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<p>describe how particles in a <strong>solid</strong> are arranged (mention forces and energy):</p>

describe how particles in a solid are arranged (mention forces and energy):

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<p>describe how particles in a <strong>solid</strong> are arranged (mention forces and energy):</p>

describe how particles in a solid are arranged (mention forces and energy):

  • strong forces of attraction hold the particles together in a fixed, regular arrangement

  • particles don’t have much energy so can only vibrate in fixed positions

  • density is highest in this state, as particles are close together so have a lot of mass for their volume

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<p>describe how particles in a <strong>liquid </strong>are arranged (mention forces and energy):</p>

describe how particles in a liquid are arranged (mention forces and energy):

  • weaker forces mean particles are close together, but can move past each other, forming irregular arrangements

  • in liquid state, particles will have more energy so can move in random directions at low speeds

  • less dense than solids, but still have a lot of mass for their volume

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<p>describe how particles in a <strong>gas</strong> are arranged (mention forces and energy):</p>

describe how particles in a gas are arranged (mention forces and energy):

  • almost no forces of attraction, so they’re free to move

  • in gaseous state, particles have more energy so can travel in random directions at high speeds

  • gases have low densities compared to solids and liquids

  • they have less mass for their volume

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what is the formula for density? (include units of measurement)

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what is meant by density?

the mass per unit volume of a substance

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RP5: describe a method to calculate the density of a regular object:

  • use a balance to measure the mass

  • measure the length, width and height of the object

  • using the formula, calculate the volume, giving your value in cm3

  • calculate the density using the density equation

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RP5: describe a method to calculate the density of a irregular object:

  • use a balance to measure the mass

  • fill a displacement can (aka eureka can) with room temperature water and align a measuring cylinder with the spout

  • make sure the water level lies below the level of the spout, making sure there isn’t a large gap between the two levels

  • place the irregular shaped object slowly into the can, ensuring not to drop it from a high distance or cause it to splash

  • collect the displaced water that comes out of the spout into a measuring cylinder

  • the volume of the water = the volume of the object

  • calculate the density using the density equation

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RP5: describe a method to calculate the density of a liquid:

  • place a measuring cylinder on a balance and zero the balance

  • pour 10ml (10cm3) of the liquid into the measuring cylinder and record the liquid’s mass

  • pour another 10ml of the liquid into the measuring cylinder and record the total volume and mass

  • repeat this process until measuring cylinder is full

  • for each measurement use the density equation to find the density

  • take an average of all the calculated densities to get an accurate value of the density of the liquid

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what is meant by the term internal energy?

the total kinetic energy and potential energy of all the particles (atoms and molecules) that make up a system (object)

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what happens when we heat a system?

  • the system transfers energy to its particles which gain kinetic energy + move faster

  • internal energy increases

  • this leads to a change in temperature or change in state if the substance is heated enough

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explain the process of heating a solid:

  • the solid gains internal energy

  • eventually the particles have enough kinetic energy to break the bonds holding them together

  • the solid then turns into a liquid (melting)

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explain the process of heating a liquid:

  • as the liquid is heated more, it gains more internal energy

  • the particles now have even more kinetic energy allowing them to break more bonds

  • the liquid then turns into a gas (boiling/evaporating)

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explain the process of cooling a gas:

  • internal energy reduced

  • the particles lose energy + form bonds

    the gas turns back into a liquid (condensation)

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explain the process of cooling a liquid:

  • internal energy is reduced even more

  • the particles lose more energy + form more bonds

  • eventually the liquid turns into a solid (freezing)

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what is meant by sublimation?

when a substance is able to change from a solid to gas, or gas to solid without becoming a liquid

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what does it mean if mass is conserved when a change of state happens?

  • there are no particles lost or gained when a substance changes state

  • they’re just arranged differently

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are changes of state physical or chemical? why?

  • physical

  • we end up with the same substance, just in a different form

  • if we reverse the change, the material will still have its original properties

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what is the difference between boiling and evaporating?

