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What happened during the Election of 1824?
all of the candidates were from the same republican party (JQA, Jackson, Clay, & Crawford). Jackson won the popular vote by a landslide, but because the electoral college voted and not the president, JQA was able to make a comeback. The election went to the House of Representatives as no candidate won half of the popular vote. JQA and Clay made an alliance, as Clay was the Speaker of the House and hated Jackson, allowing JQA to ultimately beat Jackson, winning the election and making Clay his Secretary of State.
Who won the Election of 1824?
John Quincy Adams
How did JQA win the election despite Jackson dominating the popular vote?
made an alliance with Henry Clay, Speaker of the House, in exchange of Clay becoming his Secretary of State. Clay used his influence to flip the election into JQA’s favor.
Were Americans happy with the outcome of the Election of 1824?
No, most Americans wanted Jackson to become president, as shown by the popular vote, leading to many citizens feeling like they didn’t have a voice
What did Jackson say about the election of 1824?
Jackson felt like the deal between Clay and JQA was corrupt and that the election was stolen from him
What did JQA do during his presidency?
He created a program to better the US by building roads, canals, universities, and observatories. He wanted to fund this by selling Western lands and not raising taxes. However, because JQA did not win the popular vote, he was faced with many criticisms from the public and Congress.
Who was the “Common Man”?
Andrew Jackson
Who were the favorite sons?
JQA, Jackson, Clay, and Crawford
What was the Tariff of 1828?
Democrats proposed a higher tariff for the country to fund JQA’s plan for the country, knowing that southerners and westerners would hate JQA for breaking his promises about taxes
What did the Tariff of 1828 lead to for Jackson?
the Nullification Crisis
What was a direct result of JQA becoming president?
the division of political parties (Democrats vs. Republicans)
Who won the Election of 1828?
Andrew Jackson
What political party was JQA?
What political party was Andrew Jackson?
Who were the candidates of the election of 1828?
JQA, Jackson, Rush (JQA’s running mate), Calhoun (Jackson’s running mate)
What was the result of the Election of 1828?
Jackson wins in the popular vote largely because of the resentment towards JQA in the western & southern states due to the Tariff of 1828. As a result, the republican party will not make a repapperance until the 1850s.
Why did being the “Common Man’s President” benefit Jackson?
he used his normalcy to his advantage, which allowed US citizens to see him as one of their own rather than a high ranking aristocrat
What years were the Age of Jackson?
What was the Age of Jackson?
period of time during which Jackson was president
What was the spoils system?
Jackson became president and fired 10% of the government supporters and replaced them with loyal supporters/friends in retaliation of JQA winning the Election of 1824.
Who did Jackson fire and who did Jackson hire during the spoils system?
he fired many republicans and hired loyal democrats
What was Jackson’s Kitchen Cabinet?
unofficial advisors hand-selected by Jackson from the private sector (media) that assisted him on government affairs
Who was Roger B. Taney?
Secretary of the Treasury and later the Chief Justice
Who became the Chief Justice after Marshall stepped down?
Roger B. Taney
What were pork-barrel bills?
bills passed by Jackson that benefited his political/personal friends
What was the Nullification Crisis?
conflict between Jackson and South Carolina when South Carolina refused to pay the Tariff of 1828 and later the Tariff of 1832
What was Calhoun’s part in the Nullification Crisis?
Under JQA, when the Tariff of 1828 was created, Calhoun greatly opposed this but held his tongue as he thought that once Jackson took office, he would rescind the tariff. Then, when Jackson kept the agreed with the tariff, Calhoun wrote the “South Carolina Exposition and Protest.” This essentially said that the government does not have the right to force a state to pay taxes and that, as such, the government must acknowledge a states’ right to nullify with any federal law that the state disagreed with and that the state could succeed if the government didn’t agree.
What was the document Calhoun wrote anonymously regarding the Nullification Crisis called?
South Carolina Exposition and Protest
What did the South Carolina Exposition and Protest say?
the government does not have the right to force a state to pay taxes and that, as such, the government must acknowledge a states’ right to nullify with any federal law that the state disagreed with and that the state could succeed if the government didn’t agree
What was Jackson’s response to the Nullification Crisis?
Jackson did not agree with Calhoun and did not acknowledge a states’ right to succeed. Thus, he sent the military to South Carolina to make South Carolina pay the tariff. Clay comrpomised.
What was the Force Bill?
