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Reparations from Brest-Livostk
3 billion roubles
Brest Litovsk Terms
26% of railways
74% of iron and coal
1/6 of land (produced 1/3 of produce)
B-: Treaty politics
Lenin threatened TWICE to resign
Kamenev, Bukharin + Dzerzhinsky voted against
5th Jan 1918
constituency surrounded by red guards and members barred from entering
Led to 12 shot in protests
Cheka’s Growth
Dec 1918 - 120 employees
1921- 143,000
People killed in labour camps in 1918
Move to gregorian calendar
Feb 1918
July 1918
Russian constitution
Vote/office reserved for toiling masses
Workers’ vote 5:1 against peasants in election to Congress
Congress only met at intervals - exec authority stayed within Bol dominated Sovnarkom
Socialisation of Land
Major SR policy
Land given to those who wanted it (not profit)
boosted Bol peasant support + helped remove appeal for SRs
March 1918 Rebrand
Bolsheviks took title of ‘Communist Party’
Single party state (left SRs walked out over treaty of B-L)
all other groups seen as enemies
29th Oct - rail strike
June 1918 = decree for the nationalisation of rail
All other political parties banned
decree on the press
Oct 1917
banned opposition newspapers
When did the sovnarkom become officially one party
SRs walked out over the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk
Est 1917 by the sovnarkom to manage nationalised industries