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CSI effect: defense attorney
CSI effect prosecuting attorney
CSI effect forensics
more pressure on them
excited delirium
cant feel pain on sm drugs, cant sweat, feels like your on fire
american revolution begins
u.s declares independence
u.s constitution written
u.s constitution ratified
u.s constitution took effect, george washington was inaugurated, u.s marshall established (to enforce laws), u.s attorney general established
u.s bill of rights take effect, first known officer killed in line of duty (cornelius hogeboom)
u.s secret service establish to combat counterfeiting
bureau of investigation establihsed (the BI)
prohibition starts (alcohol is illegal)
modern polygraph invented
frye v u.s (polygraph invalidated in court)
prohibition ended
bureau of investigation named changed to fbi
alec jefferys cracked genetic code of DNA (dna is as unique as finger print)
first use of nuclear DNA fingerprinting in court case. in the uk——> colin pitchfork case
combined dna index system (CODIS) fully operational
pam bondy
new attorney general
james uthmyer
fl state attorney general
eugene vidocq
father of criminal investigation
mathieu orfila
father of toxicology
london metropolitan police department
scotland year detective branch
apart of LMPD
office of instrucations and mail depredations
first federal law enforcement officers referred to as ‘special agents’
texas rangers
first policing agency w/ statewide jurisdiction
allan pinkerton
hired as first city police detective in chicago, created first private detective agency in u.s (pinkerton national detective agency).
laregest municipal detectiive division in the world
alphonse bertillon
father of mug shot: developed first ‘personal identification system: anthropometry- used 11 different body measurements and a photo
sir aurthur cohan doyle
wrote sherlock holmes
sir francis galton
father of fingerprint identification
hans gross
coined terms ‘criminal investigation’ and ‘criminalistics’. first to publish book touting the use of scientific method in regards to solving crimes
karl landsteiner
first to classify LIQUID BLOOD into a, b, ab, o groups
edmond locard
FRANCE. established first crime lab and first school of criminalistics/ forensic science. father of forensic science
locards principle
two objects exchange matter when they come into contact
albert osborn
wrote the questioned documents. was the first study of handwriting anaysis authenticatiing documents and presenting documents as evidence
leone lattes
developed method to classify DRIED BLOOD into a, b, ab, o groups
august vollmer
UNITED STATES. established first u.s lab in LA and first school of criminalistics/ forensic science
calvin goddard and philip gravelle
developed the comparison microscope
the study of an object in motion
firearm investigation
matching bullet to gun
paul kirk
coin term ‘blood splatter analysis
miranda vs arizona
right to remain silent and attorney
clearing house
records storage (database of criminal records)
alec jefferys
cracked genetic code of DNA
can stop bullet
wont stop bullet but will hide you
berghuis v tompkins
statement made without a unambiguous (CLEARLY STATED) invocation of their miranda rights . constitutes a wavier of their self-incrimination rights. basically you have to clearly state you understand your rights
reasonable suspicuion
a crime has, is or will happen/ is being committed. so you can search them
probable cause
they prob committed the crime. can arrest them
proof beyond reasonable doubt
state must prove this to convict someone.
national crime information center (FBI)
florida crime information center (FDLE)
next generation identification- fingerprints (FBI)
‘integrated’ automated fingerprint identification system (FBI)
automated fingerprint identification system (FDLE)
combined DNA identification system (FBI)
national ‘integrated’ ballistics information network (ATF/FBI)
paint data query (RCMP)
royal canadian mounted police
shoeprint image capture an retrieval (private)—- shoe and tire impressions
has to do with the law
civil law
agreements, contracts and obligations. thershold of guilt : preponderance of evidence (51%)
criminal law
statute (legal code) threshold of guilt: proof beyond reasonable doubt (90%)
procedural criminal law
set of rules that defines how criminal cases are handled
substantive criminal law
defines crimes and the punishments for those crimes
trier of law
trier of facts
mens rea+actus reus=corpus delicti
mental intent+ criminal act=crime
types of crime in order
purposeful, knowing, reckless, and neglegent
study of crime
standard/refrence sample
a sample of a known source
substrate control
an uncontaminated piece of surface material located near an area where physical evidence such as blood or DNA has been deposited
4th amendment
search and seizure. implied privacy. secure in their persons, houses, papers and effects
5th amendment
due process, double jeopardy, and self-incrimination. miranda rights- attorney and silent cant be tried of the same crime twice.
terry versus ohio
stop and frisk
new jersey versus TLO
schools have the right to search students based on reasonable suspicion
arrest warrant
has two parts, affidavit and warrant
search warrant
affidavit, warrant, return search warrant
statement of probable cause
obtaining search warrant
based on probable cause, written order by judge, be specific, should have enough info that someone who has nothing could serve warrant
four types of warrants
knock- majority
no knock- used when police could be put in danger
anticipatory- used when evidence is being transported
sneak and peak- used without residences knowledge (put cameras or mics in)
mincy versus arizona
undercover cop died at mincys house, 4 day warrantless search occurred, suspect didnt give consent and there was no warrant. they got convicted but it got over turned
michigan versus tyler
fire happened. arson investigators returned 4,7 and 25 days after and collected evidence. business owner got convicted but got over turned
cases pertaining to search warrants
michigan versus tyler and mincy versus arizona
mapp versus ohio
if evidence is collected in violation of the 4th amendement, it will be inamissable in court according to the exclusionary rule
exclusionary rule
prevents obtaining evidence illegally and using it in court
fruit of poisonous tree
everything found illegally is inmissable in court
frye versus u.s
determined results of polygraph cannot be used in court
frye standard
requires that the procedure, technique or principle is generally accepted by a large part of the relevant scientific community (ex, 9/10 agree polygraoh wasn’t valid)
daubert versus merrell dow pharamacutical
women was pregnant and sued dr bc they gave her drugs that caused complications. replaced frye standard with the daubert test
daubert test
the judge is the gatekeeper of evidence. basically frye but with more requirements
types of evidence
real/ physical and testimonial
physical/real evidence
class: can be matched to multiple,
individual: can be matched to only one
testimonial evidence
oral or recorded
body language
evidence can be classified in four different ways
direct, circumstantial, corroborative, cumulative
direct evidence
directly proves the suspects guilt