Jackson sent the military to SC to make them pay the tariff
What was Clay’s Compromise?
to settle the dispute between Jackson and SC after the Nullification Crisis, Clay proposed that there should be a reduced tariff over the course of the next 7 years
Why didn’t Jackson like the National Bank?
he thought the bank had too much power and didn’t trust bankers to handle the US economy as they weren’t appointed officials
What happened to the National Bank at the end of Jackson’s FIRST term?
the bank was rechartered, but Jackson couldn’t oppose this due to the public’s opinion, which he needed to be reelected
Who won the Election of 1832?
Jackson (Democrat) won against Clay (Whig)
How did the Whigs plot to hurt Jackson during the Election of 1832?
Biddle, who was the President of the Bank of the US, pushed for a recharter of the bank, knowing that Jackson would refuse and thus outrage the people
Now that Jackson was reelected, what did he do regarding the National Bank?
He wanted to kill the National Bank and move federal funds form the Bank of the US back to state banks; public funds were no longer deposited in the Bank of the US, Pet Banks increased (state banks), causing unsecured loans and an overprinting of money.
How did Jackson accomplish shutting down the National Bank?
Two treasurers advised Jackson to keep the National Bank and were fired. Then, Jackson hired Taney knowing that he would just go along with whatever Jackson said. Lo and behold, Taney told Jackson that shutting down the Bank of the United States was a good idea, allowing Jackson to go forth with his plan
What was the Indian removal Act of 1830?
act that empowered Jackson to forcefully evict all Indian Tribes living east of the Mississippi River and relocating them to land west of the Mississippi
What happened during Worcester vs. Georgia?
Georgia passed an act that prevented missionaries from entering the Cherokee Nation. However, the Cherokee had a treaty with the US, stating that they were an independent nation and as such were not under the protection of the US. The state court said that Worcester, the missionary, was guilty. However, the Supreme Court ruled that Georgia was unconstitutional by making a law regarding the Cherokee nation as the Cherokee were not under the protection of the US. Jackson chose to ignore this ruling and forcefully removed the Cherokee from their land.
What happened if the Natives did not want to move?
Jackson resorted to violence and started wars such as the Black Hawk War, Second Seminole War, and the Second Creek War. Once the US won, they forced the Natives to sign a treaty, giving up their lands and forcing them to move.
What happened with the Cherokee and Jackson?
In Worcester vs. Georgia, Marshall ruled that the Cherokee were entitled to their lands and did not have to move. Jackson ignored the ruling and said that if the Supreme Court wanted to enforce it, they could. However, the Judicial Branch does not have that power.
What was the Trail of Tears?
the US military rounded up the Natives and marched them west, leading to 1 in 4 Natives out of thousands dying
What did Jackson have to say regarding Texas?
After Texas won its independence from Mexico, Jackson refused to anix Texas into the US because it would have upset the balance of power. This went against everything Jackson believed in as he was a southerner and Texas would’ve made him stronger as a president.
What was Specie Circular?
executive order made by Jackson that said that in order to buy US land, you had to pay in gold/silver. However, banks could not exchange paper notes for gold and silver
What was the Panic of 1837?
period of time when the US was in a depression due to the closing of the National Bank. Farms went out of business and speculation on roads, canals, and railroads could not be paid, leading to unemployment
What was Jackson’s Legacy?
Rise of the “Common Man”, veto power, union over states’ rights, no more national bank, Indian removal, spoils system, & specie circular
Who were the candidates of the Election of 1836?
Van Buren (Democrat) and Harison, White, and Mangun (Whigs)
Why did the Whigs run four people in the Election of 1836?
they wanted to steal votes from Van Buren so that the election would go to the House of Representatives
Who won the Election of 1836?
Van Buren
Who is the “Little Magician”?
Martin Van Buren
What did Van Buren get blamed for?
Panic of 1837 & Trail of Tears
What happened during the Election of 1840?
Martin Van Buren (Democrat) loses to William Henry Harrision (Whig) as MVB was blamed for the Panic of 1837 and Trail of Tears. Harrison was only president for one month before he died from pneumonia.
What happened during the Second Seminole War?
War fought in Florida due to the Indian Removal Act. The Seminole Indians refused to be removed and were met by military force (eventually, the Seminoles would end up on the Trail of Tears.)
What was the National Republican Party?
The National Republican Party, also known as the Anti-Jacksonian Party or simply Republicans, was a political party in the United States which evolved from a conservative-leaning faction of the Democratic-Republican Party that supported John Quincy Adams in the 1824 presidential election.
What was the Democrat Party?
created by Jackson as he was the “man of the people” created after he thought JQA cheated with Clay to win the Election of 1824.
What was the Whig Party?
The Whig party was formed in 1834 as a coalition of National Republicans, Anti-Masons, and disgruntled Democrats, who were united by their hatred of “King Andrew”