Anatomy Final Study

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sagittal plane

cuts body left and right

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Coronal plane

cuts body front/back

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concentric contraction


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eccentric contraction


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Bone Cell types

Osteogenic: develops into osteoblast

Osteoblast: forms

Osteoclast: Destroys

Osteocyte: maintains

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Axial: skull, vertebral, rib. 80 bones

Appendicular: Limbs. 126 bones

Bone types: Long/short/flat/irregular

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Hyaline: smooth surface for gliding joints

Elastic: v flexible (ext ear and epiglottis)

Fibro: resists strong compression/tension forces

Functions: support, extra layer of protection btwn bones

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joint types (contact btwn 2+ bones)

Fibrous (skull suture): no large movements, practically none

Cartilaginous (pubic symphysis, vert, cart ribs): mostly stability, allows for some movement

Synovial: island caryilage in middle, joint capsule filled w/ synovial fluid. Double layered, inner syn fluid, outer protects. ligs thicken capsule and stabilize joint. Bursae- fluid filled sacks tendon/tendon or tendon/bone to reduce friction. tendon sheaths= elongated bursa

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Axes: (perpendicular w/planes)

frontal axis: sagittal plane: flexion extension

sagittal axis: frontal plane: add/abduction

longitudinal axis: transverse plane: rotation

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Tissue Types

Epithilium: covering. Secretes substances, regenerates easily. Three types:

surface -sheetlike, protective mechanical barrier (skin), excretes substances

glandular: produces/delivers substances to surfaces or blood stream

Sensory: specialized cells for 4 senses

Connective: supporting

Contains- individual cells dispersed through intracellular matrix. Ground substance (h20, glycoproteins, cosamino/proteoglycans), collagen, reticular, and elastic

Ratios of fibres:ground substance dictate connective type (loose-most GS, Dense-most CF, Fluid-watery due to plasma/water, supporting -calcium deposits)

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network of muscle cells, contain myofibrils(protein structures which contract), first stim nerves, then transmittes to connective tiss to create movement.

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complex network of neurons and support cells. Can be stimulated/conduct simuli, respond to stimulation. electrical impulses neuron-neuron or neuron-other cells to communicate to other tissues, regulating int/ext env

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Body structures Inv in movement

Bone/Osseous Tissue

supporting connective tissue, movement framework, protects vulnerable organs, stores minerals, produces red blood cells. collagen fibres/minerals.


fibrous, made up of dense connective tissue (dif directions tp resist multidirectional stress). bone-bone. Prevent unwanted joint movement. If wrapped around entire joint -capsule Static stabilizers. Ex. interroseous membrane/joint


pulls on periosteum of bones creating movement. 3 types..

Smooth: walls hollow organs

Cardiac: heart walls, pulses

Skeletal: voluntary, connects bones for movement at joints


muscle to bone connection, collagen= strength and elasticity. shapes vary


Thin membrane loose connective tissue, body structure to unit, surrounds and seperates bones, muscles, joints, skin, muscle layers, compartments. Thickens joint capsules. Interconnects everything. Layers…

superficial: directly under skin. stores fat + water, creates nerve passageways, loose

Deep: around muscles + internal structures, helps movement (muscle attachment), cushions layers. Dense

Subserous: seperates deep fascia of thoracic and abd cavities. Loose connection for movement. Dense.

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Special Structures


protects invasion/radiation, excretion, sensory. 3 layers…

Epidermis: epithelial. thin layers, produce keration and pigment. defensive cells

Dermis: beneath epidermis, dense, contains hair follicles/glands/nerves/blood/ small musc

Hypodermis: beneath dermis. loose, contains adipose to cushion + protect.

Blood vessels:

circulatory sys. Large -arteries, medium -arterioles/venues, smallest -capillaries (indv cells). through lymphatic movement.

Lymphatic vessels/nodes

collect excess lymph fluid from body. Edema= abnormal acc of fluid in tissue.




