history exam 3

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Most northern abolition laws _________________

Only promised to liberate future children born to an enslaved mother

Only promised to free women currently enslaved

Only promised to free elderly slaves

Only promised to transfer slaves to lifelong indentured servitude

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Most northern abolition laws _________________

Only promised to liberate future children born to an enslaved mother

Only promised to free women currently enslaved

Only promised to free elderly slaves

Only promised to transfer slaves to lifelong indentured servitude


Only promised to liberate future children born to an enslaved mother

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Which of these states had slaves until the end of the Civil War?


New York

New Jersey


New Jersey

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Which of the following had the greatest impact on the spread of slavery?

Haitian Revolution

Invention of the cotton gin

Growth of the American textile industry

Louisiana Purchase

invention of the cotton gin

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Economic catastrophes occurred in all of the following years EXCEPT






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The Erie Canal connected industry and consumers in the east with what group?

Southern planters

Canadian fur traders

Midwestern farmers

New England fishers

Midwestern farmers

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The steamboat most benefited which of the following cities?

New York City 


St. Louis


New York City

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What was the initial purpose of the legal status of incorporation?

To fund projects for the public good

To aid the development of American merchants in relation to their European competitors

To form the Second Bank of the United States

To help workers as they tried to form unions

To fund projects for the public good

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The market revolution brought an innovation in labor practices called “piece work.” What is the piece work system?

Use of skilled, industrialized union labor

Division of production into discrete steps performed by different workers

A system where laborers in manufacturing typically worked at every stage of production

Employment of young girls in highly supervised factory towns

Division of production into discrete steps performed by different workers

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During which era was a laborer LEAST likely to live with their employer




There was little change in the living situation of most laborers during these eras


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How did the market revolution change the nature of the American family?

The domestic sphere increasingly signified a family’s class status

Educated, wealthy women began to entire the workforce

Americans began to value the idea of childhood less

Divorce became more common

The domestic sphere increasingly signified a family’s class status

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Which group of women was most likely to work outside of the home in antebellum America?

Poor women

Middle class women

Upper class women

Very few women worked outside of the home, regardless of class

Poor women

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Irish immigrants to the United States typically settled in what areas?

Northeastern cities

Midwestern farming communities

Southern cities

Backcountry rural communities

Northeastern cities

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Germans settled in an area of the country known as the German Triangle. The triangle included all three of these cities EXCEPT




St. Louis


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The nativist “Know-Nothing Party,” also known as the American Party, was strongest in what region?

The South

Northern cities

Midwestern rural communities

Mississippi River Valley

Northern cities

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In the 1840s the New England Association of Farmers, Mechanics and Other Workingmen organized to agitate for what cause?

To gain access to public education

To create public healthcare options

To limit the workday to ten hours per day

To ban child labor

To limit the workday to ten hours per day

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All of the following groups were disliked by nativists EXCEPT:

Irish Catholics

recent immigrants




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All of the following statements about immigration from 1840-1860 are true EXCEPT:

most immigrants settled in either New England or the mid-Atlantic region

immigrants provided a large source of labor that helped fuel industrial development

Irish-Americans generally experienced better living conditions than German-Americans

immigrants in urban areas tended to live in neighborhoods based on ethnic ties

Irish-Americans generally experienced better living conditions than German-Americans

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America's first large-scale, planned city for the sole purpose of manufacturing was:

Lowell, Massachusetts

Buffalo, New York

Rochester, New York

Reading, Pennsylvania

Lowell, Massachusetts

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An aspect of the new middle class was:

the drop in percentage of middle-class Americans

their hostility toward capitalism

the separation of the home from work interests

their rejection of status symbols

the separation of the home from work interests

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Conditions in towns that used the Waltham system included all of the following EXCEPT:

mandatory church attendance

access to New England's finest public schools

long hours and low wages

strict curfews

access to New England's finest public schools

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During the 1840s,

rail connections helped establish close economic ties between the Northeast and South

railroads became the most dynamic booster of interregional trade

canals moved trade much faster and for less capital investment than railroads

canals emerged as the most efficient form of commercial transportation

railroads became the most dynamic booster of interregional trade

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In Gibbons v. Ogden, the Supreme Court ruled that:

states could not restrict trade within their jurisdictions

rail companies could not purchase farmland without the consent of farmers

the national government had no say in supervising interstate commerce

monopolies were better for the public good than open competition

states could not restrict trade within their jurisdictions

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The American Temperance Society concerned itself mainly with:

changing American attitudes toward alcohol

changing American attitudes towards former slaves

changing American attitudes towards temperament and personality

None of the above

changing American attitudes toward alcohol

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The court system's support of corporate rights to eminent domain meant that:

canals could only be constructed with capital provided by the federal government

investors were protected from creditors if a corporation went bankrupt

interstate commerce could not be supervised by the federal government

corporations could purchase "rights of way" land whenever they needed it

corporations could purchase "rights of way" land whenever they needed it

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The first political demands for free tax-supported schools originated with:

the American Tract Society

the American Female Moral Reform Society

the Workingmen's movement

the American Temperance Society

the Workingmen's movement

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The most notorious slum in New York City during the 1800s was:


