Chinese Measure Words

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一个 (yí ge)

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一个 (yí ge)

a measure word for nouns that do not have specific measure words.

<p>a measure word for nouns that do not have specific measure words.</p>
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一本 (yì běn)

a measure word for a book, a notebook, diary

<p>a measure word for a book, a notebook, diary</p>
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一件 (yí jiàn)

a measure word for a piece of clothing (upper-body)

<p>a measure word for a piece of clothing (upper-body)</p>
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一条 (yì tiáo)

a measure word for something elongated and narrow, including long thin animals, lower-body clothes (e.g. pants , neck tie , belt , river 河, fish , snake, etc.)

<p>a measure word for something elongated and narrow, including long thin animals, lower-body clothes (e.g. pants , neck tie , belt , river 河, fish , snake, etc.)</p>
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一双 (yì shuāng)

a measure word for a pair of shoes , socks , chopsticks

<p>a measure word for a pair of shoes , socks , chopsticks</p>
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一顶 (yì dǐng)

a measure word for a hat or cap

<p>a measure word for a hat or cap</p>
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一支 (yì zhī)

a measure word for a small "stick-shaped" thing (e.g. pencil, brush )

<p>a measure word for a small &quot;stick-shaped&quot; thing (e.g. pencil, brush )</p>
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一座 (yī zuò)

a measure word for cities, buildings, mountains

<p>a measure word for cities, buildings, mountains</p>
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一所 (yī suǒ)

a measure word for houses, institutions

<p>a measure word for houses, institutions</p>
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一场 (yī chǎng)

a measure word for activities

<p>a measure word for activities</p>
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一只 (yì zhī)

a measure word for small pets and some animals, e.g. cat ,dog , mouse, and birds

<p>a measure word for small pets and some animals, e.g. cat ,dog , mouse, and birds</p>
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一头 (yì tóu)

a measure word for big animals (e.g. cow, pig, sheep)

<p>a measure word for big animals (e.g. cow, pig, sheep)</p>
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一张 (yì zhāng)

a measure word for something flat (e.g. paper , a table , a picture )

<p>a measure word for something flat (e.g. paper , a table , a picture )</p>
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一台 (yì tái)

a measure word for a television or a computer

<p>a measure word for a television or a computer</p>
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一辆 (yí liàng)

a measure word for 2 or 4 wheels transportation (e.g. bicycle ,bus etc.)

<p>a measure word for 2 or 4 wheels transportation (e.g. bicycle ,bus etc.)</p>
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一班 (yì bān)

scheduled services (e.g. trains, bus, etc.), group of people, a class as in pupils

<p>scheduled services (e.g. trains, bus, etc.), group of people, a class as in pupils</p>
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一位 (yí weì)

a measure word for person (when this word is used, you don't need to add "人" - to show respect)

<p>a measure word for person (when this word is used, you don&apos;t need to add &quot;人&quot; - to show respect)</p>
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一杯 (yì bēi)

"cup/glass" liquids (e.g. water, milk )

<p>&quot;cup/glass&quot; liquids (e.g. water, milk )</p>
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一瓶 (yì píng)

"bottles" liquids (e.g. water)

<p>&quot;bottles&quot; liquids (e.g. water)</p>
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一颗 (yì kē)

a measure word for something round (e.g. fruit, candy)

<p>a measure word for something round (e.g. fruit, candy)</p>
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一盒 (yī hé)

a measure word for a box of small objects (e.g. cookies, paperclips, Lego pieces )

<p>a measure word for a box of small objects (e.g. cookies, paperclips, Lego pieces )</p>
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一间 (yì jiān)

a measure word for a room (e.g. classroom , bedroom, store)

<p>a measure word for a room (e.g. classroom , bedroom, store)</p>
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一家 (yì jiā)

a measure word for a business (e.g. restaurant , hotel , hospital)

<p>a measure word for a business (e.g. restaurant , hotel , hospital)</p>
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一口 (yī kǒu)

a measure word for members of families

<p>a measure word for members of families</p>
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一节 (yī jié)

a measure word for lessons

<p>a measure word for lessons</p>
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一块 (yī kuài)

a measure word for money

<p>a measure word for money</p>
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一把 (yī bǎ)

a measure word for chairs, keys (for sth. with a handle)

<p>a measure word for chairs, keys (for sth. with a handle)</p>
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一片 (yī piàn)

a measure word for think/leaf like objects

<p>a measure word for think/leaf like objects</p>
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一朵 (yī duǒ)

a measure word for flowers

<p>a measure word for flowers</p>
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一份 (yī fèn)

a measure word for newspaper, gifts, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc.

<p>a measure word for newspaper, gifts, magazine, papers, reports, contracts etc.</p>
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一扇 (yī shàn)

a measure word for doors, windows.

<p>a measure word for doors, windows.</p>
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一套 (yī tào)

a measure word for books, furniture, rooms, flat)

<p>a measure word for books, furniture, rooms, flat)</p>
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一匹 (yī pǐ)

a measure word for horses, mules, etc.

<p>a measure word for horses, mules, etc.</p>
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