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Types of syn joints

Planar: gliding flat surfaces. no axis

Hinge: Convex/concave. A1

Pivot: round surface/bony ring. A1

Condyloid. rounded concave/vex A2

Saddle: Convex/concave (2 pringles). A2

Ball and socket. A3

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Joints by function

Synarthrotic: lim mobility, art surfaces nearby

Amphiarthrotic. medium mobility. surfaces slightly further apart

Diarthrotic: most mobility. surfaces furthest apart

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Levers: Points of system

Fulcrum -joint

Force of resistance: weight of bone

Applied force: force on muscles to move

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Levers: Mechanical advantage

more efficient

MA= LF (dist btwn applied force and fulcrum/dist of resistance to fulcrum). If…

MA=1 no effect

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Kinetic advantage

Fast motion, opposite of MA

1/MA (length of FR over length of AF)

Most levers

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1st class lever

fulcrum inbtwn AF and FR. MA or KA. ex: head and neck extension

<p>fulcrum inbtwn AF and FR. MA or KA. ex: head and neck extension</p>
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2nd class lever

FR btwn fulcrum and FA, AF longer arm then FR, therefore always MA

<p>FR btwn fulcrum and FA, AF longer arm then FR, therefore always MA</p>
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<p>3rd class lever</p>

3rd class lever

FA and FR same side. AF shorter then R. KA

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Functional Groupings

agonist: prime movers

Synergiste: accesory

Fixator: helps agonist by stabilizing attachments

Antagonist: opposes prime mover, works at end ranges to prevent injury

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Bone to Bone

Soft tissue approximation

Tissue stretch

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Cranial bones


Parietal 2




Temporal 2

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Facial Bones

My mandible chews nine very large zucchini pizza’s



Concha (nasal)

Vomer plate



Palantines 2

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Joints of skull


Coronal: front/parietal

Sagittal: L and R parietal

Squamish: Parietal/temporal

Lambdoid: occipital/parietal

Occipitomastoid: occipital/temporal


Temporomandibular: hinge/planar/condyloid hybrid

allows depression/elevation (open close), protraction/retraction, lat displacement

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Skull foramen

Optic canal: optic nerves exit orbits, enter skull

Sup/inf orbital fissure and foramen

Carotid canal: major blood supply

Foramen spinosum: major artery into skull

internal acoustic meatus: cranial nerve exits temp bone to brain (balance and hearing info)

Hyboglossal canal: nerves of tongue muscles

jugular foramen

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Paranasal sinuses

warm air entering nose for lungs. improves voice sound (vibration). Flexibility and protection to facial bones, reduces weight/hollow

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Protect eyes. Made of sphenoid, frontal, zygomatic, ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, palantine

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Hyoid bone

axial skeleton. Moves when swallow to let food go down, no art w/ any other bone

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strongest ligament in the body


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Spine and rib cage functions

protects spinal cord, provides stability, attachements for ribs, supports head, allows for full vision. Wants to make eyes level, scoliosis to compensate

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Regions + Curvatures

Vertebrae: 7 C, 12T, 5L

2 Lordosis (cervical and lumbar): vertebrae moving in

2 Kyphosis (thoracic and sacral): vertebrae moving out

better absorbs compression

When neck is bent, spine is straight therefore cannot absorb compression. Head trauma= fracture

Gravity: mastoid process, 2nd sacral vert, hip knee ankle

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Cervical Region

2 SP -bifid

short TPs

Triangular vert foramen

2 transverse foramen: Vert artery produces blood flow to head as reserve supply

C1 atlas: no vert body, ring, small TP, lat masses for head

C2 axis: SP 2 bumps, bony landmarks shaped by muscles.

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Thoracic region

Ribcage: limits movement, protects heart and lungs. Ribs attach btwn segments, progressively wider, c shaped

True ribs: sternum via cartilage

false ribs: attach cartilage, combine ,then sternum

floating ribs: only to vert column

intercostal #’s allow for space btwn

Sternum: protects front via cartilage for expansion

manubrium, body, xiphoid process

Vertebrae: circular V foramen, costal facets inf/sup, longest downward SPs

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Lumbar region

Thick vertebrae to support upper body compression, issues most common

Large often concave body/SPs

triangular V foramen


Sacrum fused due to force. Ossified, vert bodies/SPs are still there, pelvic movement

coccyx: no purpose

Sitting: not evolved for that, many issues. towel under spine= healthy lordosis

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Joints of spine

Facet/apophyseal/zygapophyseal: synovial joint (close to planar but not!). allows spine movement, bilat. phys block L rot, T lat bend

Vert disk (interbody): Gelatinous centre disperses forces. Not innervated=no pain=wear disk w/o knowing. Bulging/herniated disk can compress spinal nerve (numbness burning pain, L/C). Vert endplates -nourish disk, triggered by movement.

Ligaments: reduce movement.

Front of body, ant longitudinal lig: Limits extension.

Behind ““: posterior longitudinal/ligamentum flavum: limits flexion.