Greenwich Village

Five Points

Hell's Kitchen

Five Points

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The cult of domesticity emphasized that:

women should preserve religion and the morals of a family

Christians must be reborn before they can understand God

members of the elite were enemies of true religion

industrial production was not as suitable as household industries

women should preserve religion and the morals of a family

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The putting-out system:

was the foundation of the first large-scale factories in Pittsburgh

created a business relationship between merchants and household artisans

did not develop until the years just before the Civil War

gave property-owners the right to evict tenants from specific ethnic groups

created a business relationship between merchants and household artisans

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This place was considered a showcase for the transcendentalist philosophy of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

West Roxbury Farm

Fourierist community

Brook Farm

New Harmony

Brook Farm

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What is the best description of an artisan?

an unskilled laborer in a large factory

a skilled craftsmen who makes things by hand

an ethnic immigrant that provides a cheap source of labor

a gentleman farmer

a skilled craftsmen who makes things by hand

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Which of the following denominations benefitted the least from the Second Great Awakening?






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What was the term for a region greatly affected by the revivals of the Second Great Awakening?

Bible Belt

Burned Over District


Promised Land

Burned Over District

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Which of the following statements best describes the status of Calvinism during the Second Great Awakening?

Americans were turning toward Calvinism during the Second Great Awakening

Americans were turning away from Calvinism during the Second Great Awakening

Calvinism had disappeared before the American Revolution, but it began to make a comeback during the revivals of the Second Great Awakening

The Second Great Awakening only took place among Calvinist churches

Americans were turning away from Calvinism during the Second Great Awakening

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How did the Second Great Awakening promote “spiritual egalitarianism?”

Occasionally providing women with opportunities to openly express themselves and participate in spiritual communities

Expressing equal concern for white and black people’s spiritual salvation

Flouting the codes of self-restraint prescribed by upper-class elites

All of the above

All of the above

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Transcendentalism initially began among which group?

German theologians

English poets

American clergymen

Irish reformers

American clergymen

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Which of the following ideals represented an American innovation in nineteenth-century Atlantic intellectual trends?

Artistic appreciation

Orientation toward the future rather than the past

Spiritual experience

Aspects of human existence not easily explained by reason or logic

Orientation toward the future rather than the past

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Which of the following social changes enabled women to take prominent roles in social reform movements?

Women participated in reform, but they did not hold positions of prominence until after the Civil War

The return of Calvinism led to a loosening of gender roles

As women moved outside the household, they were able to devote time to other causes

The growth of racism elevated white women as necessary bulwarks against the dangers of black communities

As women moved outside the household, they were able to devote time to other causes

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Which of the following descriptions most accurately describes “disinterested benevolence?”

Truly redeemed Christians should be motivated to live free of sin and reflect the perfection of God himself

Christianity requires that a person give up self-love in favor of loving others

It was the duty of converted Christians to improve the world around them in order to pave the way for Christ’s redeeming return

The Celebration of individual artistic inspiration, personal spiritual experience, and aspects of human existence not easily explained by reason or logic


Christianity requires that a person give up self-love in favor of loving others

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Which benevolent movement enjoyed the most success during the 1820s?



Women’s Rights

Prison Reform


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American antislavery shifted from gradualism to immediatism during which decade?






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Which of the following had the greatest influence on William Lloyd Garrison’s move from gradualism to immediatism?

A religious conversion at a revival led by Charles Graddison Finney

His first meeting with Frederick Douglass

Reading fiery tracts penned by black northerners David Walker and James Forten

His marriage to a radical abolitionist

Reading fiery tracts penned by black northerners David Walker and James Forten

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The “Gag Rule” was designed to eliminate the voice of which group in Congress?

Proslavery advocates





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What was the primary cause of the 1839 division in the American Antislavery Society?

