cardiovascular diseases, cancer, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus
4 major NCD
4 major NCD, chronic diseases and lifestyle related disease
Integrated community-based non-communicable diseases (NCD) prevention and control program aimed at preventing the
globalization and social change
What influences the spread of NCD
tobacco smoking, physical inactivity, unhealthy diet
3 major risk factors
health educator
Essential toll to achieve community health
inform the people, motivate the people and guide the people into action
3 aims of health educator
cardiovascular disease
Disease of the heart and blood vessels
defined as sustained elevation in mean arterial pressure.
family history, age, high salt intake, obesity, excessive alcohol drinking
5 etiology of hypertension
proper nutrition, avoid being obese, regular check up
give atleast 3 prevention of hypertension
less than 120 over less than 80 in JNC
less than 120 over less than 80 in AHA/ACC
120-129 over less than 80 in JNC
elevated bp
120-129 over less than 80 in ACC/AHA
stage 2 hypertension
less than or equal to 160 over less than or equal to 120 in JNC
stage 2 hypertension
less than or equal to 160 over less than or equal to 120 in ACC/AHA
130-139 over 80-89 in JNC
stage 1 hypertension
130-139 over 80-89 in ACC/AHA
stage 1 hypertension
140-159 over 90-99 in JNC
stage 2 hypertension
140-159 over 90-99 in ACC/AHA
coronary artery disease
It is a heart disease caused by impaired coronary blood flow
ischemic heart disease
CAD is also known as
what occurs when there is decreased oxygen supply to the heart muscle?
chest pain
myocardial infarction
heart attack
thickening of inside wall of arteries due to fat
there is a high level of cholesterol in blood
atherosclerosis occurs when
etiology of CAD
high ldl, smoking, obesity, physical inactivity, stress
5 modifiable risk factors of CAD
family history, age, gender
3 non modifiable risk factors of CAD
physical activity, exercise, limiting salt intake, prevent being overweight
atleast 4 key prevention of CAD
healthy, fatty streak, fibrofatty plaque, complicated plaque
4 stages of atherosclerosis
cerebrovascular disease
stroke is also known as
cerebrovascular disease
Loss of alteration of bodily function that results from an insufficient supply of blood to some parts of the brain
thrombolytic stroke, embolic stroke, hemorragic stroke
3 etiology of cerebrovascular disease
hemorragic stroke
most fatal type of stroke, rupture of intracerebral blood vessel
embolic stroke
caused by a moving blood clot usually from a thrombus in the left heart that becomes lodged in a small artery through which it cannot pass
thrombolytic stroke
usually occurs in atherosclerotic blood vessel commonly seen in older people.
age, smoking, climate
atleast 3 risk factors of stroke
smoking cessation, limit alcohol consumption, avoid drug abuse
atleast 3 prevention of stroke