Intertransverse: lat flex, rot

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Movements of spine

Flex ext/lat flex LR/axial rot

Protraction/retraction: improves vision, lots of strain on neck

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Thoracic joints

Costocorpeal: head of ribs/vertebrae

Thoracolumbar flexion: flexion of spine

Thoracolumbar extension: extension should be distributed evenly

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Specific Joints

Atlanto Occipital: condyloid

foramen magnum makes instability fatal, many ligs support

Atlanto Axial: pivot

transverse lig stabilizes

resp for 1/2 cervical rot. Vert artery is stretched.

Uncovertebral: bony edges can rub

L5/S1: most herniated. much force of vert column/ where vert angle switches sacrum.

Spondylothesis: vert body adopts angle of sacrum

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Imp land marks

Occipital bone:

Sup/inf nuchal line: muscles attch

ext occipital protuberance: bony bomp mid head

occipital to C7: ligamentum nuchae, muscles attch

temporal: mastoid process (behind ear)

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-same side

-opposite side

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ant neck

O: med clavicle, sternum sup/lat

I: Mastoid process, temp bone

A: if muscles contract, head and neck ipsi lat. ant muscle fibres conralat

<p>ant neck</p><p>O: med clavicle, sternum sup/lat</p><p>I: Mastoid process, temp bone</p><p>A: if muscles contract, head and neck ipsi lat. ant muscle fibres conralat</p>
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Scalenes (ant/middle/post)

ant neck

O: TP C2/C7

I: sup border 1st rib

A: ant/mid: elevate 1st rib, ipsi lat neck bend

post: elevate 2nd rib, ““

<p>ant neck</p><p>O: TP C2/C7</p><p>I: sup border 1st rib</p><p>A: ant/mid: elevate 1st rib, ipsi lat neck bend</p><p>post: elevate 2nd rib, ““</p>
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Splenius Capitis

Post neck

O: lig nuchae, SP C3-T3

I: mastoid process, lat sup nuchal line occipital.

A: Bilat ext head and neck, unilat flex, ipsi lat rot

<p>Post neck</p><p>O: lig nuchae, SP C3-T3</p><p>I: mastoid process, lat sup nuchal line occipital.</p><p>A: Bilat ext head and neck, unilat flex, ipsi lat rot</p>
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Splenius Cervicis

Post neck

O: T3-T6

I: TP C1-C3

A: ext of C spine. Ipsilat bend/flex and rot

<p>Post neck</p><p>O: T3-T6</p><p>I: TP C1-C3</p><p>A: ext of C spine. Ipsilat bend/flex and rot</p>
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intermediate deep back: erector spinae

most lat

3 dif segments: cervicis thoracis lumborum


<p>intermediate deep back: erector spinae</p><p>most lat</p><p>3 dif segments: cervicis thoracis lumborum</p><p>extension</p>
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intermediate deep back: erector spinae


3 dif segments: cervicis thoracis lumborum


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intermediate deep back: erector spinae

most medial

3 dif segments: cervicis thoracis lumborum


<p>intermediate deep back: erector spinae</p><p>most medial</p><p>3 dif segments: cervicis thoracis lumborum</p><p>extension</p>
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Quadratus Lumborum

square like

O: iliac crest

I: rib TPs

A: forced inhalation

<p>square like</p><p>O: iliac crest</p><p>I: rib TPs</p><p>A: forced inhalation</p>
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Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements

O/I: btwn TPs L5-C1

A: lat flex

<p>Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements</p><p>O/I: btwn TPs L5-C1</p><p>A: lat flex</p>
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Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements

O/I: btwn TPs L5-C1

A: rotation

<p>Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements</p><p>O/I: btwn TPs L5-C1</p><p>A: rotation</p>
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Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements

O/I: btwn TPs L5-C1

A: rotation

<p>Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements</p><p>O/I: btwn TPs L5-C1</p><p>A: rotation</p>
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Deepest Back: stabilize spine, small movements

O: SP C3-T1

I: SP C2-C7

A: prevent flex

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ext oblique

Ant trunk

O: ext surface ribs 5-12

I: iliac crest, pubic tubercle, abdominal aponeurosis

A: rot to opposite side

<p>Ant trunk</p><p>O: ext surface ribs 5-12</p><p>I: iliac crest, pubic tubercle, abdominal aponeurosis</p><p>A: rot to opposite side</p>
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Rectus abdominus