Theological disputes

Personal rivalries

Tensions between abolitionists in the Midwest and abolitionists in the Northeast

Disagreements over the usefulness of electoral politics and the importance of women’s rights

 Disagreements over the usefulness of electoral politics and the importance of women’s rights

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Female activists used which of the following expectations of gender to justify social activism?

Women were expected to produce wages for the purpose of family stability, and slavery drove wages down

Women were some of the most vocal supporters of manifest destiny and many feared that slave holders were consuming too much land in the West

Women were expected to be the moral caretakers of the home and therefore it was their duty to speak out on moral issues

Most teachers were women; therefore, women were understood to be more educated than men. Because of this education, women spoke with authority on social issues

Women were expected to be the moral caretakers of the home and therefore it was their duty to speak out on moral issues

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Which of the following came first?

Women organized petition writing campaigns

Women began forming antislavery societies

Questions over the role of women activists divided the World Antislavery Convention

Women held the Seneca Falls Convention

Women began forming antislavery societies

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All of the following statements about Denmark Vesey's planned rebellion are true EXCEPT:

the plan failed because it did not direct the rebels to seize specific buildings

Vesey encouraged rebels by telling them that a conjurer had cast spells on enemies

Vesey had read the Bible and was aware of antislavery sentiments expressed in Congress

whites executed or banished over 70 conspirators and destroyed a black church

the plan failed because it did not direct the rebels to seize specific buildings

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All of the following statements about Nat Turner are true EXCEPT:

the first person caught in his rebellion was his master

he was a literate field hand who had read the Bible

he believed that signs from heaven revealed he was to do God's work against slavery

he was caught and executed within two days by authorities in Virginia

he was caught and executed within two days by authorities in Virginia

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All of the following statements about black codes are true EXCEPT:

they existed in the North as well as the South

they applied only to slaves and not free blacks

they denied blacks the right to testify against whites

they denied blacks of nearly all rights as citizens

they applied only to slaves and not free blacks

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All of the following statements about slave codes are true EXCEPT:

they authorized whippings as a common form of punishment

many slave states declared it was illegal to teach slaves to read or write

they were only enacted in the cotton kingdom of the Lower South

most codes did not recognize marriages between slaves as legal

 they were only enacted in the cotton kingdom of the Lower South

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Most free blacks in the South lived in:

South Carolina

the Lower South


the Upper South

the Upper South

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Over 60 whites in Virginia were killed in a rebellion led by:

Thomas Day

Denmark Vesey

Gabriel Prosser

Nat Turner

Nat Turner

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Slaves who converted to Christianity discovered:

that its monotheism was similar to religions in West Africa

very little connection between the Old Testament and their lives

that owners often let them worship without the presence of whites

a powerful message of equality that deemed slavery to be immoral

a powerful message of equality that deemed slavery to be immoral

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Southern evangelicals who supported slavery used all of the following to support their arguments, EXCEPT:

the preaching of the apostles to adhere to secular laws, including those regarding slavery

the teachings of Jesus as presented in the Bible

the slave-owning patriarchs of Israel

the prevalence of slavery in the Roman Empire in the first century A.D

the teachings of Jesus as presented in the Bible

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Southern planters believed that the system of slavery would be weakened by:

government subsidies

the use of short-staple cotton

an increase in the internal slave trade

urbanization and industrialization

urbanization and industrialization

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The housing of slaves revealed that:

slaves' homes were larger than middle-class dwellings of the North

housing was meager and provided little more than basic shelter

owners, in this area, tried to create an atmosphere of individuality

owners tried to keep slaves pleased about their living conditions

housing was meager and provided little more than basic shelter

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The most-valued slaves in the slave market of 1815-1850 were male field hands and:

older males who had years of experience working in cotton fields of the Lower South

females of child-bearing age used as a means of increasing the slave population

older females who acted as matriarchs within slave communities

males who possessed the skills of an artisan such as carpentry and engraving

females of child-bearing age used as a means of increasing the slave population

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Which of the following is NOT a state in the Lower South?

North Carolina




North Carolina

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Which religious group was largely involved in beginning the Underground Railroad?

Southern Presbyterians

Irish Catholics




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Which statement about the wives of southern planters is not true?

They often assisted in the religious instruction of slaves

They were never allowed to be familiar with the financial accounts of the plantation

In many respects, they worked harder than their husbands

They commonly felt anger regarding their husband's affairs with female slaves

They were never allowed to be familiar with the financial accounts of the plantation

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Yeoman farmers of the Lower South:

wanted to limit the authority of government

bolstered the northern economy by buying many factory-made goods

never allowed their wives or daughters to work in the fields

acted with great deference towards planters

wanted to limit the authority of government

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What cleared the way for eastern people to resettle in the Deep South?

