psych unit 3 disorders

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neurotic and psychotic disorders

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neurotic disorder

mental illness characterized by abnormal thoughts, emotions and/or behaviour that pose challenges to daily living but do NOT prevent the individual from coping with daily life and functioning

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psychotic disorder

severe mental disorders in which a person experiences a break from reality and is unable to lead a normal life and cope socially, emotionally, academically, or in daily living without treatment.

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anxiety about a certain object, activity, or situation

neurotic because they may cause high levels of anxiety and tension but do not interfere with daily living

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phobia symptoms

elevated heart rate, sweaty palms, feelings of anxiousness or fear

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phobia treatment

exposure/ shock therapy - gradually confronting the fear

relaxation techniques - deep breathing or meditation

counter conditioning - creating a new response to fear

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panic attacks

sudden episodes of intense fear

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symptoms of panic attacks

high levels of stress and fear, heart palpitations, shaking shortness of breath, numbness, may black out, suffer heart trauma

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treatment of panic attacks

cognitive therapy - identifies triggers, helps patient learn to cope

behaviour therapy - facing your fear to debunk it

bio-medical - drugs and medications, an be addictive, temporary fix

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a type of anxiety disorder whereby a person relives a traumatic event through recurrent episodes

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symptoms of PTSD

general symptoms; severe anxiety, difficulty breathing or focusing, blurred vision

specific symptoms; intrusive memories, avoidance, negative changes in thinking and mood, changes in physical and emotional reaction

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treatment for PTSD

cognitive behavioural or processing therapy

exposure therapy - imagine the event in detail, repeat until stress is reduced

virtual therapy - new treatment, enter a 3d simulation of the event while talking with a psychiatrist

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obsessive compulsive disorder

a neurotic mental health disorder characterized by a repeated cycle of obsessions and compulsions

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unwanted, intrusive thoughts, images, impulses, and/or urges that trigger intensely distressing feelings

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uncontrollable behaviours an individual engages in to calm and dispel the obsession

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treatment for OCD

more difficult to treat

biomedical - prescription meds to activate serotonin

cognitive behavioural therapy

expose patient to triggers to reduce their compulsions

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manic depression

psychoses, a mood disorder characterized by two polarizing dispositions; extreme highs the manic episode, extreme lows the depression episode

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bipolar 1

at least one manic episode and sometimes a depressive

severe mania and often depression

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bipolar 2

multiple depressive episodes involves hypomania

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symptoms of depression episodes

feelings of hopelessness, despair, gloom, insomnia, inability to master the environment, eating disorder

extreme fatigue, sadness, personal guilt, irritability, anxiety

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symptoms of manic episodes

Excessive euphoria, happiness, optimism

Inflated self-esteem

Hyperactivity and spontaneity

Lack of sleep (even days)

Rapid speech and tangent discussions.

Likely engagement in risky behaviour

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biomedical treatment for BPD

anti depressants

can stabilize emotional state and reduce symptoms

does not resolve the cause, risk of addiction

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therapeutic treatment for BPD

psychoanalytic or CBT - prolong a period of normalcy

routine management - establish and maintain a regular routine

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least common but most serious psychoses, involves a breakdown in perception and thought process

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positive symptoms of schizophrenia

presence of symptoms, indicative of losing touch with reality, hallucinations, delusions, movement disruptions

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negative symptoms of schizophrenia

things that stop happening, flat effect, reduced feeling of pleasure and speaking, difficulty beginning or sustaining activities

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cognitive symptoms of schizophrenia

subtle severe changes to memory, poor executive functioning, trouble focusing, problems with working memory

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treatment for schizophrenia

antipsychotics - medications

psychosocial - meeting with a doctor to develop coping skills

coordinated specialty care - meds, psychosocial therapies, family involvement

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paranoid schizophrenia

hallucinations and delusions, feelings of persecution conspiracy suspicion lack of trust and grandeur, most common form of schizophrenia

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hebephrenic schizophrenia

disorganization of cognitive process, disorganized emotion, impairment in communication, daily routine can be lost, appears emotionally unstable or giddy

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catatonic schizophrenia

significant impairment in physical movement

motionless stupor, hyperactivity, a wavy flexibility, parrot behaviour

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undifferentiated schizophrenia

symptoms are not prominent enough to be classified into one form

also known as mixed clinical syndrome

symptoms may fluctuate and change over time

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residual schizophrenia

lessening of symptoms, when the patient no longer displays prominent symptoms

Linger symptoms may remain

Periods of new active-phase psychosis that continue throughout the remainder of patients' lives.

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anti social personality disorder

rare psychotic disorder known as sociopathy

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symptoms of ASPD

pathological lying

taking pleasure in causing pain to others

lack of guilt or remorse over one’s actions

inability to feel empathy - most common in serial killers

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treatment for ASPD

challenging to treat,

biomedical; some prescription drugs can curb symptoms such as aggression; but do NOT remove the inclination to harm others

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