O: Pubic crest/symphysis

I: ribs 5-7, cost cart, diploid process

A: flex, mild lat flex

<p>O: Pubic crest/symphysis</p><p>I: ribs 5-7, cost cart, diploid process</p><p>A: flex, mild lat flex</p>
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Int oblique

O: thoracolumbar aponeurosis, iliac crest, inguinal lig

I: int surface ribs 10-12, abd aponeurosis

A: trunk flex bilat. ipsi lat flex/rot

<p>O: thoracolumbar aponeurosis, iliac crest, inguinal lig</p><p>I: int surface ribs 10-12, abd aponeurosis</p><p>A: trunk flex bilat. ipsi lat flex/rot</p>
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Transversus abd

O: Int surf ribs 7-12

I: abd aponeurosis

A: Abd muscles compress + support abd organs

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Breathing muscles


rib cage

abdominal muscles

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Elbow Joints

  • [ ] 3 synovial joints in same articular cavity/capsule

Humeroulnar joint (hinge/trochlear): flexion/extension

  • Btwn trochlear notch of ulna and trochlea humerus. Hinge/trochlear joint

  • Bony congruency (strong concave/convex connection). Very stable, enhanced by strong capsule + ligaments

  • Flexion, coronoid process of ulna enters coronoid fossa humerus (stops with biceps)

  • Extension.

  • Ulnar vagus: approx 15 deg (w>m). Axis of movement is not 100% frontal -oblique due to orientation of trochlea. >15 excessive.

Humeroradial joint: hybrid ball and socket: flex/extension +pronation/supination DOES ALL MOVEMENTS

  • Btwn fovea radial head and capitulum of humerus

  • Spheroid

  • Poor bony congruency/stability

  • Movements dictated by two other joints of elbow (flex ext-ulna) (rot long axis pron/sup)

Proximal radioulnar joint: pronation/supination

  • Btwn head radius + radial notch of ulna

  • Trochoid

  • Pron/sup w/distal counterpart

  • Head of radius and radial notch, held by annular (deep surface hyaline+fibrocartilage to allow motions) and quadrate lig

Distal radioulnar joint

  • Btwn head of ulna + ulnar notch radius

  • Poor bony congruency

  • Held together by capsule, ligaments + arctic disc btwn head of ulna and carpal bones

<p></p><ul><li><p>[ ] 3 synovial joints in same articular cavity/capsule</p></li></ul><p>Humeroulnar joint (hinge/trochlear): flexion/extension</p><ul><li><p>Btwn trochlear notch of ulna and trochlea humerus. Hinge/trochlear joint</p></li><li><p>Bony congruency (strong concave/convex connection). Very stable, enhanced by strong capsule + ligaments</p></li><li><p>Flexion, coronoid process of ulna enters coronoid fossa humerus (stops with biceps)</p></li><li><p>Extension.</p></li><li><p>Ulnar vagus: approx 15 deg (w&gt;m). Axis of movement is not 100% frontal -oblique due to orientation of trochlea. &gt;15 excessive.</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Humeroradial joint: hybrid ball and socket: flex/extension +pronation/supination DOES ALL MOVEMENTS</p><ul><li><p>Btwn fovea radial head and capitulum of humerus</p></li><li><p>Spheroid</p></li><li><p>Poor bony congruency/stability</p></li><li><p>Movements dictated by two other joints of elbow (flex ext-ulna) (rot long axis pron/sup)</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Proximal radioulnar joint: pronation/supination</p><ul><li><p>Btwn head radius + radial notch of ulna</p></li><li><p>Trochoid</p></li><li><p>Pron/sup w/distal counterpart</p></li><li><p>Head of radius and radial notch, held by annular (deep surface hyaline+fibrocartilage to allow motions) and quadrate lig</p></li></ul><p></p><p>Distal radioulnar joint</p><ul><li><p>Btwn head of ulna + ulnar notch radius</p></li><li><p>Poor bony congruency</p></li><li><p>Held together by capsule, ligaments + arctic disc btwn head of ulna and carpal bones</p></li></ul><p></p>
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Elbow stability

  • Medial blow: increases vagus

  • Lateral blow: increases varus

  • Elbow injuries must have weight

  • Little league elbow results in soreness/fractures/ripped ligaments (fractures to growth plate, evulsion fracture- lig pulls out piece of bone) Stability btwn radius and ulna

  • interoseuss membrane: +stability, greater SA for muscle attachment for muscles forearm, hand, fingers

