence
- well-developed 2ndary sex characs, sex organs more mature
causes of onset of puberty
- anterior pituitary gland secretes growth hormone & gonadotropic hormone
- gonads mature
3 hormone axes
criteria of puberty
- menarche
- nocturnal emissions
- chemical analysis
- x-rays
body size in puberty
- change in ht & wt
- girls: greatets wt gain before/just after menarche
- boys: max gain 1-2 yrs later than girls
body proportions in puberty
- thin long trunk in older children; broad hips/shoulders + development of waistline
primary sex characteristics in puberty: boys
gonads or testes located in scrotum, 10% mature size at 14 yrs old -> rapid growth -> fully developed by 20-21 yrs old.
primary sex characteristics in puberty: girls
- onset of menarche
- irreg intervals & length
- adolescent sterility
- activation of HPG axis
- testes in men & breast budding (thelarche) in women
- activation of HPA axis
- pubic hair (pubarche)
deviant maturer
one whose sexual maturation deviates by a year or more from the norm for the individual's sex group, in the time at which sexual maturation occurs, or by a year or more from the norm for the individual's sex group in the time needed to complete the maturation process.
physical hazards of puberty
- accidents more than illness
- endocrine imbalance
psych hazards of puberty
- unfavorable self concept
- underachievement
- lack of preparation
- acceptance of changed bodies
- acceptance of socially approved sex roles
- deviations in sexual maturing
puberty is sometimes called
the negative phase
2 major concerns of puberty
normalcy & sex-appropriateness
adolescence duration
- female: 10-18 yrs
- male: 12-20 yrs
to grow or to grow to maturity
3 periods of adolescence
early, middle, late
characteristics of adolescence
- important period
- transition period
- period of change
- problem age
- time of search for identity
- dreaded age
- time of unrealism
- threshold of adulthood
emotionality in adolescence
social changes in adolescence
- increased peer grp influence
- changes in social behavior
- new social grouping
- new values in selecting friends
- new values in social acceptance
- new values in selecting leaders
- acceptance vs alienation
- interests
morality in adolescence
- post-conventional morality should be reached
3 major tasks to achieve adult morality
- replacing specific with general moral concepts
- moral code
- assuming inner control
sexual development in adolescence
- development of heterosexuality
- patterns of behavior & attitudes
- approved sex-roles; reinforced sex-role typing
personality changes in adolescence
- realizing good & bad traits
- realizing role of personality in social relationships
- quantitative change vs qualitative
physical hazards of adolescence
- mortality (MVA)
- suicide (#2 cause of death)
- physical defects
- clumsiness, awkwardness
- sex-inappropriate body build
- attractiveness
psychological hazards in adolescence
- sexual behavior
- social behavior
- moral behavior
- family relationships
- failure to make transitions to maturity
common obstacles to making transition to maturity
- poor foundations
- late maturing
- prolonged treatment as children
- role change
- prolonged dependency
major psychological hazard in adolescence
FAILURE to make transition to maturity
adolescence is remembered as
an unhappy age
early adulthood duration
18-40 yrs (20 in some)
grown to full size and strength
3 stages of adulthood
early, middle, late
characteristics of early adulthood
- settling down age
- reproductive age
- problem age
- period of emotional tension
- period of social isolation
- period of commitments
- period of dependency
- period of value change
- period of adjustments to new lifestyles
- creative age
interests in early adulthood
- appearance
- clothes & personal adornment
- symbols of maturity
- status symbols
- money
- religion
- recreational interests
social mobility
moving from 1 social grp to another
personal & social hazards in early adulthood
- physical
- religious
- social
- sex-role
adulthood is the ___ period of lifespan
aids to mastering developmental tasks in early adulthood
- physical efficiency
- motor & mental abilities
- motivation
- good role model
greatest change in early adulthood
narrowing down range of interests
isolation crisis
time of loneliness due to isolation from social group
difficulties in mastering developmental tasks in early adulthood
- inadequate foundations
- physical handicaps
- discontinuities in training
- parental overprotectiveness
- prolongation of peer group influence
- unrealistic aspirations
most common & important physical hazard in early adulthood
physical unattractiveness
two important religious hazards in early adulthood
- adjusting to new religion
- pressure to adopt another faith
middle age duration
- 40-65 yrs (or 60)
characteristics of middle age
- dreaded period
- time of transition
- time of stress
- dangerous age
- awkward age
- time of achievement
- time of evaluation
- evaluated by a double standard
- time of the empty nest
- time of boredom
developmental tasks of middle age
- physical changes
- changed interests
- vocational adjustments
- family life
menopausal syndrome
- cessation of menstruation
- atrophy of reproductive system
- decline in feminine appearance
- physical discomforts
- weight gain
- knobbiness
- personality changes
male climacteric syndrome
- decline in sex organ function
- decline in sexual desire
- decline in masculine appearance
- anxiety about virility
- physical discomforts
- decline in strength & endurance
- personality changes
success of adjusting to physical changes is aided by
camouflaging the telltale signs of aging
important personal hazards in middle age
- acceptance of trad beliefs of middle age
- idealization of youth
- unrealistic aspirations
- changes in roles, interests, and values placed on status symbols
middle age is also called
shrinking circle stage
criteria for successful adjustment in middle age
- achievements
- emotional states
- effects of phys & psych changes on personality
- degree of satisfaction or happiness
old age duration
60 (or 65) years to death
old age subdivided into
- early/elderly (60-70)
- advance/old (70 to death)
characteristics of old age
- period of decline
- individual differences in effects of aging
- judge by diff criteria
- many stereotypes of old ppl
- social attitudes toward old age
- minority-group status
- aging requires role changes
- poor adjustment
- desire for rejuvenation
a time of growing old or of aging
period during old age when more or less complete physical breakdown takes place & when there is mental disorganization
problems unique to old age
- physical dependency
- economic insecurity
- establishing living conditions
- making new friends to replace dead/disabled/gone ones
- developing new activities
- learning to treat grown children as adults
- involvement in activities planned for elderly
- being victimized/taken advantage
developmental tasks of old age
- adjustment to physical changes
- changes in mental abilities
- changes in interest
- vocational adjustments
- adjustments to changes in family life
physical hazards of old age
- disease & handicaps
- malnutrition
- dental disorders
- sexual deprivation
- accidents
psychological hazards of old age
- acceptance of cultural stereotypes
- effects of physical changes
- changes in life patterns
- tendency to "slip" mentally
- feeling of guilt about idleness; reduced income
- social disengagement
vocational hazards of old age
- prevention from working
- retirement