Post Civil War Notes and Definitions

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13th Amendment (1865)

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13th Amendment (1865)

Abolished and prohibited slavery and involuntary servitude in the U.S., except as conviction and punishment for a crime

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Civil Rights Bill of 1866

The first congressional attempt to guarantee African American rights in the south; Congress overrode the Johnson's veto.

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Radical Reconstruction

when Radical Republicans in Congress seized control of Reconstruction from Pres. Andrew Johnson.

  1. the Reconstruction Acts of 1867-68 were passed, which sent federal troops to the South to oversee the establishment of state governments that were more democratic

  2. Congress amended the Constitution to guarantee the civil rights African Americans

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14th Amendment

Granted citizenship to "all persons born or naturalized in the US"; it forbid any state to deny any person "life, liberty or property, without due process of law" or to "deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of its laws." \n \n *This is perhaps the most important amendment ever passed beyond the original Constitution and Bill of Rights. It has been the vehicle for the expansion of civil rights, women's rights, gay rights among other movements.* \n \n It also allowed for the "incorporation doctrine" which means the application of the national Bill of Rights to the states. Further, (and relevant to today and the Jan. 6 insurrection) it required elected officials to protect the Constitution by not engaging in insurrection or rebellion.

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15th Amendment

Prohibited voting restrictions based on race, color, or \n "previous condition of servitude" (slavery). Gave African American men the right to vote. (does not protect the right to vote based on gender)

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Sharecropping System

Dominant agricultural system in the South after the Civil War, in which a landowner allowed a tenant to use the land in return for a (typically small) share of the crop produced on the land. Kept tenant farmers poor and on the land. Sharecroppers were both black and white.

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Andrew Johnson

17th President of the United States, Tennesseean former enslaver who became president when Lincoln was assassinated. The first U.S. president to be impeached, he survived the Senate removal by only one vote.

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Radical Republicans

After the Civil War, a group that believed the South should be harshly punished and thought that Lincoln was sometimes too compassionate towards the South. Took action to protect rights of black Americans during Reconstruction

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Ku Klux Klan

A white supremacy terrorist organization founded in the 1860s in the south to control newly freed slaves through threats and violence. Other targets included Catholics, Jews, immigrants and anyone thought to be "un-American" by their standards.

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Black Codes

Laws passed in the south just after the Civil War aimed at controlling freedmen and enabling plantation owners to exploit African American workers. Most of these laws were weakened by Radical Republicans' efforts and legislation (like the 14th Amendment)

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Largely former slave owners who were the bitterest opponents of the Republican program in the South. Staged a major counterrevolution to "redeem" the south by taking back southern state governments. Their foundation rested on the idea of racism and white supremacy. Redeemer governments waged an aggressive assault on African Americans.

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Ulysses S. Grant

an American general and the eighteenth President of the United States (1869-1877). He achieved international fame as the leading Union general in the American Civil War. He also fought the KKK using U.S. troops, leading to most southern states ratifying the 14th Amendment.

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Economic opportunity

In order to actuate the rights and protections granted to them by the 14th Amendment, what would emancipated African Americans need?

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Freedmen's Bureau (1865-1872)

Agency set up by Abraham Lincoln to provide freedmen with shelter, food, and medicinal aid and to help them set up schools and find work. The Bureau was dissolved in 1872.

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Jim Crow Laws

State laws in the South passed after Reconstruction ended that legalized segregation and limited African American rights, including voting rights (some examples: literacy tests, grandfather clauses and poll taxes)

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In the antebellum South, what was the source of wealth?

Property in the form of enslaved peoples and the land they worked. In 1860, the economic value of slaves in the U.S. exceeded the invested value of all of the nation's railroads, factories, and banks combined.

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About how many African Americans held government office positions during Reconstruction?

About 2,000

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Election of 1876/Compromise of 1877

After a first count of votes, it was clear that (D) Samuel J. Tilden had won 184 electoral votes to (R) Rutherford B. Hayes's 165. 20 electoral votes were in dispute in four states, and the question of who should have been awarded these electoral votes is the source of the controversy. \n \n The Compromise of 1877 resolved the dispute: all 20 electoral votes were awarded to Hayes. In return for the Democrats' acquiescence in Hayes's election, the Republicans agreed to withdraw federal troops from the South, which ended Reconstruction. Power in the Southern states was transferred to the Democratic Redeemers.

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What is one main failure of Reconstruction after 1877?

Southern states went back to restricting the rights of African Americans.

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Hiram Rhodes Revels

the first African American United States Senator, filling the seat left by Jefferson Davis when Mississippi seceded in 1861. He was among the 16 Black men from seven southern states who served in Congress during Reconstruction.

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Ida B. Wells

African American journalist. published statistics about lynching, urged African Americans to protest by refusing to ride streetcars or shop in white owned stores.

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Once slavery ended, what became a priority for African American success?

Learning to read, write, and do a skilled trade was essential for earning a good living. Education is also essential for learning about the world and participating in helping make it a better place.

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historically black colleges and universities, founded primarily for education of African-Americans, although their charters were not exclusionary. Some public and private __________ founded during Reconstruction and still operating today include: \n Howard University in Washington, DC \n Hampton University in Virginia \n Alabama State University \n Morehouse College in Georgia \n Morgan State University in Maryland

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W.E.B. DuBois (1868-1963)

A black historian, sociologist, and author of several books, he was a leader in the movement to win social justice for African Americans. In The Souls of Black Folks, he expressed his sadness, rage, and frustration with the hardships that black people encountered. Educated at Harvard, DuBois was considered a radical because he demanded racial equality should be immediate. He was devoted to teaching, training, and mentoring college-educated black people to become leaders of their race. He formed the Niagara Movement in 1906. This group later became the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP), possibly the most influential civil rights group in American history.

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Plessy v. Ferguson (1896)

KNOW THIS FULL DEFINITION: Supreme Court case which deemed racial segregation in publicly owned facilities legal on the basis of "separate but equal." (This holding was later overruled in 1954 with Brown v. Board of Education, where state laws that chartered separate public school facilities for white and Black children were officially deemed unconstitutional.)

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