  • Oblique cord

  • Distal oblique fibres

  • Hiatus: openings in soft tissue for blood vessels + nerves

  • Good bony congruency therefore stable joint

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ROM elbow


  • Flex: active= 120/pass 140

  • Ext: 0 to -5 (hyperextension)

  • Pron/sup: 80-90

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Radius bony landmarks

  • Head (prox)

  • Radial tuberosity (medial)

  • Styloid process (lateral)

  • Superior aspect: fovea

  • Ulnar notch

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Bony landmarks ulna

  • olecranon process

  • Radial notch (lateral)

  • Trochlear notch

  • Coronoid process

  • Ulnar tuberosity

  • Styloid process (med)

  • Head (dist)

  • [ ] Bone coverage is high at articular surfaces : very stable, bones fit together really well. Baseball -bone issues

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Distal humerus two distinct surfaces

Distal humerus two distinct surfaces

  • Trochlea w/trochlear notch of ulna

  • Capitulum (head) articulating w/ head of radius

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<p>Triangular Fibrocartilage complex</p>

Triangular Fibrocartilage complex

  • Fibrocart disc dist radioulnar

  • Edges continuous with radioulnar capsular ligs

  • Keeps head of ulna snug against ulnar notch radius

    • stability ulnocarpal joint

<p></p><ul><li><p>Fibrocart disc dist radioulnar</p></li><li><p>Edges continuous with radioulnar capsular ligs</p></li><li><p>Keeps head of ulna snug against ulnar notch radius</p></li><li><p></p><ul><li><p>stability ulnocarpal joint</p></li></ul></li></ul>
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Sternoclavicular joint

attach upper body to thorax

saddle: post/ant rot, elev/dep

Movements: elevation (35-45), dep (10), pro/ret (15-30), ant rot (none), post rot (20-35). Flex/add most common injuries

Stabilized by ant/post SC ligs, art dis, interclavicular lig, costoclavicular lig (ant +post bundles: stabilize).

<p>attach upper body to thorax</p><p>saddle: post/ant rot, elev/dep</p><p>Movements: elevation (35-45), dep (10), pro/ret (15-30), ant rot (none), post rot (20-35). Flex/add most common injuries</p><p>Stabilized by ant/post SC ligs, art dis, interclavicular lig, costoclavicular lig (ant +post bundles: stabilize).</p>
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false joint (muscle - muscle gliding)

up down rot, add/abduction, elev/dep

allows GH +ROM

<p>false joint (muscle - muscle gliding)</p><p>up down rot, add/abduction, elev/dep</p><p>allows GH +ROM</p>
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accromioclavicular joint

articulates w/acromion. Planar joint, accomodates GH

stabilized by disc, acromioclavicular/coracoacromial/coraclavicular (conoid-med, trapezoid-lat) ligs

<p>articulates w/acromion. Planar joint, accomodates GH</p><p>stabilized by disc, acromioclavicular/coracoacromial/coraclavicular (conoid-med, trapezoid-lat) ligs</p>
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Clavicle landmarks

Costal facet 1st rib, costal tub, subclavian grrove, conoid tubercle (coracoclavicular ligs attach)

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Serratus ant

attaches on to ribs + ant scapula. ext rot/protraction

Muscles of scapula attach tvert spine latissimus dorsi, iliac crest, thoracolumbar fascia. functional +

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unstable, hum head> glenoid fossa. Reduced space=pain by raised glenoid fossa head

135 def= incline angle btwn head and shaft. 30 deg retroversion hum (back) vs dist hum.

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humerus landmarks


  • lesser tubercle: subscapularis, lats, terres minor

  • greater tubercle: supraspinatus, pec major


  • deltoid tuberosity

  • lesser tub: infraspinatus, terres minor

  • radial groove: radial nerve, innervates all upper extremity

  • anatomical neck: shoulder joint/hum head

  • Surgical neck: mid epiphysis

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  • mobility>>> stability

  • ball and socket

  • cavity deepened by glenoid labrum but not enough to be stable

  • ligs lax w/ repetitive movement, very common injury

  • subacromial bursae and supraspinatus are often squeezed leading to tendonopathy, bursitis

  • Movements= f/abd(120+60-scap/hum=180), e(65), add(50-75), c(200)

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Glenohumeral ligs

Sup glenohumeral: anatomic neck above lesser tub. ext rot and inf/ant translation hum head

Mid ““: anatomic neck/scapularis. Ant translation hum head 45-90 deg add, ext rot

Inf ““: 3 parts, ant/post band and axillary pouch. broad sheet post inf anatomic neck. Ax pouch: 90 deg abd + ant post + inf trans. Ant band: ““ + full ext rot + ant trans, Post: full int rot.