Missouri Compromise of 1820

Tariff of Abominations

Indian Removal Act of 1830

The Civil War

 Indian Removal Act of 1830

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By 1860, cotton exports made up ____ of all American exports






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Which of the following numbers is closest to the number of enslaved people living in the South in 1860?



2 million

4 million

 4 million

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In the decades before the Civil War, between one-fifth and one-third of all slave marriages were broken up via _________.

Sale or forced migration

Divorce or separation

Masters requiring remarriage to different partners


 Sale or forced migration

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What was the impact of Nat Turner’s rebellion?

Black-led churches were broken up

Anti-literacy laws increased

Transformed southern religion

All the above

 All the above

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All the following southern crops required cities to facilitate export, marketing, and/or storage EXCEPT:




All these crops required cities for export, marketing, and/or storage


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Where was the Southern middle class the strongest?

Rural communities

Southern cities

Isolated islands off the Gulf Coast


 Southern cities

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In which region was ethnic homogeneity the strongest among enslaved people?


Appalachian Ridge

North Florida

Coastal South Carolina

Coastal South Carolina

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Which African country was founded by African Americans?

Sierra Leone





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Why did Celia kill her enslaver?

To escape rape

To protect her husband

To protect her property

She was blamed for a murder she did not commit

To escape rape

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What happened to Nat Turner?

Escaped to the North


Sold into slavery in the Caribbean

His body was never found


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How did evangelicalism influence racial relations in the U.S. South?

Reinforced proslavery ideas

Increased the prevalence of Protestantism among African Americans

Created bi-racial congregations

All the above

 All the above

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What was the function of southern dueling?

Demonstrating the superiority of one man over another

Preserving the honor of both participants

financial disputes in a manner more efficient than litigation

Resisting the oppression of southern religion

 Preserving the honor of both participants

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Which of the following best describes the relationship of femininity and domesticity in the South?

Domesticity limited the opportunities of wealthy white women to engage in the public sphere

Domesticity opened opportunities of wealthy white women to engage in the public sphere

Domesticity played a very small role in the lives of white women

Domesticity was only applied to African American women

Domesticity limited the opportunities of wealthy white women to engage in the public sphere

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In a world of racialized violence and dominance, southern society sought to protect the sexual purity of

Black women

Black men

White women

White men

White women

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A consistent pattern of movement into the Old Northwest was:

less antagonism regarding the issue of slavery because virtually all migrants to the Old Northwest were members of the Whig Party

the tendency of northerners and southerners to settle, respectively, in northern and southern sections of the Old Northwest

to bypass attempts to become a small freeholder, and buy large amounts of cheap land in the attempt to establish a commercial farm

the loss of northern and southern cultural practices and identities as migrants settled without considering regional concerns

the tendency of northerners and southerners to settle, respectively, in northern and southern sections of the Old Northwest.

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Before 1850, who was the dominant power on the north and central Great Plains?

the Cherokees who had been removed from their homeland

the warrior-hunters of the Sioux tribe

whites who had migrated from the South

the United States cavalry

 the warrior-hunters of the Sioux tribe

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In the early part of the nineteenth century, the largest concentration of Indians in the Southwest region was in:




New Mexico


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Manifest Destiny was used to justify:

the acquisition of foreign territories in the late 1890s

America's entry into World War II

America's entry into World War I

America's involvement in Vietnam

the acquisition of foreign territories in the late 1890s

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Migration into the Old Northwest was characterized by:

a rapid period of movement that slowed after the War of 1812

the spreading of the many folkways of migrants from the East

the dominant spread of commercial farming in the region

not enough land in the East

the spreading of the many folkways of migrants from the East

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Results of the Mexican War included all of the following EXCEPT:

the American acquisition of Alta California and New Mexico

a 15-million dollar "war guilt" payment made by Mexico to the United States

the American acquisition of territory north of the Rio Grande in Texas

the granting of U.S. citizenship to Mexicans living in newly acquired territories

a 15-million dollar "war guilt" payment made by Mexico to the United States

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The Comanches were known for:

their refusal to use firearms in their method of warfare

the adobe homes that they constructed in Arizona and New Mexico

growing beans, corn, and wheat through intensive agriculture

being master horsemen and among the greatest warriors in the West

being master horsemen and among the greatest warriors in the West

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The Mexican army annihilated defenders at:

San Jacinto and Mexico City

the Nueces River and the Alamo

the Alamo and San Jacinto

the Alamo and Goliad

 the Alamo and Goliad

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The greatest cause of the 5,000 deaths that occurred on the Oregon Trail was:

Indian raids

lack of water




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The results of the Fort Laramie Treaty included:

only a brief standoff between the Sioux and the U.S. government

a thirty-year period of peace between the Sioux and whites

the purchase of the entire Great Plains by the U.S. government

more respect for the religion of the Sioux by whites

only a brief standoff between the Sioux and the U.S. government

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What pattern in the location of slavery occurred in the period of 1790-1860?

