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case study
scientific investigation in which a single subject is studied in great detail
a technique for ascertaining the self-reported attitudes or behaviors of people, usually by questioning a representative, random sample of them
random sample
a sample in which every element in the population has an equal chance of being selected
naturalistic observation
observing and recording behavior in naturally occurring situations without trying to manipulate and control the situation
a measure of the extent to which two factors vary together, and thus of how well either factor predicts the other
a research method in which an investigator manipulates one or more factors to observe the effect on some behavior or mental process
random assignment
assigning participants to experimental and control conditions by chance, thus minimizing preexisting differences between those assigned to the different groups
experimental group
A subject or group of subjects in an experiment that is exposed to the factor or condition being tested.
control group
the group that does not receive the experimental treatment.
placebo effect
a change in a participant's illness or behavior that results from a belief that the treatment will have an effect, rather than the actual treatment
when subjects do not know which experimental group they are in
this term describes an experiment in which neither the subjects nor the experimenter knows whether a subject is a member of the experimental group or the control group
independent variable
variable that is changed in an experiment
dependent variable
the variable that is measured in an experiment
Wilhelm Wundt
german physiologist who founded psychology as a formal science; opened first psychology research laboratory in 1879
Sigmund Freud
Austrian neurologist who originated psychoanalysis (1856-1939)
John B. Watson
American psychologist who founded behaviorism, emphasizing the study of observable behavior and rejecting the study of mental processes
school of psychology that studies only observable and measurable behavior
humanistic psychology
An approach to understanding human nature that emphasizes the positive potential of human beings
cognitive neuroscience
the interdisciplinary study of the brain activity linked with cognition (including perception, thinking, memory, and language)
hindsight bias
The tendency to believe, after learning an outcome, that one would have foreseen it
illusory correlation
The perception of a relationship where none exists
an educated guess
operational definition
a description of an experimental variable in such a way that the variable can be measured and the procedure can be replicated
the repetition of an experiment in order to test the validity of its conclusion