Coracohumeral: ant greater tub, goes to supraspinatus

<p>Sup glenohumeral: anatomic neck above lesser tub. ext rot and inf/ant translation hum head</p><p></p><p>Mid ““: anatomic neck/scapularis. Ant translation hum head 45-90 deg add, ext rot</p><p></p><p>Inf ““: 3 parts, ant/post band and axillary pouch. broad sheet post inf anatomic neck. Ax pouch: 90 deg abd + ant post + inf trans. Ant band: ““ + full ext rot + ant trans, Post: full int rot.</p><p></p><p>Coracohumeral: ant greater tub, goes to supraspinatus</p>
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Scapulohumeral rhythym

ROM at dif joints to obtain full ROM. abd. GH=120+20-40GH ext rot. ST=60 up rot+ 20 post tilt +0-5 ext rot. SC= 25 SC post rot. AC= 30 upward rot

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Upper trapezius


O: ext occipital protuberance, ligamentum nuchae

I: acromion and lat 1/3 clav

A: ““ upward rot scap

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Levator Scapulae


O: TPs C1-C5

I: sup angle scap

A: ““

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Rhomboid Minor


O: SPs C7-T1

I: med border spine scap

A: ““ retraction

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rhomboid major


O: SPs T2-T5

I: med border scap below spine

A: ““ retraction

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Lower trapezius


O: SPs T4-12

I: spine scap

A: ““ retraction, upward rot scap

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Latissimus Dorsi


O: SPs T6-L5, ribs 10-12, iliac crest

I: inf angle scap + med border intertub groove hum

A: ““ ext/add/int rot hum

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O: 1st rib

I: subclavian groove clavicle

A: ““ stabilize scap

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Serratus Anterior

O: ant ribs 8-9

I: ant med border scap

A: protract+upward rot scap. Maintains scap to T wall

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Pec minor

O: ant surf ribs 3-5

I: coracoid process

A: protraction/downward rot

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Middle trapezius

O: SP C7-T4

I: acromion+spine scap

A: retract/upward rot scap

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Pec major

O: med 1/3 clavicle

I: lat border intertubercular groove

A: flex/add/int rot/ horizontal add

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Biceps Brachii (long head)

O: supraglenoid tub (labrum)

I: radial tub and biceps aponeurosis

A: flex/abd shoulder, flex/sup forearm.

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O: coracoid process of scapula

I: ant med surface, hum disk, crest of lesser tub

A: flex/add shoulder

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Latissimus Dorsi

O: SP T6-L5, ribs 10-12, iliac crest

I: Inf angle of scap + med intertubercular groove

A: dep scap, ext/add/int rot hum

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Teres major

O: post inf angle scap

I: med border inter tubercular groove

A: ext/add/int rot hum

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Triceps brachii

O: infraglenoid tubercle

I: ulna olecranon

A: ext add shoulder, elbow ext

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post deltoid

O: inf border spine scap

I: delt tub

A: ext +ex rot shoulder

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Middle deltoid

O: acromion

I: delt tub

A: abd

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O: supraspinatus fossa scap

I: sup greater tubercle

A: 15 deg abd+ ext rot (rotator cuff)

compresses head into glenoid fossa to restrict sup translation of hum. issue: compression between hum head and acromion

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O: infraspinatus fossa

I: greater tub

A: lat rot (rotator cuff)

dep hum head

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O: subscap fossa

I: lesser tub

A: med rot +add shoulder (rotator cuff)

dep hum head

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Carpal Bones

Some Lovers try positions that they cant handle

Scaphoid -necrosis if injured, needs surgery

Lunate - most moveable

Triquetrum - triangle shaped, connects w/ulna in ulnar deviation

Pisiform - embedded within flexor carpi ulnaris


Trapezoid - small solid

Capitate - all axis of motion

Hamate - hook for structures to pass to pinky

<p>Some Lovers try positions that they cant handle</p><p>Scaphoid -necrosis if injured, needs surgery</p><p>Lunate - most moveable</p><p>Triquetrum - triangle shaped, connects w/ulna in ulnar deviation</p><p>Pisiform - embedded within flexor carpi ulnaris</p><p>Trapezium</p><p>Trapezoid - small solid</p><p>Capitate - all axis of motion</p><p>Hamate - hook for structures to pass to pinky</p>
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