An increase in the overall percentage of slavery located in the South Atlantic region

A large movement of slavery from the South Atlantic to the Old Southwest

A rejection of the use of slavery in the Old Southwest while it increased elsewhere

A decrease in the use of slaves in both the South Atlantic and Old Southwest regions

A large movement of slavery from the South Atlantic to the Old Southwest

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What were the two products traded by branches of the Sioux tribe at the yearly trade fair?

horses and beaver pelts

beaver pelts and buffalo robes

corn and rifles

buffalo robes and corn

beaver pelts and buffalo robes

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Which practice did settlers bring to Texas that was illegal under Mexican law?

land speculation

commercial farming

the sale of huge tracts of land



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Which statement about Mexico's approach to early American settlers in Texas is not true?

The Mexican government required that settlers promise to accept Mexican citizenship

The Mexican government saw the Americans as protection against Indian attacks

The Mexican government asked that settlers promise to convert to Catholicism

The Mexican government sold land only in small portions to American settlers

The Mexican government sold land only in small portions to American settlers

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White settlement in Oregon had all of the following effects on the Cayuses Indians EXCEPT:

the rejection of Christianity by the Cayuses

the use of the Cayuses as farm laborers for whites

the spread of a virulent measles epidemic

the eventual extermination of the Cayuses

the use of the Cayuses as farm laborers for whites

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The idea of Manifest Destiny meant which of the following?

The strength of American values and institutions justified moral claims to leadership

Lands on the North American continent west of the Mississippi River (and later into the Caribbean) were destined for political and agricultural improvement

God and the Constitution ordained an irrepressible destiny to accomplish redemption and democratization

All of the above

All of the above

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Seminole Indians were aided by what group during the Second Seminole War?

Cherokee Indians

Free blacks and escaped slaves

Spanish royal forces

British merchants

Free blacks and escaped slaves

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Why did Andrew Jackson, and most Americans, support Indian Removal?

Give white farmers access to fertile soil

Make it easier for Indians to convert to Christianity

Freeing up land for mining

All of the above

All of the above

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Tribal nations west of the Mississippi blended traditional cultural practices, including common land systems, with western practices including which of the following?

Constitutional governments

Public schools


All of the above

All of the above

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Which of the following Native American groups most troubled Mexican authorities?






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What was the “cult of true womanhood?”

Social standards that emphasized piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness

An idea that challenged the notion of separate spheres

A radical religious group that advocated spiritual equality and sexual abstinence

A widely read poem that explained the role of women in a democratic society

Social standards that emphasized piety, purity, domesticity, and submissiveness

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What was Mexico’s position on slavery immediately prior to the Texas Revolution?

Protecting slavery was a major cause of the Mexican Independence movement, so the Mexican government adopted a number of laws to protect and expand slaveholding

The Mexican government protected slavery and imprisoned abolitionists

There were hardly any slaves in Mexico, but it remained legal and rare through the 1850s

Mexico abolished slavery in 1829

Mexico abolished slavery in 1829

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Why didn’t the United States immediately annex Texas?

The U.S. feared that doing so would provoke a war with Mexico, as Mexico never fully acknowledged Texas independence

Concerns about the imbalance of adding a large slave state

Both because of concerns regarding war with Mexico and imbalance of adding a large slave state

The United States did annex Texas as soon as the Revolution was completed

Both because of concerns regarding war with Mexico and imbalance of adding a large slave state

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What was the specific spark that ignited the Mexican-American War?

The United States annexed Texas and Mexico invaded

The United States withdrew its ambassador from Mexico and Mexico invaded

America soldiers invaded Mexico in hopes of forcing the sale of California

Mexican cavalrymen attacked U.S. soldiers in the disputed territory of the Nueces Strip

Mexican cavalrymen attacked U.S. soldiers in the disputed territory of the Nueces Strip

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What term best describes newspaper coverage of the Mexican-American War?




All of the above


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