Карточки Conspiracy theories | Quizlet (copy)

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Conspiracy theory

  • The conspiracy theory suggests that aliens built the pyramids.

  • Many people believe in conspiracy theories about the government.

  • He came up with an elaborate conspiracy theory to explain the event.

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Conspiracy theory

  • The conspiracy theory suggests that aliens built the pyramids.

  • Many people believe in conspiracy theories about the government.

  • He came up with an elaborate conspiracy theory to explain the event.

теория заговора, конспирологическая теория, заговор

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  • The findings of the study were published in a scientific journal.

  • The police presented their findings to the public.

  • The findings of the committee were inconclusive.

находки, результаты, открытия

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Lateral thinking

  • Lateral thinking is a problem-solving technique that involves looking at problems in new ways.

  • She used lateral thinking to come up with a creative solution.

  • Lateral thinking can help break out of traditional thought patterns.

латеральное мышление, нестандартное мышление, творческое мышление

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Smoke and mirrors

  • The politician's speech was full of smoke and mirrors, distracting from the real issues.

  • The magician used smoke and mirrors to create the illusion of levitation.

  • The company's financial reports were accused of being smoke and mirrors, hiding the true state of affairs.

дымовая завеса, иллюзия, обман

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Sense of superiority

  • He had a strong sense of superiority over his colleagues.

  • The sense of superiority of the wealthy class was evident in their attitudes.

  • Her sense of superiority made it difficult for others to work with her.

чувство превосходства, высокомерие, самодовольство

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  • The student raised her hand to question the teacher's explanation.

  • He questioned the validity of the study's methodology.

  • It's important to question assumptions and think critically.

ставить под сомнение, задавать вопрос, оспаривать

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Catch on (with)

  • The new trend quickly began to catch on among young people.

  • The joke didn't catch on with the audience, who remained silent.

  • The idea failed to catch on with the public, despite initial enthusiasm.

приобретать популярность, распространяться, становиться модным

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Fall for

  • She fell for the scammer's tricks and lost money.

  • He fell for the salesperson's persuasive tactics and bought the product.

  • The audience fell for the magician's illusion, believing it was real.

попасться на удочку, поддаться, поверить, купиться

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  • The dark clouds in the sky had an ominous appearance, suggesting an approaching storm.

  • The ominous silence in the room made everyone feel uneasy.

  • The ominous news of the impending layoffs spread through the company.

зловещий, угрожающий, предвещающий беду

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To no avail

  • Despite their efforts, the search party looked for the missing hiker to no avail.

  • She tried to convince him to change his mind, but to no avail.

  • The doctor prescribed various treatments, but to no avail.

безрезультатно, напрасно, тщетно

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  • The dark clouds seemed to foreshadow the storm that was coming.

  • In her novel, the author used subtle hints to foreshadow the tragic ending.

  • His comments during the meeting foreshadowed the challenges the team would face.

, предвещать, предсказывать, намекать на

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