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What day was Barrett trapped in?
Wednesday, September 21st
What was the name of Barrett's original roommate and what college do they go to?
Christina Dearborn from Lincoln. Nebraska. University of Washington.
What was the name of Barrett's new roommate and nemesis from high school?
Lucie Lamont
How did Barrett get her name?
She was named after Elizabeth Barrett Browning after her mom's water broke sophomore year in the middle of her British Poetry class. Famous for "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways."
What class did everyone have potential in?
Physics 101
What is the name of Barrett's physics professor?
Dr. Sumi Okamoto
What is the name of the boy who was arguing with Barrett in physics?
Miles Kasher-Okamoto
Where did Barrett dream of working and have an interview for?
The Washingtonian
How was Mercer Island described?
A wealthy Seattle suburb where the public schools felt like private schools. Everybody basically belonged to a club although they were expensive. Home to Island High.
What religion is Barrett?
Jewish (Judaism)
How did the guy from the Reddit post describe his time loop experience?
He was at a cafe and saw a truck with the vanity license plate CHWBCCA drive by a total of six times followeed by the same guy pushing a double stroller with twin toddlers inside-- this repeated every 5 minutes until he left the cafe.
What was Jocelyn planning to do to Mollie? Who is Mollie?
Propose to Mollie. Mollie is Barrett's mom.
What did Barrett name her attempt to make Lucie friendly again?
Operation Make Lucie Love Me
What did Barrett do on September 20th?
Woke up, had cereal for breakfast, walked around campus, did laundry, lost a sock, had all-you-can-eat pasta from the cafe
What is Miles planning to double major in ?
Who calls Miles every day at 3:26 pm?
Max, his older brother
What does Barrett find on a neon yellow sticky note when going through archives in the newsrooms?
The address for Eloise Devereux
What does Miles want to do with Barrett once they escape September 21st
He wants them to go on a proper date like a winter date or a summer date
Where is the connection point for Miles and Barrett?
What do Miles and Barrett decide to do on their first official date on Friday, September 23rd?
They go see Pride and Prejudice at an art house theater downtown.
How old is Max?
When Miles was growing up, what was he not allowed to do?
Watch TV on the weekdays. He could watch TV on the weekends after he finished his homework.
What did Miles go through to find the best movies?
AFI list, IMDB, Rolling Stone
Where does Miles take Barrett that is off limits to only faculty and staff?
The rooftop garden
Who does Barrett compare Miles to when she finds out he breaks rules?
Richard Feynman
What is Lucie's favorite color?
What did Miles and Barrett have in common with their loops
They both woke up at 6:50 every morning
What is LHC?
Large Hadron Collider
Names of famous journalists on Barrett's walls
Jia Tolentino, Reggy Orenstein, Nora Ephron
What time was the mystery man arguing with Barrett in Physics 101 when they first met?
8:47 am
How many science libraries does UW have and which is the most hated?
3, physics library
How much money does Miles donate to saving the Gophers?
On what day does Barrett finally decide to work with Miles?
Day 8
What are the three numbers Barrett know by heart?
Her mom's, the landline she hasn't used since she was 8, and Miles Kasher Okamoto
What was Miles' relationship to Dr. Okamoto?
He was her son
Who does Barrett catch crying in the staircase?
Who did Barrett pepper-spray that was in the bushes?
Freshman year, what did Lucie and Barrett do a crash course in?
AP Stylebook
What does Barrettt wear on her first day on her time loop?
Long skirt, floral tee, tassel earrings
What did Lucie do to her and Barrett's room after the Zeta Kappa party? Where does Barrett stay the night?
Lucie dead bolted the door. Barrett stayed in the common area
What did Barrett compare her setting the Zeta Kappa house on fire to?
High School
What did Barrett start at the Zeta Kappa frat party?
A fire
What is the name of the boy Barrett met at the Zeta Kappa party who called her fat?
What sorority was Lucie's mom in?
Gamma Tau
What is the name of the frat that Barrett and Miles went to a party at?
Zeta Kappa
Why did Barrett fall in love with newspaper and writing?
In 7th grade she was eating lunch alone and then an 8th grader approached her and asked her some questions for the school paper
What was the uncomfortable truth Barrett had during her interview?
She was socially awkward-- she didn't know how to talk to people as easily as other people could
What happened at island High that caused people to hate Barrett?
She wrote an article about the scandals of the Tennis team and caused many of them to lose their scholarships such as Blaine Walker, Lucie's boyfriend and Cole's brother
What was the hashtag created after Barrett's viriginity became a joke? Why was it created?
#deblommed. She was deflowered and because her last name was Bloom, it fit perfectly. People would leave flowers in her locker and on her desk in classes.
Who was Eloise Devereux?
An old professor from UW who taught a 400 level physics class known as Time Travel for Beginners. She left and tried to be erased from the internet because people called her class fraudulent.
Where did Ella Devereux live?
Astoria, Oregon
What is Dr. Okamoto's life story?
She was born in Dallas to first-generation Japanese parents and met Miles' dad in grad school. They had a baby, Max, and a couple years later, Miles. She taught at UT until tenure-track positions in physics opened at UW.
What book does Miles make Barrett read in the library and what does he tell her that warms her heart?
Black Holes and Baby Universes by Stephen Hawking. He says "I like you."
What is Miles favorite genre of films? Where did Barrett take him to experience artifacts from these films?
Period Pieces, a museum in Canada
What was Barrett's first concert?
Backstreet Boys' 20th anniversary tour
What does Barrett spill on Miles when he comes over for them to watch a movie?
What artist does someone recommend the marching band to play and what song do they play?
Lady Gaga; Bad Romance
What's something Miles always wanted to do?
Take a 400 level physics class
What does Barrett allow Miles to do when they're on a flight?
Hold her hand
What do Barrett and Miles create in the drained pool in the drama building?
A ball pit
What was the name of the ice cream truck Miles is driving?
The Big Freeze
Who did Barrett see at the ice cream truck where she and Miles were serving free ice cream?
Cole Walker
Things Barrett wanted to experience at college
Hillel and Shabbat
What is the most important holiday to Miles' family?
What is Barrett's grandma's name?
What is the ugliest library on campus?
What does Barrett find out about Christina the computer nerd?
She was supposed to be Barrett's roommate but they wrongfully assigned her because she's a sophomore and Olmsted was a freshman-only dorm.
What was the name of Lucie's parents' sight?
Elsewhere Foundation
What does Lucie want to major in?