  • boiling is quicker as bubbles of gas form throughout the liquid which rise to the surface + escape

  • evaporating is slower as particles only leave from the surface of the liquid without producing any bubbles

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what is the meant by the specific heat capacity of a substance?

the energy required to raise the temperature of 1kg of the substance by 1oC

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what is the formula for specific heat capacity? (include units of measurement)

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<p>explain what is happening on this <strong>heating</strong> graph:</p>

explain what is happening on this heating graph:

  • when a substance is melting/boiling energy is still being put in, increasing the internal energy

  • the temperature of the solid/liquid rises as we increase the energy of the particles

  • the internal energy is used to break/weaken forces of attraction

  • during the change of state we are increasing internal energy, but NOT temperature

  • the flat spots on the graph is where there is a change of state, and energy is transferred by heating (temperature stops rising)

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<p>explain what is happening on this <strong>cooling</strong> graph:</p>

explain what is happening on this cooling graph:

  • when a substance is condensing/freezing, energy is released, decreasing the internal energy

  • the temperature of the gas/liquid drops as we decrease the energy of the particles

  • the internal energy is used to strengthen forces of attraction, to form bonds

  • during the change of state, we are decreasing internal energy, but NOT temperature

  • the flat spots on the graph are where there is a change of state, + energy released as heat (temperature stops dropping)

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what is meant by the specific latent heat of a substance?

the energy required to change the state of 1kg of the substance with no change in temperature

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what is the specific latent heat of fusion?

the energy required to change 1kg of a substance from a solid to a liquid with no change in temperature

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what is the specific latent heat of vaporisation?

the energy required to change 1kg of a substance from a liquid to vapour with no change in temperature

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what is the formula for specific latent heat? (include units of measurement)

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explain how the motion of the molecules in a gas is related to both its temperature and its pressure:

  • at low temperatures, particles have less kinetic energy

  • this means there are fewer collisions per second

  • fewer collisions means less pressure and vice versa

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how is pressure created in a gas?

  • collisions between the particles and the wall of the container holding the gas exert a force (a pressure)

  • this force acts at right angles to the container walls

  • the outward gas pressure is the total force exerted by all the particles on a unit area of the container walls

<ul><li><p><strong>collisions</strong> between the particles and the wall of the container holding the gas <strong>exert a force</strong> (a pressure)</p></li><li><p>this<strong> force acts at right angles</strong> to the container walls</p></li><li><p>the outward gas pressure is the<strong> total force exerted by all the particles</strong> on a unit area of the container walls</p></li></ul><p></p>
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what happens if we increase the volume of a container (keeping the temperature constant)?

  • the pressure reduces

  • there is now more space between the particles, so they travel much further before colliding

  • this reduces the number of collisions per second therefore reducing the pressure

<ul><li><p>the<strong> pressure reduces</strong></p></li><li><p>there is now <strong>more space between the particles</strong>, so they travel much further before colliding</p></li><li><p>this <strong>reduces the number of collisions </strong>per second therefore <strong>reducing the pressure</strong></p></li></ul><p></p>
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what is the relationship of a gas at fixed mass and constant temperature?

  • pressure and volume are inversely proportional

  • if one increases, the other decreases

  • if we double one we must half the other etc

<ul><li><p>pressure and volume are <strong>inversely proportional</strong></p></li><li><p>if one increases, the other decreases</p></li><li><p>if we double one we must half the other etc</p></li></ul><p></p>
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what happens if we change the pressure of a gas (keeping the temperature constant)?

  • the pressure of a gas causes a net outward force at right angles to the surface of the container

  • there’s also a force on the outside of the container due to the pressure of gas around it

  • if the container can easily change size (e.g. balloon) the overall pressure can cause container to contract/expand

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what happens if work is done on a gas? give an example:

  • energy transferred to the gas particles increasing internal energy of the gas

  • this causes an increased temperature of the gas

    • e.g. in a bike pump, gas applies pressure to the plunger of the pump, exerting a force

    • work has to be done against this force to push down the plunger

    • kinetic energy increases, raising the temperature

<ul><li><p><strong>energy transferred</strong> to the gas particles <strong>increasing internal energy </strong>of the gas</p></li><li><p>this causes an <strong>increased temperature</strong> of the gas</p><ul><li><p>e.g. in a bike pump, <strong>gas applies pressure</strong> to the plunger of the pump, exerting a force</p></li><li><p><strong>work has to be done against this force</strong> to push down the plunger</p></li><li><p>kinetic energy increases, <strong>raising the temperature</strong></p></li></ul></li></ul><p></p>
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