Mosby’s dental dictionary
Operative dentistry deals with the functional and esthetic restoration of the hard tissues of individual teeth.
Operative dentistry is that subject which includes diagnosis prevention, and treatment of defects of the natural dentition, both vital and nonvital so as to restore it to the best state of health, function and esthetics.
Operative dentistry is defined as the science and art of dentistry which deals with diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of defects of the teeth which do not require full coverage restorations for correction. Such treatment should result in the restoration of proper form, function and esthetics while maintaining the physiologic integrity of the teeth in harmonious relationship with the adjacent hard and soft tissues, all of which should enhance the general health and welfare of the patient.
Greene Vardiman Black
Father of Operative Dentistry
1871 - Extension for Prevention
Aims of OpDent
Determination of nature of disease, injury or other defect by examination, test and investigation.
To prevent any recurrence of the causative disease and their defects, it includes the procedures done for prevention before the manifestation of any sign and symptom of the disease.
It includes the procedures undertaken after signs and symptoms of disease have appeared, in order to prevent the disease from developing into a more serious or full extent.
Preservation of the vitality and important anatomy in remaining sound tooth structure are utmost importance and this principle should prevail in every procedure in operative dentistry
Includes restoring form, function, phonetics and esthetics.
After restoration is done, it must be maintained for providing service for longer duration.
Dental Caries
Microbiological disease of the teeth which results in localized dissolution and destruction of calcified tissue, caused by the action of microorganisms and fermentable carbohydrates.
Pits and Fissures Carious Lesion
Smooth Surface Carious Lesion
Root Caries
Types of Dental Caries
Non-carious loss of the tooth structure
Mechanical wear of opposing teeth commonly seen on contacting occlusal, incisal & proximal surfaces.
Loss of tooth material by mechanical wear other than contacting surfaces.
Commonly occurs due to improper brushing and use if abrasive tooth powder.
Loss of dental hard tissue as a result of a chemical process not involving bacteria.
It shows broad, saucer-shaped depression on the tooth surface
Malformed, traumatized or fractured teeth
Traumatic injuries may involve the hard dental tissues and the pulp which require restoration
Esthetic improvement
Discolored teeth because of staining or other reasons look unesthetic and require restoration
Replacement or repair of restoration
Repair or replacement of previous defective restoration is indicated for operative treatment
Developmental defects
Defects like enamel and dentin hypoplasia, hypomineralization, amelogenesis and dentinogenesis imperfecta tetracycline stains, peg-shaped laterals need operative intervention.
Goal of OpDent
To preserve the natural dentition or to restore to its maximum state of health, function and esthetics.